
Gourmet selection: five-fingered peach soup, steamed egg ravioli, pancakes, fried toast banana rolls

author:A foodie

Hello everyone, I am a foodie, once our family invited guests, Grandma was making spiced strips. I was idle, so I walked over to watch. I saw Grandma stir the cut pork, green onions, ice fish, horseshoe, put together for a while, and then cut the right size of the bean skin, lay flat on the table, put some cut materials on the bean skin, wrap it up, apply some wet flour on the tail of the bean skin and stick it tightly, and a five-spice strip is wrapped! Then, Grandma put the wrapped spice strips into the pot one by one and fried them, and fried them for a few minutes. Before Grandma could bring the spice strips to the table, I was already drooling. My mother gave me a few fragrant strips of spices, and I devoured them. After a while, the delicious spiced strips were down. But I still want to eat, my mother clipped a five-spice strip for me, and taught me by hand: "You first cut the spiced strips into pieces, close your eyes, and taste carefully, you can taste a lot of flavors!" She said, while doing a demonstration. I learned from my mother and tasted it carefully, not only tasting the taste of pork, green onions, ice fish, and horseshoes, but also tasting the sweat of my grandmother's hard work and the warm love of my mother. Start today's food sharing:

Five-fingered peach dispel wet soup

Gourmet selection: five-fingered peach soup, steamed egg ravioli, pancakes, fried toast banana rolls


A pinch of barley, a suitable amount of pork bones, three or four five-seeded peaches, a pinch of yunling, a pinch of dried lotus seeds, a large piece of ginger, and three dates


1. Fresh pig bones washed, prepare a pot of boiling water, water open into the pork bones, pour in some white wine to fishy, remove dirty foam, cook for two minutes to fish and wash with water.

2. Prepare a tile pot and pour in the appropriate amount of water, add all the ingredients after boiling, simmer for 20 minutes on open heat, switch to simmering for two hours, add salt before turning off the heat. Time should be flexibly controlled, and the amount of food should be cooked for a while.

Steamed egg ravioli

Gourmet selection: five-fingered peach soup, steamed egg ravioli, pancakes, fried toast banana rolls

Main ingredients:

6 wontons, 2 native eggs, sesame oil, steamed fish sauce, garlic seedlings, meat floss

Preparation Method:

1) Prepare all the ingredients.

2) Beat the eggs and add warm water. Add a little salt and stir well.

3) Then filter the egg mixture. Place the ravioli in a bowl of egg liquid.

4) Wrap in plastic wrap and put into the steamer. Steam on high heat for 15-20 minutes.

5) Drizzle the steamed custard with sesame oil, steam the fish soy sauce, sprinkle with garlic sprouts and a little pork floss.

Gourmet selection: five-fingered peach soup, steamed egg ravioli, pancakes, fried toast banana rolls


Ingredients required: 180 grams of flour, 250 grams of water, 3 eggs, 3 wonton skins, yellow sauce, green onion, black sesame seeds, coriander


1. Put water in the container first, then pour the flour little by little, stir while pouring, so as not to put too much noodles at one time. Make it a slightly thicker paste, visually thicker than a pancake stand. (Corn flour, bean noodles, etc. can also be added to the flour, but pay attention to the proportion change)

2. Prepare the ingredients. Yellow sauce with water to pour out.

3. Fry thinly and crisply. The little secret to hassle is to use the ravioli skins you buy now. Put the right amount of oil in the pan, add 80% of the heat to the ravioli skin, fry until golden brown on both sides and fish out. If you don't have one, you can leave it alone.

4. Brush a little oil in a flat non-stick pan. Scoop in a large spoonful of batter and spread out with a spatula.

5. Until the batter is basically solidified, beat an egg. Spread out with a spatula to brush the sauce.

6. Sprinkle some green onions, black sesame seeds, etc., depending on personal preferences, and sprinkle after turning the noodles.

7. Add the thin crisp and roll well.

Pan-fried toast banana rolls

Gourmet selection: five-fingered peach soup, steamed egg ravioli, pancakes, fried toast banana rolls


1 banana, 4 slices of toast, 1 egg

◆ Method

1. Peel the banana and cut it into two flat petals;

2. Toast to the edge, first use a piece of rolled up bananas, knead the seal, gently compact the shape, and then use another piece of toast to roll up, the same slightly compacted, the other half of the bananas are also rolled up in the same way;

3. Beat the eggs, soak the rolled banana toast into the egg liquid, and let the egg liquid evenly wrap around the toast surface;

4. Heat the oil in a hot pan, reduce the heat and put in the banana roll and fry until the surface is golden brown;

5. After not hot hands, you can cut into sections, you can eat it directly, adding honey and condensed milk is delicious, you can also add different sauces.

How's that? After listening to my meticulous introduction, your saliva has been "salivating for three thousand feet!" "What's the food in your hometown?" You can reply to me in the review. If you like it can pay attention to the collection, I am a humble foodie one goodbye tomorrow.

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