
Who is the highest official, Namely He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong? Stop being "fooled" by TV dramas

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

As the last stop of China's feudal dynasty, the Qing Dynasty is the closest to us, so there is a lot of historical information about him, and it is very complete. Many of these contents have been adapted into TV series, and most of us know about the Qing Dynasty from TV series. He Yan, Ji Xiaolan and Liu Yong were the courtiers we were more familiar with in the Qing Dynasty, so who of the three had the highest official position? Stop being "fooled" by TV dramas.

Who is the highest official, Namely He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong?

Who is the highest official, Namely He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong? Stop being "fooled" by TV dramas

In the TV series, there is no difference between dignity and inferiority when the three people talk, so we have the impression that the three people have the same status and the same size of official positions, but in fact, this is not the case. We can quickly understand from the top positions of the three of them who is bigger!

Who is the highest official, Namely He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong? Stop being "fooled" by TV dramas

He yan was very popular with the Qianlong Emperor, so he became a military aircraft, a minister of internal affairs, and the right to ride a horse in the Forbidden City before the age of 30. Although he had ups and downs in his official position, he was always able to make a comeback. At that time, the Qianlong Emperor was over eighty years old, but Hezhen was still able to talk to the emperor, so his status was equivalent to that of a regent, commonly known as the second emperor.

Who is the highest official, Namely He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong? Stop being "fooled" by TV dramas

Ji Xiaolan, on the other hand, was a child born into the eunuch family and entered the imperial court system through the imperial examination. After entering the imperial court, he participated in the compilation of works for nearly 40 years, and the Siku Quanshu was related to Ji Xiaolan. Ji Xiaolan's greatest official position was that of an official of the Ministry of Ceremonies, and he had the title of Prince Shaobao. Although the status is higher, it is still much worse than that of Hezhen.

Who is the highest official, Namely He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong? Stop being "fooled" by TV dramas

Liu Yong's father was Liu Tongxun, the former military chancellor of the Qianlong Emperor, who later entered the imperial court through the imperial examination. He served as an official in Shandong for twenty years, and only later began to travel around the world, in the process reaching the position of governor. However, although the position of governor is high, it is still much worse than that of the regent. Therefore, among the three, Hezhen's official position is the highest, and it is no wonder that he can embezzle the equivalent of fifteen years of the national treasury!

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