
After the Kazakh riots, there was a mysterious "big winner"! New Prime Minister Ali Khan, what's the matter?

author:Boyansha baby face
After the Kazakh riots, there was a mysterious "big winner"! New Prime Minister Ali Khan, what's the matter?

At the peak of power in the riots, Ali Khan Smaylov was the big winner of the uprising in Kazakhstan.

Born in 1972, the elegant uncle sat in the second place of power in Kazakhstan – the current President Tokayev appointed him the new prime minister of Kazakhstan.

As Littlefinger in Game of Thrones says, chaos is the ladder of power. Ali Khan really staged a drama of seeking progress in chaos.

However, if you search for this "winner" in the Chinese media, you can hardly find any resume, it can be seen that this "rising star" did not have much sense of existence in the field of international political research before, and his soaring sky can be regarded as another black swan event.

I compiled the Russian-language media reports and academic materials to barely piece together the path to power of the chaotic winner.

After the Kazakh riots, there was a mysterious "big winner"! New Prime Minister Ali Khan, what's the matter?

First, the fate of the "mathematical genius" turns around

Ali Khan's career did not start in politics. If we had asked Ali Khan in 1990 about his "future life plan," he would have most likely replied, "Become a mathematician."

As early as middle school, he showed outstanding mathematical talent and was called "mathematical genius" by his classmates.

In his native Soviet Union at the time, mathematicians were regarded as noble professions, and were even called "engineers designing the future of mankind."

In 1990, Ali Khan was admitted to the Kazakh State University majoring in applied mathematics and embarked on a noble path of designing the future of mankind.

Ali Khan, who is only 18 years old, will not realize that after only one year, his dream will be suddenly shattered with the collapse of his motherland.

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, the existing scientific research system and social evaluation system collapsed, and mathematics fell from the top to no one. But mathematical talents have found a new field in which they can exert their ambitions - finance.

After the Kazakh riots, there was a mysterious "big winner"! New Prime Minister Ali Khan, what's the matter?

Second, the double-line attack of "financial giants"

At any time, the foundation of finance is mathematics.

It was an empire made of numbers, and mathematicians were the ones in power.

In 1994, after graduating from Ali Khan University, he entered a private equity fund called "A-Invest" and entered the empire called finance.

While developing his skills in the field of finance, Ali Khan also went to study for a master's degree in public administration, and in 2 years, this mathematical genius has emerged in the financial industry.

The contacts he accumulated during his master's degree also helped him knock on another door, the door of politics.

In 1996, Ali Khan transferred to the National Statistical Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan and became Deputy Director.

It has to be said that at that time, Kazakhstan, which had just become independent, was in urgent need of financial talents, and Ali Khan stepped on the free ride of the times.

Since then, Ali Khan has made great strides in his career, and 2 years later, he became the vice chairman of the Statistics and Analysis Committee of the Kazakh Statistical Bureau, and after another year, he directly became the chairman of this committee, when Ali Khan was only 27 years old.

After the Kazakh riots, there was a mysterious "big winner"! New Prime Minister Ali Khan, what's the matter?

Third, the soaring and dormant "political rising star"

In 2003, the Shitu rocket did not slow down, but the omen of dormancy has been buried.

This year, Ali Khan, who had just passed the age of establishment, had already stepped into the position of Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan and truly entered the center of power, and it was at this time that he met his "big brother" - Tokayev.

Speaking of which, there is a strange phenomenon in the political arena of Kazakhstan, and almost all the kazakh upstarts after Nazarbayev have resumes in foreign affairs and economic work, such as the current President Tokayev, former Prime Minister Massimov, and the current Prime Minister Ali Khan.

In 2006 and 2008, Ali Khan was twice appointed deputy minister of finance of Kazakhstan, and from 2007 to 2008, he served as the president of the state-controlled enterprise "KazAgro", which is equivalent to switching from foreign affairs to economic affairs.

In the following 10 years, Ali Khan turned to the economic, transportation, postal and other departments, in charge of the economic lifeline of Kazakhstan, but the entry of his career suddenly stopped, and the author could not judge whether there was too little publicly disclosed information or other hidden plots.

Until a few days ago, the old minister, finally took a step further and stepped into the position of prime minister, and judging from the results, this chaos gave Ali Khan a solid push.

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