
After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

The original god has been online for more than a year, the elemental reaction has been the core of the players' study of the gameplay, and the grass element in the seven elements has not been launched, which has attracted the speculation and expectation of many players, and the recent revelations about the grass element reaction have finally come, I believe everyone has also seen, the following grass element reaction based on the revelation, to analyze the most beneficial character!

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

Illustration of grass element reactions:

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

According to the revelations of the unpacking gangster GI, the grass element reaction can be made into the following element reaction diagram, the grass element currently seems to only react with fire, thunder, and water, so what are the improvements of these three reactions?

Grass fire reaction: burning

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

The reaction of grass and fire has been implemented in the game, the big world as long as the fire to ignite the grass will trigger the burning reaction, now the burning damage of the big world is actually weakened, the earliest burning damage on the line, many Keli players in the big world are burned to death, it can be seen that the burning reaction as long as the damage is enough, it can still have a good improvement.

However, compared to the amplification reaction of the fire system, this combustion reaction should be prepared for the new fire character, aimed at the role whose attack frequency is too high to trigger the evaporation reaction, such as the existing old character Kerry should be able to drink soup, the new fire system should also be high-frequency fire injury, as long as you are proficient in heaping, you should also have very good burning damage.

Grass thunder reaction: agitation

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

This time, the focus of everyone's attention is basically focused on the grass thunder reaction, after all, this reaction can produce elemental balls, solve the element charging problem, and at the same time increase the damage caused by the thunder element and the grass element, which is not beneficial to the thunder system, especially the eight-fold god son, to solve the problem of the eight-fold 90 energy move, but also to increase the damage, and then as long as there is a strong grass element front desk output or the same grass element background output, you can cooperate well with the good damage.

Of course, the current value is still not very clear, can only know to solve the eight-fold charging difficulty, if the value is given high enough, the eight-fold and then stacked proficient, it can be said that it is a double promotion (eight-fold mastery of the turning injury), the foreshadowing buried before one by one to retract, but the eight-fold 3E gameplay is still relatively uncomfortable, I hope to be able to come to a long press to release the optimization of 3E.

Grass-water reaction: vines

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

The gameplay of this reaction seems to be very interesting at present, grass and water can spawn mushrooms after reacting, according to gossip, the upper limit of mushrooms is 3, while water continues to attack mushrooms, it will cause mushroom explosions to cause grass elemental damage.

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

At present, Aya ren is the best candidate to trigger this reaction, after all, Ayato's high-frequency water attack plus a large range of attacks, as well as the continuous precipitation of the big move, at this time, as long as there is a proficient grass element backstage character, the two can have a good cooperation, because the mushroom causes grass element damage, so there is no need for Aya ren to be proficient, it can be said that it has already laid the foreshadowing, if there is another mushroom damage to eat life bonus, the appearance of the grass element, the real winner is Aya.

After the grass elemental reaction was exposed, it was the Yae God Son who took off? It turned out that he was the biggest winner

At present, the news exposed, the grass element reaction design is still quite conservative, and has not changed the existing element reaction, after all, it is only linked with three elements, more just added a grass element gameplay, and save the existing role, of course, do not rule out the possibility that the reaction with the ice and rock elements has not been tested, the specific to the official service online prevails.

So, what do you think of the grass reaction? (Figure source network, infringement contact removed!) )

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