
An old Chinese man who lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years was inadvertently exposed, which alarmed the top brass of Britain and the United States

During this period, countless enthusiastic and patriotic young people with lofty ideals bravely stood up, risked their lives, and went to the battlefield to fight with the enemy in blood, these people threw their heads and spilled their blood for the sake of the country, they were not afraid of sacrifice, and on the battlefield full of artillery fire, they finally defeated the Japanese aggressors and preserved the sovereignty and dignity of the country. Among these anti-war heroes, except for those who died heroically, only a small number remained in the army, and the others went to other places for various reasons. There is an old Chinese man who has lived in seclusion in the United States for more than 50 years, and after his true identity was exposed, he directly alarmed the top level of the United States, this old man is suitable for history, what historical achievements he has made, and why he can alarm the top level of the United States.

An old Chinese man who lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years was inadvertently exposed, which alarmed the top brass of Britain and the United States

The old man, named Liu Fangwu, was a hero of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression who had defeated the Japanese invaders as an expeditionary force on the battlefields of Burma and successfully rescued more than 7,000 British troops and more than 500 journalists. The war took place in June 1942, when the Japanese captured Burma and besieged 7,000 British troops.

An old Chinese man who lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years was inadvertently exposed, which alarmed the top brass of Britain and the United States

If the Japanese army is allowed to continue to wage war, then these British troops will all be killed, in the case of exhaustion and food is unable to resist, the British commander quickly issued a distress signal, hoping that our country will send people to the rescue, at that time, our expeditionary force, just happened to be in Burma, after getting this news, immediately sent people to support, Liu Fangwu got this order, immediately brought more than 1,000 fighters to the battlefield.

An old Chinese man who lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years was inadvertently exposed, which alarmed the top brass of Britain and the United States

In the case that the troops were far inferior to those of the other side and the weapons were lagging behind each other, Liu Fangwu and others fought a bloody battle, successfully defeated the enemy, and also killed a large number of enemies, playing the prestige of the Chinese soldiers and winning the final victory in this war. The British army, who was rescued by Liu Fangwu, greatly admired him, and often publicized it for him after returning to China, which to a certain extent improved the international status of our army.

An old Chinese man who lived in seclusion in the United States for 50 years was inadvertently exposed, which alarmed the top brass of Britain and the United States

Later, liu fangwu left his motherland for some special reasons and went to settle in the United States, and his identity was replaced by a scammer imposter. Fortunately, this person was later revealed as his true identity and was punished as he deserved, without causing too much of a stain on the hero. In 1992, Liu Fangwu, who settled in the United States, was revealed, the President of the United States personally wrote a letter of thanks, and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher also immediately took people to visit the United States and personally received the old man.

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