
Chinese Zhejiang cuisine: red rotten fish shreds

author:Chinese cuisine on the tip of the tongue
Chinese Zhejiang cuisine: red rotten fish shreds

Red rotten fish shreds

Zhejiang Shaoxing is a famous winemaking town, the use of lees to cook dishes, in Zhejiang folk has a long history, especially "red lees", not only has the mellow aroma of lees, but also the color is also red and transparent.

[Raw Materials]

Ingredients: 1 blackfish (about 1500 g).

Ingredients: 100 g of green vegetables.

Seasoning: 15 g of white shredded green onion, 10 g of shredded ginger, 1 g of pepper, 5 g of sake, 4 g of salt, 3 g of monosodium glutamate, 60 g of white soup, 2 egg whites, 40 g of wet starch, 50 g of red wine lees, 750 g of salad oil (about 75 g).

Chinese Zhejiang cuisine: red rotten fish shreds


1. Slaughter the blackfish, wash, remove the left and right fish meat, peel and cut into 9 cm long strips, put it in a bowl and add 2 grams of refined salt, egg white, 10 grams of rice wine, 20 grams of wet starch and stir to sizing.

2. Put 5 grams of red lees, rice wine, 2 grams of salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, shredded green onion and ginger, white soup and wet starch in a bowl and mix into a sauce and set aside. Put the wok on the fire, under the salad oil 750 grams to 40% hot, put in the fish shredded with chopsticks to scatter, pour into a colander, drain the oil, put in the pot with green onion, ginger shredded, fragrant sauce, put in the fish shredded stir-fry evenly, put into the dish, another wok, the green vegetables are cooked, surrounded by the surroundings.

Chinese Zhejiang cuisine: red rotten fish shreds


[Master the key]

Knife skills are the key to this dish, which must be evenly slender, and at the same time use medium heat to select the right oil temperature to avoid the fish shreds breaking.

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