
Ouyang Minggao: 2022 opens a new track of smart energy, and Nezha Cars may take the lead

On January 8th, the 100,000th mass production vehicle of Nezha Automobile was held in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, and Ouyang Minggao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was invited to attend and deliver a speech with the theme of "Smart Energy". Academician Ouyang Minggao shared and discussed the development status and future trend of smart energy from three aspects: power battery, vehicle platform, vehicle network interaction and smart energy. As an important guest attending the launch ceremony of Nezha Automobile's 100,000th mass production car, Academician Ouyang Minggao praised and recognized the performance of Nezha Automobile, and looked forward to Nezha Automobile's ability to continue to open up the market, deeply cultivate the field of intelligent technology, master leading technology, and continuously fulfill the original intention of "building cars for the people" when the new smart energy track is fully opened in 2022.

Ouyang Minggao: 2022 opens a new track of smart energy, and Nezha Cars may take the lead

[Academician Ouyang Minggao participated in the off-line ceremony of Nezha Automobile's 100,000th mass production car】

The new forces of car-making force user interaction, Nezha car performance is eye-catching

In 2021, under the guidance of national policies and the promotion of the market, the new energy vehicle market ushered in a "golden age", and the scale of production and sales entered a period of steep growth, injecting fresh blood into the automobile industry with a spurt. Compared with the mediocre performance of traditional car companies in the field of new energy, the new car-making forces are in the limelight in 2021. Tesla's annual sales are approaching the million mark; the output or sales volume of "Wei Xiaoli" has exceeded 100,000, and the collective has entered the "100,000 club"; Nezha Automobile has also exceeded 100,000 units in January 2022, ranking among the head camp of new car companies. Academician Ouyang Minggao pointed out that the total amount of China's electric vehicle market is in a stage of rapid rise, and new energy passenger vehicles are the first time to open a sharp increase, and new energy vehicle companies must be prepared for large-scale production.

Ouyang Minggao: 2022 opens a new track of smart energy, and Nezha Cars may take the lead

【Nezha Automobile's 100,000th mass production vehicle roll-off ceremony】

Nowadays, human-computer interaction has become one of the most concerned elements for new energy users. New car-making forces are engaged in user interaction, and "Wei Xiaoli" has upgraded the OTA of the on-board intelligent system to bring consumers a better driving experience through system optimization. And Nezha Automobile, which has just entered the "100,000 Club", is not inferior, with its unique differentiated physique. Nezha Automobile pays more attention to timely insight and accurate capture of user needs, focuses on the real needs of car owners in terms of user interaction on the Internet, and directly hits pain points and difficulties, such as transparent A-pillars, in-car vital sign monitoring system, small You intelligent robots that can interact emotionally with car owners and humanized natural voice communication, etc., to truly meet the needs of new energy users for intelligent interactive experience. In addition, Nezha Automobile has received 360 blessings in terms of safety intelligence and user information security, bringing users a safer and more intelligent travel experience, and the score is even expected to jump above "Wei Xiaoli".

Academician Ouyang also specifically mentioned that as the new forces of car manufacturing further increase investment in the field of intelligent networking, it will bring users a more efficient, convenient and safe intelligent driving experience, and its advantages with traditional car companies will be further expanded.

In the second half of new energy vehicles, the key word is intelligence

In 2022, what will be the development trend of the new energy automobile industry? Ouyang Minggao believes that new energy vehicles have entered a new stage of market-driven and explosive stage of rapid market growth. If the first half of new energy vehicles is electrified, then intelligence is the second half, and when the sales of new energy vehicles make large-scale breakthroughs, more attention should be paid to the development of intelligence.

For future intelligent cars, intelligence is not only intelligent in handling, such as the Internet of Vehicles, intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, etc., but also a revolution in the automotive industry in an all-round way, including the intelligence of power and the intelligence of manufacturing.

"Electrification also needs to be intelligent, and without intelligence, electrification cannot be upgraded." Ouyang Minggao said, "The intelligent battery revolution is very important, from battery safety needs to rely on intelligent monitoring to find and warn of accidents, to the need for intelligent drive control of the three-electric system, and then to the need for intelligent application of charging and replacing to promote the final formation of the core foundation of intelligent energy for electric vehicles." In the future, new energy vehicles will be used as the largest distributed energy storage system, and so many vehicles must be integrated with the application of intelligent networks."

Ouyang Minggao: 2022 opens a new track of smart energy, and Nezha Cars may take the lead

【Academician Ouyang Minggao Special Sharing Meeting】

Ouyang Minggao pointed out to the point that whether it is a smart car or a smart energy, safety issues are still the biggest challenge of power batteries. He believes that from a technical point of view, batteries still account for more than half of the technology of electric vehicles, and grasping safety technology is also grasping all the technology of batteries. Ouyang Minggao suggested that automakers, especially electric vehicle companies like Nezha Automobile, which have achieved large-scale production, must master battery technology.

Building cars for the people Nezha cars or leading a new starting point for smart energy

Judging from the market delivery performance in 2021, Nezha Automobile, which has just achieved 100,000 mass production vehicles off the production line, has been very stable. At the 100,000th off-line ceremony, Fang Yunzhou, founder and chairman of Nezha Automobile, said that the off-line of the 100,000th mass-produced car is of landmark significance for Nezha Automobile, and next, Nezha Automobile will continue to focus on technological innovation, deep cultivation of ingenuity and quality, optimization of service experience, and truly make high-quality intelligent electric vehicles within reach.

Under the guidance of Academician Ouyang, Fang Yunzhou led Nezha Automobile and embarked on a unique road of building cars for the people. Adhering to the value of "equal rights in science and technology", Nezha Automobile does not build low-end cars for the people, but truly popularizes the "high-end product prices", so that the people can buy high-configuration products at relatively low prices. To this end, Nezha Automobile focuses on the application and research and development of intelligent technology, and continuously increases investment in research and development. But it is particularly worth mentioning that Nezha Automobile on the road of intelligence, do not do the "high-tech" that hopes to quench the thirst of Mei, nor does it do the icing on the cake "over technology", insists on doing something and not doing something, and takes the development path of intelligent technology that suits the needs of users. This has also become the key to Nezha Car's favor and trust from users.

In 2021, Nezha Automobile delivered a total of 69,674 units, an increase of 362% year-on-year. In 2022, Nezha Automobile may become a new starting point for smart energy vehicles. Nezha Automobile will open a new journey of the new track of "smart energy" for new car companies.

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