
When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

author:Writer Yang Wenshan

In the magnificent palace of Emperor Qianlong, an unusual duel is about to unfold. Emperor Qianlong's gaze fell on Liu Yong, and there was a hint of provocation in his eyes. Suddenly, he came out with a couplet: "It's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar." This sentence seems to imply dissatisfaction with Liu Yong, and also implies a deeper test.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Liu Yong stood there, facing the emperor's challenge, and an inexplicable tension surged in his heart. He knew that this was not just a contest of couplets, but also a test of his wisdom and courage. He took a deep breath and prepared to answer. But how will his downlink affect his fate?

Beginner career: a talented man from a scholarly family

In the Liu family in Zhucheng, Shandong, the fragrance of books is permeated, and the seeds of knowledge take root here. Liu Yong's father, Liu Tongxun, was an official who was well versed in governing the country. Not only did he have a wealth of knowledge, but he also had the patience to pass it on to his son.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

When night falls, the lobby of the Liu family becomes a place where the father and son discuss state affairs. Under the lights, Liu Tongxun's words gradually ignited Liu Yong's enthusiasm for governing the country. Liu often asks questions of his father in pursuit of a deeper understanding.

"Father, why is the rule of the wise so important to the country?" asked Liu Yong curiously.

Liu Tongxun replied with a smile: "Wise rule is like spring breeze and rain, which can make the country prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment. ”

These conversations deeply influenced Liu Yong, and he began to study Xi more diligently. He not only read the classics, but also dabbled in a wide range of statecraft. His goal was not only to become a scholar, but also to become an official who could actually bring benefits to the people.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Time flowed, and Liu Yong gradually grew into a young man with both talent and ambition. His wisdom and deep understanding of the people's feelings enabled him to smoothly enter the official career during the Qianlong period. However, the career is not smooth, especially in the face of the powerful He Shen, Liu Yong's challenges are even more numerous.

At a court meeting, He Shen scoffed at Liu Yong's civil affairs proposal: "Lord Liu, your ideals are too empty. ”

Liu Yong did not flinch, and responded firmly: "Peace with adults, the way to govern the country, the people are fundamental." If an ideal does not start from the people, how can it be called an ideal?"

The debate caused a stir in the court. Liu Yong's determination and courage show that he is not only a scholar, but also an official who dares to ask for the people's lives. Despite facing such a formidable opponent as He Shen, he still stood by his beliefs and showed extraordinary courage and wisdom.

All of this stems from Liu Yong's Xi and growth in his home in Zhucheng. Those conversations at night, those time in the study, have laid a solid foundation for Liu Yong.

Court Battle: A battle of wits with Heshen

In the early morning of the Qianlong period, the morning sun was rising, and the golden sunlight shone on every brick and tile of the Forbidden City. On such a vigorous day, a fierce debate is about to be staged in the court.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Liu Yong, an official who is deeply respected by the people, is preparing to present a proposal for civil affairs reform at the court meeting. He is well aware that this proposal may meet with strong opposition, especially from the powerful and opposition government and the opposition. But his heart was filled with the determination to ask for the lives of the people.

At the beginning of the court meeting, Liu Yong stood up and made his suggestion clearly and firmly: "Your Majesty, the minister believes that the people's taxes should be reduced and the people's livelihood should be improved. ”

As soon as his words fell, He Shen stood up and said to him with a sneer: "Lord Liu, your ideal is too naïve. How is it possible to achieve these empty promises without increasing spending on the part of the State Treasury?"

Liu Yong did not flinch and responded: "With adults, governing the country is like cooking a small fresh, and details determine success or failure." Tax cuts will not necessarily lead to a deficit in the national treasury, but will stimulate the people's enthusiasm for production, and in the long run, it will be more conducive to the stability and development of the country. ”

He Shen retorted unconvinced: "But doing so will definitely shake the financial foundation of the imperial court, how can you guarantee that this will not cause even greater chaos?"

Liu Yong replied calmly: "The chaos stems from the people's lack of livelihood, if the people can live and work in peace and contentment, how can there be chaos?"

There was silence in the court, and everyone was waiting for He Shen's response. But He Shen was silent, he knew that Liu Yong's words had a reason, but it was difficult to admit it.

Although there was no immediate result of this debate, Liu Yong's words caused huge waves in the imperial court. His persistence and integrity, as well as his deep understanding and insight into civil affairs issues, not only won the respect of many officials present, but also made the emperor look up to him.

After this debate, Liu Yong's status in the court has risen day by day. Although his proposal did not materialize immediately, the ideas he advocated, such as reducing taxes and paying attention to people's livelihood, gradually gained support from more and more officials. Liu Yong's debate not only demonstrated his wisdom and courage, but also became a symbol of his lifelong philosophy of being an official.

The debate between Liu Yong and He Shen became a good story in the court during the Qianlong period. It not only revealed some problems in the government at that time, but also showed Liu Moran's image as a benevolent minister. His words and deeds deeply influenced later officials and became a role model for a generation of officials. Throughout Chinese history, Liu Yong's name has endured for his integrity and wisdom.

Ups and downs: Liu Yong's wit and humility

Although Liu Yong now serves as an important minister in the Qianlong court, and his status and ability have been widely recognized, his path to entry into the government has not been smooth. He was once disliked by Qianlong because of his appearance, which made his career blocked for a while.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Emperor Qianlong, a monarch who had a lot of demands on Wenchen, had a bad first impression of Liu Yong. He felt that Liu Yong's appearance did not conform to the image of a minister, so he had some prejudices in his heart. This prejudice is not only because of Liu Yong's appearance, but also because of his doubts about Liu Yong's ability and qualities.

At a court meeting, Emperor Qianlong decided to test Liu Yong's intelligence and cultivation through the test of couplets. He looked at Liu Yong, his eyes revealed a hint of test, and then slowly made a couplet: "It's just a sigh, it's hard to be a pillar of bent wood." ”

The atmosphere in the court became tense for a while, and all eyes were focused on Liu Yong. All officials knew that this was a test for Liu Yong by Emperor Qianlong, and at the same time, it also hinted at dissatisfaction with him.

When Liu Yong heard this link, he naturally understood in his heart that this was a kind of subtle irony for him. His face changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. He knew that as a minister of a country, he could not lose his temper in front of the emperor, let alone let Qianlong's dissatisfaction affect his mind.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

However, Liu was not discouraged or frustrated by this. Instead, he decided to prove his worth through his own efforts and intelligence.

He took a deep breath, looked at Emperor Qianlong calmly, and replied, "I am very happy, I can only shoot the wolf by bending my bow." This couplet not only skillfully responds to Qianlong's challenge, but also reflects his humility and wisdom.

When Emperor Qianlong heard this couplet, he was a little speechless for a while. He didn't expect Liu Yong to be so skillful in defusing his provocations and showing extraordinary intelligence. Qianlong's eyes gradually changed, from the initial disdain to a kind of appreciation and respect.

Other officials in the court were also impressed by Liu's wit. They discussed in low voices, admiring Liu Yong's talent and open-mindedness.

Wisdom Couplet: Liu Yong's Cleverness

In front of Emperor Qianlong, Liu Yong's answer caused waves. Qianlong's first impression of Liu Yong was not good, thinking that he was mediocre and slightly proud. But Liu Yong's answer surprised Qianlong, he didn't expect this inconspicuous official to have such courage and intelligence.

Emperor Qianlong was a little dissatisfied with the connotation of Liu Yong's "shooting the wolf" in the lower link, feeling that this was a hint at the problems existing in the imperial court. He couldn't help but ask, "How do you shoot a wolf?"

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Liu Yong stood there, his eyes firm and deep, he knew that this was an opportunity and a challenge. He looked at Emperor Qianlong calmly and replied calmly: "The so-called 'shooting wolf' is to investigate and punish corrupt officials in the world and save the common people." This is not only the responsibility of ministers, but also the way to govern the country. His voice was calm and powerful, and every word was full of determination and conviction.

When Emperor Qianlong heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He did not expect Liu Yong to point out the problems in the government so directly, let alone that he would have the courage to propose solutions. The dissatisfaction in Qianlong's heart gradually turned into appreciation and respect for Liu Yong. He saw Liu Yong's firmness and courage, as well as his loyalty and love for the country and the people.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Liu Yong's words not only surprised Emperor Qianlong, but also shocked everyone present. They didn't expect Liu Yong to face the problem so calmly and propose a solution. They began to re-examine Liu Yong and developed a deep respect for his abilities and wisdom.

Qianlong continued to ask: "Do you think it is necessary to treat corrupt officials so harshly in today's peaceful and prosperous world?"

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

Liu Yong replied: "In the prosperous era, it is even more necessary to clean up politics, and once the wind of corruption spreads, it will be a hidden danger in the prosperous era." The minister believed that only by continuous rectification could the long-term peace and stability of the country be maintained. ”

After hearing this, Qianlong was silent for a moment, and then nodded. He began to re-examine Liu Yong, believing that this official was not only talented, but also had extraordinary courage and vision.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

This dialogue became a turning point for Liu Yong to gain a foothold in the DPRK and China. His frankness and courage not only won Qianlong's respect, but also laid a solid foundation for his future development in the imperial court. Liu Yong's name began to be praised in the imperial court, and he was regarded as an outspoken and far-sighted official.

When Qianlong saw Liu Yong, he came up with an upper link: it's just a sigh, bent wood is difficult to be a pillar on the top, and the next link is more classic

In the long history of the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong period was regarded as a glorious and prosperous era. In this period of history, Liu Yong's image gradually became clear, he was not only a scholar who was well versed in books, but also a benevolent minister who dared to ask for the people's life and reform. His story has become a model for future generations to follow, and has also added a touch of color to China's history.



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