
One day of leisure and one day of immortality

One day of leisure and one day of immortality

In the spring of 228 AD, Zhuge Liang sat in the city tower looking at the mountain view, waving a feather fan and singing: "I was originally a person who was scattered in Wollongong..." And now, I am also a person who is scattered in a small city, and I have been idle for a long time, but I have also been idle and calm, idle, idle and enlightened.

Duan Chengji, a great idle man in the Jin Yuan period, avoided living in Longmen Mountain, had no intention of pursuing a career, and studied behind closed doors. He composed a poem called "Partridge Heaven", which says:

Who hangs out with idle people? Plum blossom branches clumps on the moon.

Tao Qian loves his own room well, and Li Bai hughes and shu is difficult.

The forest is quiet, and the water and clouds are wide. Ten years without dreams to Chang'an.

The frost outside the king's door is evil, and the thousand-foot green pine is proud of the cold.

The wonders of leisure, natural beauty can accompany leisure. Who is the idler? There is no other than The Eastern Jin Dynasty Tao Qian and the Sheng Tang Li Bai. The things you pursue, thousands of mountains and valleys, clouds and waters, no heart, dreams also come to Chang'an. The Prince and Noble Zhu Men are not who want to step into it, and who can perceive the danger of the eunuch sea, it is better to learn that thousands of feet of green pine, proud snow independence, and cold high grid!

What happens after idleness? Li Zengbo, a poet of the middle and late Southern Song Dynasty, said quite thoroughly in a poem "Manjiang Hong":

As an idle man, he copes with this body.

Should not be more, will be half a point, inch in the heart.

Blame ZiYuan Ming for suffering himself, worrying about when Elder Fan is happy.

A mockery, a chant of desire, how to mo.

Not self-contemptuous, Aoi vegetables are evil. Also willing to recommend, mao chai thin.

Ren Houmen sea and land, miscellaneous Chen Zhen wrong.

There is a time to ride a car, forget each other and do not send poetry.

Afraid of domestic servants, nowhere to buy lettuce, cooking cranes.

As an idle person, don't think about it three or four times, and your face is full of sorrow. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, do not be like Tao Yuanming, write the poem "Blame" and write the "Xunzi" text; the powerful person takes on a great responsibility, and does not learn from the Northern Song Dynasty's famous Xiang Fan Zhongyun anymore, the worries of the world before the world, and the happiness of the world after the world, when can it be truly happy! Some people may laugh at me for being negative and forgetting my original intention. But to be idle is to be idle, to do what should be done. Do not feel inferior and self-complaining, do not give up on themselves, live in huts and low households, and eat coarse tea and light rice. People's high-gate compounds, high friends full of seats, cars like flowing water horses like dragons, don't envy it! Feeling too lonely, take the time to invite friends and friends, ride a horse, drink and write poetry! Don't be a mischievous person, make some "thoughts of a perch", "boil a crane", and waste beautiful things.

One day of leisure and one day of immortality

Who is the most dashing idler? Zhu Dunru, a Southern Song Dynasty poet with the name of "Zi jun", believes that anglers who wander the rivers and lakes and make their homes in the four seas are also! He wrote a poem called "Good Things Near":

There are idle people in the eyes, only the anglers are dashing.

Wearing the Narcissus Palace Seal, the evil wind and waves are not afraid.

This heart is known to the world that the name and surname are false.

One of the five lakes and three islands, let the boats play sharply.

The angler is equipped with the seal of the Dragon King Water Palace, and he can't help it even if the wind and waves are fierce. Incognito, this mind knows itself. A flat leaf boat, five lakes and three islands at will, how free!

One day of leisure and one day of immortality

What is idleness? Idleness is a kind of freedom. Tao Yuanming, a reclusive poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, said: "After a long time in the cage, you can return to nature." "Like a bird in a cage, once released, freed, and flown back to nature, what a state of mind! Completely and harmoniously relaxed and at ease! What if "long in the cage"? The situation depicted by Yuanren Jiyi in "Partridge Heaven" is really terrible:

Self-repentant idle people live together on the mountain, and the human world drives them not to idle.

Friends pushed away from the position, and the sound of the drum board prompted the pole.

No tricks, it is difficult to turn around.

Let people drive, push to the front desk, play a "one-man show", charge "pole bait", no plan, want to get out, it is difficult!

One day of leisure and one day of immortality

What is idleness? Idleness is a realm. Shifo Wang Wei said: "People idle and laurel flowers fall, and the night is quiet in the spring mountains." "When people are idle, the flowers will bloom, and the flowers will fall, and they will be full of incense; when people are idle, their hearts will be quiet, the spring mountains will be empty, the autumn water will be clear, and the winter snow will flutter." Wang Wei also said:

Walk to the end of the water and sit and watch the clouds rise.

Occasionally valued Lin Shuo, talking and laughing without repayment.

Go wherever you want, even if the mountains and rivers are exhausted, even if the clouds fly across! I met the old man in the mountains and talked very happily, forgetting the return date. Zhu Dunru said:

The glass of wine is full day by day, and the flowers bloom towards the small garden.

Self-singing and dancing, unrestrained and unhindered.

Drinking a little wine every day, looking at the flowers towards the dynasty, singing and dancing by yourself, finding fun for yourself, hehe, this is simply a fairy-like life!

One day of leisure and one day of immortality

What is idleness? Idleness is also a practice. Yuan Dynasty composer and playwright Zhang Kejiu said:

Several huts, a collection of 10,000 volumes, thrown into the old village home.

What's going on in the mountains? Pine blossom sake, spring water sencha.

- "The Book of the Full Moon in the Mountains"

When people are idle, they can read and practice words, taste tea, drink alcohol, and plant vegetables and flowers to nourish themselves and nourish their sex. Do what you love to do, love what you do, fill your free space and fill your body and mind. The Southern Song Dynasty Taoist poet Bai Yu toad said it even better:

Not stupid, not cunning, not windy.

Drink and peck with fate, and count your fate.

All things are not calculated, the creation advocates good, and all things are natural.

"If you don't think about it all the time, you are a living immortal." ("Water Tune Song Head") Idle is idle, not crazy, everything is natural, clothes to reach out, food to open the mouth, carefree to enjoy the world, this is a living immortal also! Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a modern educator and thinker, said: "After the heavy rain, there are two kinds of people: one kind of people look up at the sky and see the blue and beauty; the other kind of people look down at the ground and see mud and despair. "Idle can not be passive sinking, idle days, always have blue sky, everywhere is a blossom!"

Or hidden mountain forest, or Juku City. The advice to look back is yes.

In the dust, a good relationship is induced, and the friends of Yun Pengxia should be warped.

--Kim Ma Yu, "Walking on the Clouds"

As the saying goes, "Hunger comes to eat and sleep, and one day is idle and one day is immortal." "Be an idler, be a retired old man, beautiful and wonderful!"


Liu Qirui, male, a native of Tancheng, Shandong, a veteran literature lover, published the essay collection "The Song of that year", "Nostalgia is a Curved Blue Moon" and the short story collection "Hedong Hexi".

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