
Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

On weekend night, the harsh whistle of the ambulance suddenly came from the downstairs of the community, and it turned out that Master Huang, a 56-year-old who lived in 4 buildings, suddenly fell ill and was picked up by the ambulance.

Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

When he arrived at the emergency department of the hospital, the doctor quickly judged that he had suffered a stroke according to Master Huang's complaint of "dizziness and crooked mouth angles for 6 hours", arranged for him to do nucleic acid testing at the same time, entered an independent temporary isolation ward, measured blood pressure, did electrocardiogram, biochemical examination, and took the green channel to check the head CT.

Master Huang had high blood pressure, 160/108 mmHg, cranial CT results: cerebral infarction in the left cerebellar hemisphere, multiple lacunar cerebral infarction in the brain. The diagnosis was clear, master Huang was acute ischemic stroke (acute cerebral infarction, stroke), hypertension. In fact, Master Huang felt dizzy attacks and blurred vision a few days ago, but after resting can be alleviated, however, when he took a nap this afternoon, he suddenly tilted the corners of his mouth, drinking water and mouth could not be wrapped, his wife came forward to see, Uncle spoke clearly, and gradually the right side of the hands and feet were numb, weak, until more than ten o'clock in the evening, or the symptoms could not be alleviated, so I dialed 120 to the hospital to see a doctor.

Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

Master Huang's nucleic acid test result was negative, and the doctor arranged for him to be hospitalized in the Department of Neurology, and the doctor told Master Huang and his family: dizziness, blurred vision, crooked corners of the mouth, unclear speech and other symptoms are stroke signals! When you find out, you must call 120 to the hospital at the first time, because time is the brain!

The family members listened to it and asked: What is "time is the brain?" The doctor explained that when the cerebral infarction occurs, the brain cells will be because of cerebrovascular lesions arechemic and hypoxic, with the passage of time, more and more brain cells will die, and if you can go to the hospital within 3 hours to 4.5 hours, you can carry out thrombolytic drug treatment, thereby restoring the blood supply to the brain and allowing brain cells to survive, so it is said that "time is the brain"!

Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

Cerebral infarction is one of the high incidence in China, morbidity and mortality rate is also ranked first in the world, the cause is more complex, generally related to age, the most fundamental reason is atherosclerosis, especially patients with hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases, due to long-term hypertension, high blood sugar damage to blood vessels, resulting in the speed of arteriosclerosis accelerated, and when there is lipid deposition in the arterial wall, the arterial wall gradually narrows, resulting in the formation of arterial plaque, once the plaque rupture, it is likely to lead to infarction or thrombosis.

Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

In short, the brain as the general headquarters of our body, if there is an infarction, it is easy to lead to serious consequences, if the head has the following abnormalities, we must be vigilant against cerebral infarction.

"3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

(1) Dizziness, headache

Many patients with cerebral infarction may initially just feel a little dizzy, because before the blood vessels in the brain are completely blocked, there may be insufficient blood supply due to atherosclerosis, but it can often be recovered quickly, so it is only manifested as a transient dizziness, headache, may recover in a few seconds or minutes, and may even be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blackening in front of the eyes, etc., which is more obvious when sleeping at night.

Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction

(2) The nasolabial folds become lighter

Because the nerves of the head and face are also controlled by the brain, if the cerebral infarction occurs, it is possible that other symptoms are not manifested in addition, but only show that one side of the facial muscles are relaxed, there may be unilateral nasolabial folds shallow, asymmetry on both sides of the face, and even can not cover the saliva, resulting in salivation, manifested as symptoms of facial paralysis, at this time you have to be vigilant about whether it is the occurrence of cerebral infarction.

(3) The corners of the mouth are crooked and the words are not clear

In addition to affecting the nasolabial folds, cerebral infarction will also cause the corner of the mouth to be crooked on one side, and may even affect the function of the facial nerve muscles because of the cerebral infarction, resulting in swallowing dysfunction such as slurred speech. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention not to give the patient something to eat, so as not to choke into the respiratory tract. It should be rushed to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Cerebral infarction is coming, head prophet? Doctor reminds: "3 abnormalities" appear in the head, be careful of cerebral infarction


Doctors remind: For the elderly population, especially the high-risk people with high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other chronic diseases, they should always pay attention to the abnormalities of the body, if there are symptoms of suspicious cerebral infarction, they should call 120 to the hospital for treatment at the first time, remember, time is the brain!

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