
Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

The king of the pen in the game, living by playing games every day, playing online games also has 20 years, I have my own unique insights, as a 10-year old player who does not get out of the pit, if the article is written in any problems, please re-spray! If everyone thinks it's good, please forward and like! Thank you so much!

The original god is full of life and full of harm, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious!

Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

Now Aya people are full of life full of essence 90 levels do not eat any buff to get on 2w, and the average training degree of Lingren should be stable at about 1.5w. My own 2 lives are overbearing, the clock is out of the shield, and the maximum damage is only about 13,000. In fact, Aya people are a large-scale continuous hanging water, with a sweet rain to play permafrost, or with a sugar Amy to play superconductivity, very comfortable. And the e-multiplier of the lingling is a separate damage, and the player knows that like the other e of the Walnut Palace gives the general attack attack talent damage bonus

Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

There are also players who say that they have zero life Ayajin 80 breakthrough, level 90 Dawn Excalibur, gladiator set 85, 206 critical hits and blasts, level 7 E does not open the big naked E5500 more. In fact, water c is useless to fire, there is no need to smoke without pursuing the abyss, and it is better to poke and poke with walnuts than to eat crutches.

Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

Level 80 did not break through the level 90 black sword, talent 188, panel 51.212, Zhong Li set a shield critical hit there are ten thousand knives, my holy relics are relatively pulled down, on my holy relics do not change, wait until the level talent is full, it is estimated that it can also reach about 14,000, eat buff2 million is not impossible.

Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

In fact, Aya ren's role supermodel is not, although the feel is superb but the damage is average, but it is worth it to rush this feel and good damage. The most important thing is to be able to cooperate with Yunyo, and this role is simple to operate, the small graduation to explore the big world is super cool, no longer have to be afraid of floating spirits, the super range attack, suitable for Meng Xinkai is very comfortable.

Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

If the e out of the knife has different module actions, even if the general attack module I am also kryptonite, unfortunately no, since watching other people's Aya people, I have no intention of wanting Aya people, cut off the flow is not fragrant? However, some people say that the small skill feels really good, and it is better to give up Ling Hua to bully people.

Hara God: This is the harm of a person who is full of life, don't listen to rumors, but the advantages are also obvious

The original god Ayaren has a good feel, automatically asks the enemy to slash brainlessly, and each knife is a group attack. This role can be smoked by novices, local tycoons can be smoked, and others are not necessary. In fact, I feel that Aya ren has almost no ability to resist interruptions, and it is not good to experience a large monster without The Rock King. And Yunjin is going to be full of life, which is too unfriendly, after all, Aya people eat attack speed!

Before some players said that they had just entered the original god, krypton gold several thousand, Yun Wei also gave 6 lives, with the upper autumn and cat cat, only to play 6 days of small cute new, feel Aya people do not have Di Luk evaporation to play cool. I can't feel what Yunyo added to Ayaren, or I can't play it!

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