
Liu Bowen cut off the dragon vein and let go of the Changbai Mountain, is this really recorded in the main history?

"Zhuge Liang in three parts of the world, liu Bowen in the world", Liu Bowen once gave the decisive opinion of "first destroy Chen Youyi, and then destroy Zhang Shicheng" during Zhu Yuanzhang's confusion period, and he also had the title of reincarnated Zhuge and won the trust of Zhu Yuanzhang, thus becoming the founding father of the Ming Dynasty.

Soon after Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he always dreamed that the sky in the northeast was blood red, and when he thought of his own access to the throne, his heart became more and more panicked, so he found Liu Bowen. This is not a good thing, two hundred years later, the Ming Dynasty's Jiangshan will change hands! At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was not happy, and immediately ordered Liu Bowen to behead the dragon vein forever.

Liu Bowen cut off the dragon vein and let go of the Changbai Mountain, is this really recorded in the main history?

In this way, Liu Bowen took his own astrology and a group of pedestrians to all parts of the country to cut the dragon vein. It has cut off the dragon veins in Wuxi, Sichuan and other places. However, Liu Bowen had cut off so many dragon veins, why did he only let go of Changbai Mountain? And it is precisely this Changbai Mountain that is the dragon vein of the Qing Dynasty people who later destroyed the Ming Dynasty. Liu Bowen not only did not cut it, but also ordered that Changbai Mountain be closed for many years before leaving, and no one was allowed to enter. What's going on here?

It is said that Liu Bowen came to Changbai Mountain, saw eight dragons fighting in the air, and swung his sword at each other. However, because the Changbai Mountain Range was very special, Liu Bowen did not see clearly, but only cut off seven of them, leaving one without seeing it and letting him escape. That is to say, Liu Bowen is unintentional. Then we may wish to understand Liu Bowen's "Song of Burning Cakes": wind and fire, two fires at the beginning of the rise and stability of Taiping. Volcano Brigade, the Galactic Weaver Girl makes the Cow Star. The Fire Star King came to the Netherworld, and the Golden Temple was exhausted. Qinse harmoniously becomes an ancient road, left Zhongxing Emperor right Zhongxing.

According to the research of Chinese historians, most of the things predicted in the "Song of Burning Bread" have been verified. Such a capable alien who can be compared with the astrologer Yuan Tiangang, if he said that he did not see clearly and mistakenly placed that dragon vein, it would be really unbelievable.

Liu Bowen cut off the dragon vein and let go of the Changbai Mountain, is this really recorded in the main history?

Moreover, it is said that after Leaving Changbai Mountain, Liu Bowen also ordered the closure of Changbai Mountain. Sealing off Changbai Mountain is equivalent to our "sealing off the mountain and cultivating forests" today – in fact, to protect it. It is self-evident who protects, that is, the dragon vein that finally seized the Daming River. That is to say, Liu Bowen only let go of Changbai Mountain for a reason. We know that Liu Bowen calculated that the Ming Dynasty would perish in two hundred years (in fact, the Ming Dynasty coexisted for two hundred and seventy-six years), and came to Changbai Mountain to see the vision of the eight dragons fighting, so why not calculate whether the demise after two hundred years is the trend of the times?

The result was obvious, after cutting off the seven dragons, the last dragon hovered in the sky for a long time without falling, which was the original meaning of heaven. Two hundred years later, the Ming Dynasty will run out of qi, if you forcibly change your life against the heavens, you will be punished by heaven, he Liu Bowen may look down on life and death, but he still has children and grandchildren.

What is even more amazing is that Liu Bowen also calculated that two hundred years later, his descendants will still assist the true son of heaven who overthrew the Qing Dynasty. We read history books and know that Jilin Province, where Changbai Mountain is located, is exactly where the ethnic minorities lived at that time, and it was about two hundred years later that Nurhaci unified the Jurchen tribes in today's Jilin Province, and his later generations also overthrew the Ming Dynasty and established the Qing Dynasty.

Liu Bowen cut off the dragon vein and let go of the Changbai Mountain, is this really recorded in the main history?

Lo and behold, Liu Bowen is truly a great prophet. Think about what people often say about "cunning rabbits die, lackeys cook; birds are exhausted, good bows are hidden", Song Taizu's "cup of wine to release the military power", now the Ming Dynasty is considered stable, won't Liu Bowen calculate for himself? Historical facts have proved that Zhu Yuanzhang did wantonly kill many founders and loyal subjects in his later period.

I think Liu Bowen should have also calculated that he would die at the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang. Since you will be killed, and two hundred years from now your descendants will become courtiers of the next dynasty, why not pave the way for your descendants at this time? After all, people do not perish for their own sake, and they should be counted as Zhu Yuanzhang's unkindness, so why did He Liu Bowen take the merits of his descendants to escort the Ming Dynasty?

The reason for this is very clear, Liu Bowen calculated that two hundred years after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, and it was powerless to return to heaven, he still left the Changbai Mountain Dragon Vein for his descendants to accumulate merit.

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