
Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Hello everyone, I'm Pickers.


The original gods have a total of 7 elements, namely wind, water, thunder, fire, ice, grass, and rock. As of version 2.6, 6 elements except the grass element have been implemented with characters. Only the reaction effect of the grass element, Mihayu has not yet given an accurate effect.

Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Of course, if there is demand, there will naturally be supply. When Shiqi was looking for materials, he found that there was an internal ghost that revealed the reaction effect of the grass element. Judging from the effect, the thunder element can be said to have been "epic" strengthened, and the ice and rock wind 3 elements cannot react with it. In this regard, Shiqi came to give you an analysis, according to the news of the inner ghost, after the grass element appeared, what kind of experience will be brought to our game.

Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Grass element reaction analysis

Grass Element + Thunder Element = Intensification

The effect of intensification is divided into two points. First, after triggering, it can provide 1 energy to the team. Second, it can increase damage to affected monsters for 7 seconds. What this means is that the era of Ray Element as a "younger brother" is coming to an end. After all, the reason why the thunder element was called "brother in brother" by players before this.

In fact, a big reason is that this element cannot have a fixed multiplier damage bonus like the water, fire, and ice elements. Inductive injury bonus is too small, overload and superconductivity and lightning injury basically have nothing to do with, which is the main reason why the lightning element is not popular among many elements. Therefore, after the appearance of the grass element, for the thunder element system, it can be described as an "epic" upgrade. However, the amount of bonus depends on the value of the actual line.

Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Grass Element + Water Element = Vine

After the vine is triggered, mushrooms will grow around the monster. If the water element touches again, the mushroom will detonate, dealing ranged AOE damage to the surrounding monsters. That is to say, this elemental reaction is a delayed injury. Then, in actual combat, when cleaning up the group of monsters, I think it will have a better effect.

If you combine it with a wind elemental character like Manba who can gather earthly creatures, I think the damage may be more concentrated. Of course, Cranber is also compensated for the water element's injury response category. Let the planner not always focus on the research of the nurse when pushing out new characters. Of course, after the launch, Dadaria and Ayajin will unlock more lineups and ways to play more interesting.

Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Grass + fire = attachment to continuous combustion

In fact, this effect has already been added to the game, but there is no grass element of the character to appear, so the player can not use the character to trigger this effect. In actual combat, after we were hung up by the grass element of the hill, when the fire bow and arrow hill people hit us, the damage on our body will be increased to a certain extent, and the fire element will stick to our bodies.

That is to say, this effect is actually an additional sustained damage, and the damage bonus after the line may be somewhat similar to the diffusion reaction. Doesn't give this reaction much room to hurt. After all, the output of the fire element is already very powerful. However, as for how to hurt, it also depends on the attitude of the plan, after all, the value of this thing, is not what people want to change?

Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Perhaps this is the reason why the Thunder C bit does not dare to design too strong

Judging from the above three reactions of thunder, water and fire, it can actually be seen that this time it is mainly to enhance the status of the water element and the thunder element. After all, the injury mechanism of these two elements is indeed a bit stretched. Perhaps, this is the reason why the planning has not strengthened the carving.

Because they know that after the grass element appears, it is certain that the thunder characters will be promoted by leaps and bounds. If, in advance, the keqing and other thunder C are strengthened, when the grass element appears, it is afraid that the value of the thunder element character exceeds the standard, so when designing the role, the planning is more conservative for the thunder injury role, and even most of the characters are biased towards auxiliary design.

Original God: Inner Ghost Burst Grass Elemental Reaction Mechanism, Thunder Elemental Enhancement, And Ke Qing is expected to rise!

Final conclusion

In the past, Shiqi has been thinking about why the numerical balance cannot be achieved between the elements, and the planning will be simpler when pushing the character, and the player will be more interesting when matching. It wasn't until the information about the grass element was revealed that I understood that this was the key point of balance between the elements. Therefore, Shiqi is more looking forward to the grass element coming soon, so that the 4 life carvings in our hands can be taken out and used.

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