
She was born in Japan, resolutely married to China, and donated 5 million yuan before her death, touching countless Chinese people

Guo Anna, formerly known as Tomoko Sato, was the second wife of Guo Moruo, a scholar of the Republic of China, and a Japanese wife, who gave birth to four sons and a daughter for Guo Moruo, but in 1937, Guo Moruo returned to China without saying anything to Guo Anna, and Guo Anna directly followed to China, seeing her beloved husband and other women having children.

She was born in Japan, resolutely married to China, and donated 5 million yuan before her death, touching countless Chinese people

Guo Anna, born in Japan, a prominent family, is also a samurai family, in the late 1860s, after the Meiji Restoration in Japan, Guo Anna's father became a priest, Guo Anna was influenced by her father to become a devout Christian, at the age of 21, Guo Anna's parents betrothed to her.

In the expectations of Guo Anna's parents, Guo Anna should marry a Japanese who is also from a famous family, become a housewife, and start another end of life, but what they can't imagine is that Guo Anna chose to run away from home after learning that she had a marriage, became a nurse, and fell in love with a Chinese.

She was born in Japan, resolutely married to China, and donated 5 million yuan before her death, touching countless Chinese people

Guo Moruo's pursuit of Guo Anna is quite bold and warm, there is a kind of posture that you do not marry in this life, Guo Anna feels very romantic and heartwarming, the two lived together in the fourth month of acquaintance, Guo Anna's relationship naturally did not get the recognition and blessing of her parents at home, and she still resolutely married Guo Moruo.

At this time, Guo Moruo was still a student, Guo Anna lost the rich life provided by her parents, took care of Guo Moruo without any care, took care of everything in life, she gave birth to three sons and a daughter for Guo Moruo, Guo Moruo graduated from a school in Japan, and Guo Anna took the children to follow Guo Moruo to China.

She was born in Japan, resolutely married to China, and donated 5 million yuan before her death, touching countless Chinese people

Guo Moruo returned to China and published many articles on new ideas, but he was wanted, so Guo Moruo could only take his children and Guo Anna to Japan again, 1937 was an important year in Chinese history, Guo Moruo returned to China without a single greeting, determined to defend the country.

Husband left Japan, Guo Anna learned and sent two letters, but did not reply, she thought that her husband's situation at this time must be very difficult, so she did not bother anymore, relying on odd jobs to maintain the children's life, such a life has passed 11 years, Guo Anna got the news of her husband again, so she took the children to start a thousand miles to find a husband.

She was born in Japan, resolutely married to China, and donated 5 million yuan before her death, touching countless Chinese people

Time has passed too much, Guo Anna has always remembered those good times, and in China, Guo Anna learned that Guo Moruo and other women had children, Guo Moruo also avoided her arrival, Guo Anna was very sad, only said one sentence: "I go...

She was born in Japan, resolutely married to China, and donated 5 million yuan before her death, touching countless Chinese people

Although she was turned away by her husband, Guo Anna still stayed in China with her children and joined the Chinese nationality, she told her relatives that she would die in China, only because she was a Chinese, in August 1994, Guo Anna died of illness in Shanghai, before her death, she donated only 5 million yen to China, feeling countless Chinese.

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