
After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

We read all the lead to present a different history.

During the Republic of China period, there was a famous scholar who was talented and charming, focused on the study of poetry and ancient characters, and made great contributions to traditional Chinese literature, he was guo moruo, a master of traditional Chinese studies. In terms of learning, Guo Moruo is impeccable, but in terms of morality, Guo Moruo is disdainful, and can even be said to be "Sven scum". Especially when it comes to personal marriage, his behavior is simply unbelievable, and he has been criticized for it. For example, Guo Moruo's last wife died depressed because of a love letter he left behind.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

▲Guo Moruo's old photo

When the prime minister officiated guo Moruo's wedding, he said emotionally: "I hope this is your last wedding!" At this time, Guo Moruo and his third wife, Yu Liqun, entered the palace of marriage, and the two will walk the rest of their lives hand in hand, and the guests from all four sides will send their heartfelt blessings, but the prime minister who knows Guo Moruo's deeds has said this meaningfully. Yu Liqun was born into a family of eunuchs, and both his grandfather and maternal grandfather were members of the Qing Dynasty. However, with the change of the times, after the establishment of the Republic of China, the former imperial court magnates became ordinary people, and Yu Liqun's father also lived in a muddy state because he could not keep up with the times, did not have a serious job, and she and her sister's tuition fees were not settled, and they could only rely on selling their ancestral property to maintain various expenses.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

As the saying goes, the children of the poor are in charge of the family. In such an environment, Yu Liqun's sister Yu Lichen supported the burden of the family, she did not care to show her face, resolutely took to the street to set up stalls, relying on a beautiful brush word, writing couplets for others, earning tuition for the children in the family, at this time Yu Lichen already had the posture of an elder sister like a mother. In fact, the children of the Yu family are very precocious, Yu Liqun began to act at the age of 14, and later entered the Shanghai Film Academy with excellent results, through filming and acting in dramas, she has become a popular little star. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yu Liqun's patriotic feelings inspired her to make contributions to the cause of the nation, and she worked tirelessly and traveled from place to place to carry out anti-Japanese literary and artistic performances to stimulate the people's enthusiasm for resisting Japan.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

▲Drama scenes from the Republic of China era

After Yu Liqun's deeds were known to Guo Moruo, he was also obsessed with the cause of anti-Japanese resistance and was full of good feelings for Liqun. When the two first met, Guo Moruo fell for this demure, noble and elegant female star, and after getting to know each other, he knew that she was Yu Lichen's sister, then he felt that he had more responsibility and obligation to take care of her. Originally, Yu Lichen was stationed in Tokyo by a newspaper in the twenty-third year of the Republic of China (1934 AD), and after arriving in Tokyo, he had a close relationship with Guo Moruo, who had long known him. In May 1937, Yu Lichen suddenly committed suicide in Shanghai. With the increase in exchanges between Guo Moruo and Yu Liqun, the relationship has gradually become familiar, Yu Liqun has great admiration for Guo Moruo, and the feelings between the two can be said to be "Lang has a concubine intention". After Yu Liqun joined the party, he longed for Yan'an, but Guo Mo wanted to go to Wuhan to take up a post. On the occasion of parting, Yu Liqun was reluctant to give up, so he packed his bags, gave up going to Yan'an for "love", and instead went to Wuhan with Guo Moruo, and then to Chongqing.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

▲Chongqing Minguo Street

After the two got married, the female star who was originally active in front of everyone chose to retire and became Guo Moruo's wife and secretary with peace of mind. Yu Liqun's life is very low-key, reclusive, and single-mindedly taking care of Guo Moruo, so that he does not have to worry about his family and can focus on his career. However, life seems to be teasing Yu Liqun, she originally lived a happy life with Guo Moruo and her two sons, but during the Cultural Revolution, one son was beaten to death, and one son could not bear the misfortune and chose to commit suicide, these bad news caused a serious blow to Yu Liqun, and she was originally suffering from neurotic disorders, and her condition became more and more serious. In 1978, after Guo Moruo's death, Yu Liqun sadly sent away the last relative around her, and her body became increasingly haggard. What hit her even more was that when she was sorting out Guo Moruo's relics, she found a letter, which was a love letter between Guo Moruo and her sister Yu Lichen, which wrote their love affair, and also wrote a secret, the sister was pregnant for Guo Moruo, but eventually the child was beaten.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

▲ Yu Liqun's old photo

Yu Liqun learned about this secret love affair after Guo Moruo's death, and Guo Moruo, who was once gentle and considerate, also became a cold-blooded and thin-hearted man in Liqun's heart with the exposure of this relationship. On February 25, 1979, Yu Liqun hanged himself at his residence in Beijing. Official sources said that "she, like her sister, was tortured to death by 'mental and sickness.'" In Ziyuan's view, Yu Liqunfa's second half of life was really tragic, two sons died in front of her, her husband also took a step ahead, there is no one in the world worthy of her nostalgia, the only thing that supports her to live is Guo Moruo's "love". Unfortunately, this love is not sincere, and when Guo Moruo's disguise was torn off, Yu Liqun's heart died. For such a person who has no sustenance for the world at all, death may be the only destination.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

▲Former residence of Guo Moruo in Beijing

Guo Moruo's life, starting with his wife Zhang Qionghua, has hurt countless women. Because of dissatisfaction with his parents' arranged marriage, Guo Moruo ran away from home after five days of marriage, and almost did not return home after that, Zhang Qionghua kept a widow for a lifetime and took care of the Guo family's in-laws. Guo Moruo's second wife was Tomoko Sato (later renamed Anna) from a famous Japanese family. The latter did not hesitate to break away from the family for Guo Moruo, and gave birth to children for him, fortunately working hard for twenty years. However, when Anna went to China to look for Guo Moruo, there were already other women around him, and for Anna, who was looking for a husband, Guo Moruo spoke coldly, and there was no feeling at all.

After Guo Moruo's death, his wife sorted out the relics and found a letter, why was she ashamed and angry after reading it?

During her life with Anna in Japan, Guo Moruo reunited with Yu Lichen, a female journalist who went to Japan to work, and this beautiful girl was confused by Guo Moruo's rhetoric and gave him all her feelings. After living with Guo Moruo, Yu Lichen became pregnant with a child, but Guo Moruo's once mountain menghai oath was all deceitful, and he not only had no idea of marrying Yu Lichen, but also forced Yu Lichen to beat the child off. Physically and mentally injured, Yu Lichen returned to Shanghai in 1937 and committed suicide in grief. These four women have all suffered because of this man, and it is not an exaggeration for Guo Moruo to be called Sven scum.


The Biography of Guo Moruo

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