
The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration


With the heart of fame and wealth, you can get rid of the ordinary. —— Hong Zicheng

In life, we are all striving for ourselves and our families to live a rich life, but how big a person's desire is, how big his ambition is. Although some people have always made their careers reach the peak through their own efforts, they often want more, and some people are different, they will live their own lives after their careers are successful, and they are also low-key and simple in life, indifferent to fame and fortune. To be honest, there are really very few people who can be indifferent to fame and fortune, especially in our materialistic era.

The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration

Speaking of the last century, some heroes are very good, he has his own faith in his heart, even after making a great contribution, he will not be proud of it, but still maintain his original intention, indifferent to fame and fortune, ordinary and low-key to do his own things. As we all know, people lived in the years of war and chaos, and in order to enable their children and grandchildren to live in peace and happiness in the future, a large number of Chinese people have defended the territory of our country with their own blood, regardless of their personal lives and deaths.

During this period, many heroes emerged, some heroes may have died on the battlefield, and some heroes have disappeared into the sea of people in anonymity, and now they are living their own lives. To say that there is such a hero in China, he is now a ninety-year-old man, and he has been living in seclusion in the United States, living there for nearly 50 years, when his true identity was revealed, it caused a great sensation, and even alarmed the top level of the United States, for this, everyone is also very concerned, then who is he?

The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration

The legendary life of the old man

In fact, this has to start from the very beginning, during the war years, many patriots threw themselves into the revolution, including this old man over ninety years old. In fact, this old man is Liu Fangwu, the commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Corps, and when it comes to him, I don't know if everyone knows about this, maybe everyone may not be familiar with him, but what cannot be ignored is that his achievements in the war are engraved in the chapter of world history for the world to admire.

At that time, in 1942, when Japan intended to enter our territory from the southwest region and attack India and Burma and other regions, fortunately, at that time, our country saw through their conspiracies and tricks, and at that time to ensure that the transportation front was not destroyed, this arduous task fell on Liu Fangwu's body, at that time he led the expeditionary force to participate in the anti-aggression war, in this war, Liu Fangwu showed his strength and wisdom, set up a lot of brilliant achievements, and made great contributions to China.

The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration

Liu Fangwu led an expeditionary force to rescue the British army

Originally the British army at that time planned to retreat, but unexpectedly, they were surrounded by the Japanese army occupying the north of Burma, to say that these two teams fought, Japan's strength is definitely stronger than the British, because of their own more than 7,000 British combat effectiveness is not enough, so they had to launch a rescue request to the Chinese army, in fact, at that time, the Strength of the Chinese Army was not much, but they still wanted to save the British army. So this task was entrusted to Liu Fangwu, who went to the battle site with a regiment of troops.

This war was not so easy, because at that time they only had a regiment of troops, that is, more than 1,000 people, compared with the Japanese army is far from enough, but Liu Fangwu is also very powerful, he relied on his own wisdom and strength, led the army to launch a fierce attack on the enemy army, and at the same time with the British army, with less victory and more than 3 days and 3 nights, and finally won the victory, successfully rescued all the British troops. It should be said that this war also impressed the British army in our country.

The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration

He lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years to support his family

It should be known that in that era, the equipment of our army was certainly not as good as that of the enemy army, but under the guidance of Liu Fangwu, they overcame the unfavorable factors and finally achieved success, which also showed that the strength of our country should not be underestimated. The war ended in victory, and our people welcomed a brand-new China. After that, Liu Fangwu was paid to work in the construction of the motherland and could not support his family, so he went to the United States in order to maintain his family's life and his family, which was decades.

The identity of the old man was revealed, alarming the american top brass

With the passage of time, that period of history has slowly been forgotten by everyone, and Liu Fangwu has lived his ordinary and ordinary life. To say that Liu Fangwu can be re-recognized and remembered by the world, it is because in 1992, when The British Margaret Thatcher went to the United States to visit the United States, she found him at the age of 93, and it is precisely because of this that Liu Fangwu's true identity was exposed. When his identity was recruited, the governor of California in the United States also expressed his admiration for him.

The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration

Liu Fangwu he deserves the respect of all of us, his contribution to the country is tremendous, without the courageous struggle of these people, how can there be a peaceful and happy life now, the great contributions they have made will always be remembered in the long river of history, they are the role models in our minds.

In any case, the predecessors sacrificed their lives in order for us to live a peaceful and happy life, in the war they are not afraid of life and death to fight on the front line, the great contributions they made in the war can not be forgotten, their great spirit is worth learning. In particular, they have the patriotic feelings in them, and the attitude of not being proud of their achievements and being indifferent to fame and fortune. We all know that Liu Fangwu has made a lot of merits, but he has never said to the outside world that he is very good at being so low-key.

The Chinese ninety-year-old man lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years, and his true identity was revealed, and the American high-level expressed great admiration

Each learns what he learns, and each knows what he knows, so that the country will be rich and strong enough to stand on its own on the earth. --Zhan Tianyou


We all know that war is very cruel, in the war years people often live a life of trepidation, so we must cherish the hard-won happy life now, no matter how many years, we can not forget the great contributions made by our predecessors, I hope that their spirit can also inspire our country to develop better in the future, but our country will become stronger and stronger.

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