
There have been 11 outbreaks of household clustering in Tianjin, and the proportion of adults who are newly infected has increased

According to Jinyun News, on January 12, 2022, at the 166th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Tianjin, Han Jinyan analyzed the existing 107 complete circulation reports from the aspects of population distribution, time distribution, regional distribution, discovery methods, and vaccination history.

(1) Population distribution

Of the 107 infected patients, 42 were males and 65 were females; The maximum age is 74 years, the youngest is 5 years, the median age is 30 years, and the proportion of adults among newly infected people is increased. The occupational distribution is 48 cases of students, 14 cases of cadres and staff, 7 cases of service industry personnel, 6 cases of retired personnel, and some other industries and unemployed people.

(2) Time distribution

The existing epidemiological investigation data of 107 infected people, according to the time of onset: the onset time is as early as December 29, 2021, the previous period was sporadic, the number of cases gradually increased from January 4, and suddenly increased on January 8, and entered the platform period. (3) Regional distribution

The local epidemic affected 13 towns in Jinnan District (100 cases, accounting for 93.46%), Hexi District (3 cases), Xiqing District (3 cases) and Binhai New Area (1 case), mainly distributed in Jinnan District. At present, the streets with more than 2 cases include Xinzhuang Town (61 cases, accounting for 57.0%), 28 cases in Xianshuigu Town (26.2%), 6 cases in Shuanggang Town (5.6%), and 2 cases (1.9%) each in Beizhakou Town and Wang Wenzhuang Town. Except for Wang Wenzhuang Town, which is located in Xiqing District, all other towns are located in Jinnan District.

Units affected by the cases: The units with more than 2 cases at present include Xianshuigu No. 7 Primary School (18 cases), Gaozhuangzi Primary School (17 cases), Zhuoruituo Auxiliary Training Institution (8 cases) and Regal International Hotel (2 cases).

There are currently 11 outbreaks of family clusters.

(4) Methods of discovery

Among the 107 local cases, 1 case was found in the fever clinic, 1 case was found by voluntary due diligence, 55 cases were found by close screening, 26 cases were found in the sealed area screening, 5 cases were found in large-scale screening, and 19 cases were found in isolation point screening.

(5) Analysis of vaccination history

Of the 107 infected patients, 103 completed the full course of vaccination (including 32 enhanced vaccinations), 3 received only 1 dose of inactivated vaccine, and 1 did not receive vaccinated.

Edited by Jiani Liu

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