
After Japan's surrender, a war broke out between China and Japan, but few people know about it

After Japan's surrender, a war broke out between China and Japan, but few people know about it

As we all know, in 1945, China's 14-year-long War of Resistance was completely over, and this war ended with the surrender of the Japanese, and Japan finally could not withstand the pressure from all sides and announced its unconditional surrender. However, after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a war broke out between China and Japan, which many people do not know.

After Japan's surrender, a war broke out between China and Japan, but few people know about it

After Japan surrendered, there was a place where Japanese soldiers were unwilling to surrender, in fact, not all of them were Japanese soldiers, most of them were puppet troops, not real Japanese troops. At that time, there were very few Japanese soldiers in Gaoyou, most of them were puppet troops, and the number gap was very large.

After Japan's surrender, a war broke out between China and Japan, but few people know about it

At that time, the New Fourth Army issued many warnings to the Japanese army, telling them that Japan had surrendered unconditionally, but they simply could not listen. Our army had no choice but to launch an attack, and it took only seven hours to wipe them all out, and this battle was personally commanded by Su Yu, and the Japanese army had no chance of victory.

After Japan's surrender, a war broke out between China and Japan, but few people know about it

In this campaign, our army ended in victory and successfully liberated the local people, and the Gaoyou Campaign was also the last battle of the War of Resistance Against Japan. These traitors have maimed so many compatriots in our country that it is estimated that they themselves will not be able to count, and the people of the Chinese will not be able to say the slightest sentiment.

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