
After a Chinese soldier was exposed in the United States, the whole country was shocked, and even the president of the United States personally wrote a letter

From the beginning of the Opium War in 1840 to the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, for more than a hundred years, the Western powers constantly invaded China, and China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. At this time, China was like a terminally ill patient, and in this era, many great heroes have come forward to save China. There is Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who overthrew the imperial system for thousands of years, Mr. Lu Xun, who aspired to study medicine in order to cure old China; Chairman Mao, who led the Communist Party of China to establish a new China; and Premier Zhou, who studied for the rise of the Chinese nation. There are many ancestors who have made contributions and sacrifices to the Chinese revolution and have been remembered by future generations, and there are also countless heroes who have made selfless contributions without pursuing fame and profit. There is such an anti-Japanese hero who once led a regiment of troops to defeat the Japanese army that was several times more powerful than himself, saved more than 7,000 British troops and about 500 Americans, but finally was impersonated and robbed of the credit, he is the anti-Japanese hero Liu Fangwu.

After a Chinese soldier was exposed in the United States, the whole country was shocked, and even the president of the United States personally wrote a letter

General Liu Fangwu

Liu Fangwu, born in Guiyang, Hunan In 1899, grew up in a society ruled by the corrupt Qing government, witnessed the Western powers running amok on The land of China, and since then slowly grown patriotic feelings of determination to serve the country. When he grew up, Liu Fangwu understood that the only way to drive the invaders out of China was to join the army, so he went south to Guangzhou to apply for the Whampoa Military Academy.

On September 1, 1921, he was admitted to the Huangpu Sixth Infantry Section, and his grades were excellent due to his hard work.

He graduated on May 30, 1929, and in September became the platoon leader of the cadet teaching team of the military academy.

On June 1, 1930, he was appointed platoon leader of the Special Agent Company of the General Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army

On December 1, 1930, he was appointed commander of the 3rd Company of the Special Service Battalion of the Guard Corps.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Fangwu, who was promoted to colonel of the 113th Regiment of the newly organized 38th Division and deputy of the Colonel's Division, participated in the two Battles of Songhu and the Battle of Wuhan, and was brave and fearless in battle.

After a Chinese soldier was exposed in the United States, the whole country was shocked, and even the president of the United States personally wrote a letter

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Japanese army invaded Burma from Thailand in January 1942 in an attempt to occupy Southeast Asia, first, Southeast Asia has rich resources, but in order to cut off the Supply Line of allied forces to aid China. At that time, Southeast Asia was basically a British and French colony, in order to sweep away the British army in the southeast peninsula, the Japanese army captured Rangoon on March 8, the army pursued the remnants of the British army in three ways, and on April 14, the Japanese 33rd Division attacked the Ren'an Qiang forces, and soon defeated the Anglo-Burmese army on the south bank of the Bin River. Harada's forces also captured Shaswa and Dongdunzhi.

At this time, Alexander, the commander-in-chief of the Anglo-Burmese coalition army who had commanded the "Dunkirk Evacuation", was also flustered when he saw this situation, and urgently told Hou Teng, the representative of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and asked the Chinese Expeditionary Force to immediately provide support. Under the urgent help of General Sliem, Commander Liu Fangwu led the 113th Regiment to rescue the besieged Anglo-Burmese troops at such a critical moment.

After a Chinese soldier was exposed in the United States, the whole country was shocked, and even the president of the United States personally wrote a letter

On the 17th, the Japanese Araki forces captured Magway and cut off the road from Magway to Ren'anchan. The Japanese 33rd Division was approaching the Anglo-Burmese 1st Division and 1 Tank Battalion, which was besieged in the northeastern part of Ren'anqiang. The Japanese cut off the main and logistical forces of the Anglo-Burmese army, making it impossible for the British to access the water source. In the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, the weather was hot, and with no water and food supply, the Anglo-Burmese coalition was thirsty and hungry, and the officers and soldiers almost all collapsed.

At this critical juncture, the 113th Regiment of the Chinese Expeditionary Force was ordered to reach the north bank of the Binhe River on the 17th, and at dawn on the 18th, it launched an attack on the Japanese troops in the area, facing the Japanese 33rd Division, which was far stronger in numbers and equipment than itself, the 113th Regiment counter-encircled the Japanese army and launched an attack in response to the encirclement of the British army. Although the Japanese were surrounded, the 113th Regiment did not have an absolute advantage due to the well-equipped Japanese army, artillery and tanks, and air support. The Japanese army counterattacked wildly, and the 113th Regiment also suffered heavy losses, but under the heroic and tenacious attack of the Chinese army, the two sides fought fiercely for three days, and finally the 113th Regiment defeated a Japanese division with the strength of 1 regiment, and some Japanese troops left their bodies and retreated to the south. The 113th Regiment led by Commander Liu rescued more than 7,000 officers and men of the 1st Division and the 7th Armored Brigade of the British-Burmese Army, and also rescued more than 500 American prisoners of war, American journalists, missionaries and family members who were captured by the Japanese army. After being rescued by the Chinese army, they chanted "Long live the Chinese army!" ”

After a Chinese soldier was exposed in the United States, the whole country was shocked, and even the president of the United States personally wrote a letter

General Liu Fangwu in his later years

The Battle of Ren'anqiang was the first victory won by the Chinese Expeditionary Force in its operations in Burma, and it was also the first victory won by the Chinese army in a foreign country, which was of historic significance. April 20 was therefore designated as "KefuRen Anqiang Day for the Rescue of the British Army". In this battle, Liu Fangwu drew out the momentum of the Chinese army, defeated the strong enemy with fewer victories and more victories, and was later promoted to major general.

It is reasonable to say that a person with such military achievements should be famous, entrusted with heavy responsibilities, and have a bright future, but General Liu Fangwu is different from those who love vanity, he is low-key, and he does not love to publicize his achievements. Later, he also held some idle posts in the Nationalist army, and after the Kuomintang retired to Taiwan, Liu Fangwu could not even maintain his life, and he also asked for help from his former colleagues and comrades-in-arms and his superior Sun Liren, and even his own military achievements were robbed.

Some of the British who were rescued by Liu Fangwu reported liu Fangwu's rescue of the British in order to thank Liu Fangwu, and because General Sun Liren was also imprisoned at this time, Lin Yanzhang pretended to be General Liu Fangwu and stole the credit for the victory in the Battle of Ren'anqiang. He pretended to rescue the British in Hong Kong, went around cheating, gained many benefits, and was arrested in Hong Kong after the matter failed. General Liu Fangwu, who was low-key, did not care about this, and eventually moved to the United States, and did not mention his exploits to anyone in the United States.

After a Chinese soldier was exposed in the United States, the whole country was shocked, and even the president of the United States personally wrote a letter

Mrs. Thatcher thanked General Liu Fangwu

Until 1992, which coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the "Kefu Ren Anqiang Day for the Rescue of the British Army", British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, in order to thank General Liu Fangwu for saving more than 7,000 British people at that time, specially sent someone to find the address of General Liu Fangwu and thank him in person. After this incident, the truth slowly became known to the world, and then US President Bush also wrote a letter thanking General Liu Fangwu for rescuing more than 500 Americans. On June 29, 1994, General Liu Fangwu died in Los Angeles, USA.

Good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, it is not that the time has not yet come, General Liu Fangwu is a soldier of high quality, he is a noble man who stepped forward at a time of crisis for the Chinese nation and retired to the mountains and forests at a time of peace and security. There are many heroes like General Liu Fangwu in that period of history. They silently paid without asking for anything in return, and even gave up their precious lives, and their spirit is worth learning and singing in future generations.

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