
Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

Hello everyone, I'm Pickers.


As we all know, most of the players' original gods are big world exploration and decryption exploration, but there are always a small number of players who will tangle with 600 rough Musk Reef. In this regard, after the new characters appear, they are always compared with some old characters. When holding a new role, he also stepped on the old role by the way, even if it did not matter, he would innocently lie down with a gun.

Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

Of course, the three characters of Diluk, Ke Qing, and Walnut are the ones we hear more. For example, "Old Master Lu is down", "Lu Guoba is a high climb", "Carving master don't scratch", "The planning is again targeting walnuts" and so on... So, why do these 3 characters often lie guns, and why do players like to use them for comparison? To be picked up to give you a detailed analysis.

Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

The high heat is what these 3 characters have in common

Ke Qing and Di Luke are characters who were launched when the original god 1.0 version was opened, and can be said to be the "elder level" characters of this game. I remember that when the service was opened, some people in order to draw these two major roles, it can be said that they will spend thousands of dollars to fish them out. However, as the version changes and the player's understanding of the game deepens, the problem of Keqing is exposed, and Diluk's chances of appearing are getting less and less... The spearhead naturally turned to them both.

After all, they had been brilliant, and Di Luke had killed him in a wolf's abyss, and some people even tried to use him in a suit. And Ke Qing, due to the mechanism, she has not been able to get on the table, and natural players also like to tease her. Of course, while ridiculing, I also hope that she will be strengthened. And walnut, has always been the "pride of heaven", the intensity is "over the standard", the civilian god of war! In this regard, the common denominator of the three is that it stems from the heat.

Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

It is a fact that Ke Qing and Di Luke retreated from the environment

From the perspective of retreating from the environment, Keqing begins from the opening of the service. In actual combat, whether it is the big world or the deep spiral, it is difficult to deal high damage due to the limitations of the mechanism. Although it is indeed very happy to run the map, when dealing with some powerful enemies, it is much inferior to other characters in the same training. Then, Ke Qing can't say "retreat from the environment", can only say that there is no "in the environment".

As for Diluque, it is really because of the change in the game environment, the biggest victim. When it was first launched, it was planned to let Diluk "play the protagonist". Therefore, whether it is the big world or the deep spiral, it is designed to match it. Wide range of AOE damage, which is really strong when attacking mobs. However, when the large-sized monsters of the original god gradually became more and more numerous, the blowing, high health, and high resistance made the former version of the son begin to fade.

Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

Walnut rhythm is more, really because it is strong

Compared to the first two characters, Walnut's rhythm is indeed very much. However, the difference with them is that walnuts are really strong. Because her mechanism is relatively special, the injury increase range and the mechanism are relatively broad, in addition to sacrificing life points in exchange for damage, there are basically no shortcomings, which makes it difficult for her to be targeted by planning. Of course, the planning will also change the law to target.

In this regard, when the bleeding dog appeared, some players shouted that the walnut was going to retreat. After all, after being attacked by a bleeding dog, it will continue to lose blood, which is very unfriendly for a character like Walnut who needs to suppress the amount of blood. But in fact, as long as the damage of the walnuts is strong, they will be directly dropped in seconds, and there is no chance of bleeding, and no matter how bad it is, they can also make a big move back to blood, and the nurse can return blood. Therefore, she has a lot of rhythm, all because of her strength.

Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

Retreat is a fact, diversification is the trend

For most of the old characters, "retreating from the environment" is an inescapable ending. From the perspective of game changes, the characters launched in each region must be the first to adapt to the current version. Whether it's monsters, or some in-game mechanics. When the player explores a new area, the old character is doomed to no longer fit. Whether it is planning to target old characters or pushing new ones, this is an indisputable fact.

However, from another point of view, it may also be that players want to have more gameplay and collocation. After all, the original gods are introducing more and more characters. If the player fights the abyss or explores, it is always the same team, and one day, the player will also have a greasy feeling. Therefore, the abyss uses the "weather rotation" method to give more characters the opportunity to appear. Of course, this is just a matter of considering the good direction of picking up the seven, and everyone has fun.

Hara: After the new characters appeared, why were Diluk, Walnut, and Ke Qing always connected?

Final conclusion

In general, characters such as Diluk, Walnut, and Keqing are always connected by players because of the heat, intensity, and game environment, which are caused by these three reasons. After all, an unpopular character like Xin Yan, the player doesn't even bother to mention it, there really is no sense of existence. Finally, Shiqi gave everyone an analysis of the problems of the retreat environment and diversity, which is only a personal point of view. So, what do you think about this?

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