
Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily reprimanded: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Yong's answer is a classic

author:The brave love life meow Xiaoqi

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In ancient courts, courtiers loyal to the emperor often faced great pressure. During the Qianlong Emperor's period, there was a courtier named Liu Yong, who became famous for playing chess in a battle. However, his life is full of twists and turns, shackled by the times, and unable to fully exert his abilities. Liu Yong was born into a family of eunuchs, and under the influence of his family background, he successfully entered the officialdom. However, even with his outstanding talent, he knew that it would not be easy to gain a foothold in the court. After Qianlong ascended the throne, Liu Yong was appointed governor of Hunan, and in the face of official corruption and floods, he spent more than a year changing his predicament and winning the respect of the people.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily reprimanded: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Yong's answer is a classic

Liu Yong was not just an honest official, he was also a wise and smooth politician. In a chess game with Qianlong, he skillfully defused Qianlong's anger and showed his superb resourcefulness. However, in the officialdom, Liu Yong also had to endure the limitations of the times. The intrigues and intrigues of the court forced him to maintain a smooth attitude in order to save his life and that of his family.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily reprimanded: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Yong's answer is a classic

Although Liu Yong was reused during the Qianlong period, he never escaped the shackles of the times. After the Jiaqing Emperor ascended the throne, he once again stepped forward to assist the new emperor in rectifying the officialdom. However, his life was full of helplessness and regret, and he could not really realize his ambitions. In the court, although he coped smoothly, he was also repressed and could not truly show his abilities and willingness.

Liu Yong defeated Qianlong in chess, and Qianlong angrily reprimanded: Aren't you afraid that I will cut you? Liu Yong's answer is a classic

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