
Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

Male and female love is a very normal thing. Young men and women, in particular, are in a period of intense hormones, are looking forward to meeting someone who makes their hearts move, looking forward to talking about a sweet love.

But the road to chasing love is not a good road, some people have met, but because they do not understand love, they can only miss it in vain. How rare it is to meet someone they like and like themselves, and some people will never meet them in their lifetime.

Therefore, everyone should learn to perceive love. Love, when it comes like a drizzle, it falls sparsely on your arms, on your face, if you don't have the heart to feel it, you can't detect it. Therefore, in the face of the person you want, you have to open all your senses, and when fate comes, hold it tightly, do not let it slip away, and do not miss the happiness given by God. Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

1. Her aunt period

A woman's aunt period is a very private matter. But when a woman boldly tells you about her aunt's expectations, or even cries to you about how uncomfortable she is at this time. Well, that's her chance to create performance for you.

Women tell you this, nothing more than wanting to get your care, wanting you to make some reaction to warm her heart. Let's say she expects you to make her brown sugar water or buy her a warm water bag. She hopes to validate your affection for her through these interactions and use them to strengthen the interaction between you.

Therefore, when a woman tells you about her aunt period, you must seize the opportunity to perform, do not use "drink more hot water" to send her off, and do not miss a good opportunity for interaction.

Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

2. Her past emotional experience

A woman's past emotional experience, in addition to telling her girlfriend, is the person she likes the most.

When a woman tells you how much she has suffered in her relationship, how she has been let down, in addition to wanting to cause you to feel sorry for her and stimulate your desire to protect her, she is nothing more than telling you how she wants to be treated in the next relationship, wanting you to better handle each other's feelings, and let you know her bottom line.

Listening to the woman's story, in addition to comforting her, you should also take the opportunity to show your attitude towards feelings, and do not touch her bottom line in the subsequent feelings, only in this way can you go further.

Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

3. Her expectations for future feelings

When a woman tells you that she is currently single and tells you her expectations for future relationships, it is directly telling you that she wants to fall in love with you.

If she doesn't like you, why should she tell an irrelevant person what she expects, and it is precisely because she likes you that she will imagine your future.

She paints those beautiful pictures, in addition to wanting to resonate with you, is to make you also have the urge to fall in love, and the candidate is right in front of you.

Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

4, her economic strength

Women also know that men favor a person and are often attracted to a woman's charm, and economic strength is one of them.

When a woman shows you her financial strength without defense, it shows that she trusts you from the bottom of her heart and wants to show her excellent side in front of you.

Among adults, talking about money is actually a very taboo thing. After all, there are many examples in reality that tell us that when you have money and are known to everyone, then people flock to you from all directions, but it is not easy for everyone to earn money, and sometimes it is difficult to borrow money to repay money, so it is indeed a taboo thing to raise money. A woman who dares to tell you that her financial strength is to trust you and like your performance, then, may you also live up to her trust and cherish her.

Women are willing to tell you these 4 "secrets", that is, they have a secret promise to you, don't miss it!

In the world of feelings, although women are subtle and reserved creatures, they will still show something in the face of love.

So, don't be a straight man of Mune, sometimes too hesitant and too slow in love, will miss the opportunity to love, not all people will be waiting for you in the same place, and not all people can be lucky to meet love. So, be brave and confident when it comes to getting hints from women so you can embrace happiness.

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