
Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

author:One person wonderful


Since ancient times, the emperor in feudal society was the supreme leader of the state and held the highest power. Because the emperors were arbitrary and treated human life with care, under their rule, the ministers who served the emperor had to be cautious and cautious in their words and deeds, for fear that their words and deeds would cause the emperor's dissatisfaction, at least lose their official positions, and at worst be in danger of dying.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

In China's long history, there have been many ministers who paid with their lives for offending the emperor. This made it difficult for the courtiers of the past dynasties to move in front of the emperor, and they needed to closely follow the emperor's wishes, maintain their own status, and guard against risks behind them.

However, there is one official who is different from the other in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and he is the high-profile Liu Yong. Liu Yong teased Emperor Qianlong in a game of chess and defeated Qianlong, which made Qianlong furious and threatened to impose a punishment. Qianlong scolded Liu Yong: "How dare you make me shameless?"

Fortunately, Liu Yong is a very smart person, and he answered this question skillfully in one sentence.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

Qianlong was moody, and Liu Yong knew his nature well

In 1723, Liu Yong was born in a scholarly family. His father, Liu Tongxun, was an imperial historian who was deeply appreciated by Qianlong. After Liu Yong entered high school, he also successfully entered Beijing as an official, speeding up his career.

However, the good times did not last long, and three years later, Liu Tongxun was dismissed and investigated for his ineffective work, and Liu Yong was also implicated and imprisoned. This made Liu Yong recognize Qianlong's moodiness. He began to reflect that even if a person is favored for a while, as long as he is careless, he will be retaliated by Qianlong. The important ministers around Qianlong were all silent, and they were well versed in the horror of imperial power.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

After being released from prison, Liu Yong became cautious, but his career became more and more prosperous. He gradually realized that Qianlong's moodiness was actually a power game. As long as you are well versed in the doorway, you can turn danger into victory, and even turn defeat into victory.

As a result, Liu Yong began to carefully observe Qianlong's personality and temper, trying to find a way to deal with his vagaries and vagences.

Playing chess with Qianlong, Liu Yong resolved the crisis with wit

In 1767, Liu Yong was promoted to a cabinet scholar and became a popular man around Qianlong. He was often called to accompany Qianlong to discuss politics or play chess.

Qianlong liked to let his courtiers have fun with him, on the one hand, to show their favor, and on the other hand, to test their loyalty. The court and the central government were all worried, for fear of offending Qianlong.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

One day, after Liu Yong reported to work, he was left by Qianlong to play chess with him. Liu Yong felt a little bitter in his heart, he was already busy with work, how could he have time to play games with the emperor? But since Qianlong opened his mouth, he could only do it.

In this game, Liu Yong lost his mind playing chess and accidentally won Qianlong. Qianlong was furious and threatened to kill him. Liu Yong had a flash in his head, and immediately understood Qianlong's true meaning - he was just venting his unhappiness for many days, and he would not really harm himself. He judged that Qianlong's move was just to give himself a dismount and show the majesty of his "Long Live Lord".

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

So Liu Yong cleverly explained, and Liu Yong's explanation was recorded in the "Qing History Manuscript": "My chess skills are very different from the emperor's chess skills, and the minister just won a game of the emperor this time." The minister's eyes are shallow, and there is only this game of chess in his eyes, unlike the emperor, who is far-sighted, and what he sees in his eyes is these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, so presumably the emperor and the minister will not worry about winning or losing this time. He flatteringly praised Qianlong's superb chess skills, and it was a fluke that he was able to win. Qianlong laughed at this time, forgave Liu Yong, and took him even more seriously.

This incident convinced Liu Yong that Qianlong's moodiness was just a fig leaf to hide his true weakness and incompetence. To gain his trust, you only need to reasonably cater to his bad temperament.

Liu Yong repeatedly saved Qianlong from fire and water

In 1770, Liu Yong and Qianlong went on a trip to the Imperial Garden. Qianlong suddenly asked the ministers to evaluate the merits of the emperors of the previous dynasties, otherwise they would be punished together. The ministers were speechless, and Liu Yong immediately responded skillfully, making Qianlong smile.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

The next day, Qianlong asked the same question as he went down the stairs. The ministers were speechless again, and Liu Yong once again used his wits to save everyone present.

These two incidents made Liu Yong see it more clearly - Qianlong was thunderous on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely sensitive and suspicious on the inside. He needs constant flattery from his subordinates to satisfy his fragile self-esteem. Liu Yong realized that the real way to resolve Qianlong's anger was to cater to him at all times and praise him for his sycophants.

In 1780, Qianlong asked Liu Yong about the progress of the Wuying Palace, and Liu Yong truthfully reported that it had not yet been completed. Qianlong was furious and wanted to correct the overseer. Liu Yong pleaded: "Long live the saints, the minister will personally supervise the completion of the work day and night." In the end, Qianlong's anger was resolved. This once again confirms Liu Yong's idea that in order to gain Qianlong's trust, he must constantly maintain his fragile conceit.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

repeatedly saved Qianlong from the unexpected, and Liu Yong was even more convinced of his judgment - behind Qianlong's moodiness was his fragile and suspicious inner world.

Liu Yong eventually became a generation of virtuous ministers, and Qianlong's trust deepened

In 1781, with the assistance of Liu Yong, Qianlong successfully completed the sacrificial activities and praised him. The level of trust between the two is unprecedented. On this day, Qianlong asked Liu Yong to accompany him to play chess. Liu Yong has completely seen through Qianlong and knows how to cater to him and gain his trust.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily rebuked: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Tang's answer can be called a classic

At the end of the first game, Liu Yong defeated Qianlong again. Recalling the bloody storm caused by a game of chess many years ago, Liu Yong couldn't help but smile slightly-Qianlong did not harm himself after all, and even trusted himself more and more. There is nothing wrong with judging him as a person. Qianlong also gradually realized that Liu Yong was his most trusted confidant.

In 1784, Liu Yong died of illness at the age of 62. After his death, his home was raided, but he was quickly rehabilitated by Qianlong. At this time, Qianlong had been deeply influenced by Liu Yong, and his trust and dependence on him deepened day by day.

The government and the opposition all mourn this wise prime minister, and his life is enough to warn future generations to delve into the nature of the powerful. Perhaps it is based on this that Liu Yong eventually became a generation of wise men and virtuous ministers, which was praised by the people.

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