
When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

Amorous since ancient times empty hatred, good dreams are the easiest to wake up. Since ancient times, people who have a lot of feelings and invested a lot of feelings will only leave regrets. And this regret will last for a long time, it will always be troubled, there is no time to stop ending, and the more beautiful the dream, the easier it is to wake up.

When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

Guo Moruo, born in 1892 in Shawan, Leshan, Sichuan, was originally named Guo Kaizhen. In 1906, he entered the Jiading Higher School and began to accept democratic ideas. In 1912, the 20-year-old Guo Moruo had no choice but to marry Zhang Qionghua under the arrangement of his parents, but the two had no feelings. So after enjoying five days of newlywed life, Guo Moruo did not quit and said goodbye, and the two did not divorce.

In 1914, Guo Moruo studied medicine in Japan and studied medicine at Kyushu Imperial University. In 1916, while studying medicine at Okayama High School, Kuo met Tomiko Sato, a 22-year-old Japanese girl. The two were attracted to each other, and after they met, they wrote letters back and forth, and Sato Tomoko was intoxicated by the love poems written by the talented Guo Moruo.

When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

Soon, she resolutely quit her job at St. Luke's Hospital and went to live with Guo Moruo in Okayama, and Guo Moruo also gave her the Chinese name Guo Anna. Due to the lack of family approval and the limited financial conditions of the two, Anna took on the affairs of the family alone in order to make her husband successful in school, while Guo Moruo also desperately wrote translation books in order to make a living.

The two lived a very poor life, but fortunately, they both fought for this family, but they also lived a full life, and Anna also fed Guo Moruo's four two and one daughters with hard work. But the good times did not last long, Guo Moruo met the young and beautiful and talented special correspondent Yu Peichen when studying academics, and the two fell in love at first sight, and even lived together in love.

When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

After Guo Anna knew, she was heartbroken, and personally found Yu Peichen to explain her relationship with Guo Moruo, but Yu Peichen also had a deep affection for Guo Moruo and could not give up. In the end, Guo Moruo still chose Guo Anna, and in 1937, after Yu Peichen returned to Shanghai, he became ill with lovesickness and depression, and even hanged himself.

In the same year, Guo Moruo returned to Shanghai due to the War of Resistance, leaving Guo Anna and her children to live together. Later, he met Yu Liqun, who knew Yu Peichen's appearance, Yu Liqun was Yu Peichen's sibling sister, Guo Moruo saw her as he was, and the amorous Guo Moruo immediately launched a passionate pursuit of Liqun.

When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

At that time, Guo Moruo was already a successful literary scholar and social activist, and although he was 24 years older than Liqun, Yu Liqun was still attracted by the talented Guo Moruo. And under long-term contact, the two had a long-term relationship, and soon the two got married, and after marriage, the two worked hand in hand for 40 years and raised 6 children.

When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

Until 1978, due to the ineffectiveness of long-term medical treatment, Guo Moruo died in Beijing at the age of 86. Yu Liqun was naturally very reluctant, and in February of the following year, when she was sorting out Guo Moruo's relics, she found a letter that Guo Moruo had written to her sister Yu Peichen. Yu Liqun finally learned that his husband and sister who had accompanied him for 40 years had maintained an unrequited relationship, which had been hidden for many years.

When her husband died, she found a letter when she was sorting out the relics, and after reading it, she was devastated and chose to die

Yu Liqun, who knew the truth, was unable to calm down and grief in her heart, and she was tormented by mental and illness, and soon after, like her sister, she hanged herself in her former residence in Beijing. Guo Moruo's wife, Zhang Qionghua, was widowed for 90 years for Guo Moruo, in exchange for his bowing apology when he returned to his hometown in 1939 and his childless and orphaned old man for life. Anna, on the other hand, lived alone with five children until she was old.

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