
Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

Why was Wu Zetian able to live to be 81 years old? Because she has a physiological advantage that modern girls envy

In ancient times, when it comes to women, there may be a lot of gossip, for women there are also a lot of institutional requirements, can not go out casually, because they all feel that women who show their faces are not good women, can not intervene in many things, can not read poetry, always give people that women are not virtuous is blessed, so the status of women is also a lot of oppression, and in ancient times, women's chastity is also very important, at most can only show the neck part, And men and women can not easily meet each other, perhaps across the barrier to speak, so also feel that in ancient times there were too many unfair things with girls, and at that time for the female emperor can be said to be a thing that does not have to think, but history has a female emperor, but also people really admire, and after Wu Zetian lived to 81 years old, then why can Wu Zetian live to 81 years old? Because she has a physiological advantage that modern girls envy.

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

Wu Zetian was the first empress in Chinese history, breaking with historic traditions and ascending to the throne in a history dominated by men. Moreover, under her rule, she also created the rule of chastity, which has always been praised by later generations. It is undeniable that Wu Zetian is indeed an admirable political talent. Perhaps because he can also feel the unfairness of women, so after Wu Zetian ascended the throne, the status of women has also improved a lot, and some changes have been made in clothing.

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

Throughout the ages, there have been hundreds of emperors in Chinese history, but we also know that in ancient times, medical technology was also very underdeveloped, so many children died at a young age, and the reigning emperor also died at a young age, but Wu Zetian, the female emperor, was very long-lived, and Wu Zetian firmly held the Li family's Tang Jiangshan in his hands, although after the Li family's Tang Jiangshan was returned to the original owner, but her reign was also very long. Wu Zetian once lived to the age of 81, which was very valuable in ancient times, because the medical level and quality of life in ancient times were not better than modern, so what was the secret of her longevity?

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

First of all, we also know that Wu Zetian's origin is also relatively noble, Wu Zetian's mother is a descendant of the Sui and Tang imperial family, his father is a high-ranking official, and he was once a businessman, so Wu Zetian's living environment from childhood is very good, she lives in a very wealthy family, and she is also well educated, cultivating her to become an outstanding person. Food, clothing, shelter and transportation are the best treatment. Moreover, Wu Zetian was indeed well educated since he was a child, not only did he have a good foundation in physical fitness, but his manners and cultivation were not worse than others. It can be said that she has been trained since she was a child to become a woman with both culture and martial arts and a majestic mind. Because of this, she was able to enter the palace. For those who are born noble, many girls are also very envious, after all, everyone wants a pampered living environment.

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

The second physiological advantage that modern girls envy is that they are very good-looking and extremely literate, and they are selected by Emperor Taizong at a glance. After entering the palace, he was quickly named a talented person. After entering the palace, the emperor was very fond of Wu Zetian, and there was no shortage of anything, so the skin care products used were never broken, and the use of very luxurious medicine powder and fat powder also allowed the tai doctor to regularly adjust his body. Therefore, the quality of life is getting better and better, especially the living expenses of the concubines are also sufficient. In addition to learning the knowledge of the palace every day, she did not slack off on her maintenance, and various tonics and skin care products were used every day.

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

Another physiological advantage is that she pays attention to health maintenance, and asks the imperial doctor to prescribe medicine for her every day, and regularly do facial fat masks. Such good habits make her want to live a long life is also a difficult thing. Therefore, this is also what many modern girls are more envious of, Wu Zetian after the death of Emperor Taizong, in the Ganye Temple Qing cultivation for five years. In the past five years, the conditions in the temple were particularly harsh, and Wu Zetian slowly overcame it, ate and prayed to the Buddha, maintained a state of pure heart and a calm state of mind, and she learned to be tolerant, to guard against arrogance and impatience, and it was not easy to be sad and bothered about foreign affairs. In fact, this mentality is worth learning, because this mentality is necessary for longevity. In addition, Wu Zetian prefers to practice calligraphy, which also tempers her own strict requirements for herself. In fact, Wu Zetian's maintenance method, in addition to her natural beauty of the physiological advantages, this is what we now envy women. On the other hand, he also pays attention to the protection and cultivation of his own body, such as quantitative diet and practicing calligraphy, so that he can maintain a calm mood and live a long life. So self-cultivation is still particularly important, and now how many people are willing to stop to cultivate their bodies, so that their lives are not so hard, maintain a good habit every day, it is also ten minutes, and more importantly, it is to be healthy.

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

Therefore, Xiaobian feels that in order to obtain longevity, we must first start from ourselves, not only rely on some external nourishing supplements, but also cultivate the body from the inside, have a good attitude, face life calmly, encounter setbacks, and are not easy to get angry, so that we can have a good body. So I also hope that everyone can take more care of themselves, sometimes some things are not so easy to get, although Wu Zetian is sitting in the position of the emperor, but every day is also a lot of national events, so it will also be worried, but Wu Zetian she pays more attention to the maintenance of her body, so that she lived to the age of 81, so she also admires Wu Zetian this woman.

Empress Wu Zetian, why can she live to be 81 years old?

So in general, the reason why Wu Zetian can live to the age of 81, in addition to the fact that she has a physiological advantage that modern girls envy, is more important than her own self-cultivation, so I also hope that everyone can make some adjustments to some of their work and rest time, so that they can have a good body, so what do you think after reading it?

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