
Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help


With the rapid development of today's society and the improvement of people's living standards, new things gradually replace old things. However, there are always some people who live in our hearts, who throw their heads and spill their blood for the peace of the motherland, and always dedicate silently behind their backs. When the war was over, they never asked for anything, but retreated into the background and continued to serve their country in their way.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure Selfless dedication of PLA soldiers

One day in 2005

The Armed Forces Department of Xinhua County, Hunan Province, works as usual, and they receive a large number of letters from citizens every day, and the staff will classify and register the problems inside, and then solve them one by one. however

There was such a letter that attracted the attention of the staff

, the general content is as follows:

My name is

Feng Xiaotong

, 79 years old,

He once followed the troops to participate in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

After returning home,

He was transferred to Chairman Mao's side as a guard

After recovery, he returned to his hometown to work as a farmer

, during this time,

The family spent all their savings due to illness, and their lives were difficult at the moment, and the family was in urgent need of money to treat the disease, so they had no choice but to write this letter of help

It is hoped that the leadership will approve and give special economic assistance.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure Feng Xiaotong wrote a letter of help

The staff could not make up their minds for a while and could only report to the department leader. If the situation is true, the veterans have a difficult life, and the Armed Forces Department not only has no help, but has not yet recorded it, this is the dereliction of duty of the Armed Forces Department. Therefore, the minister of the Armed Forces Department attached great importance to this matter and immediately arranged for someone to start investigating the matter.

First to the local county government

I retrieved the roster of the army that year

Then report the relevant situation of Comrade Feng Xiaotong to the city, and convey it step by step until the Central Guard Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

Soon, news came from the Central Guard Bureau.

Comrade Feng Xiaotong was indeed a veteran of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and once served as Chairman Mao's personal guard

Since the situation is true,

So what is the superiority of Comrade Feng Xiaotong as Chairman Mao's personal guard? Why did life be so difficult after returning to my hometown?

Today's Fanghua past will talk to you,

An obscure warrior- Feng Xiaotong

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure Feng Xiaotong

In 1927

Feng Xiaotong was born in a small village in Loudi, Hunan

Because the hometown is located in the mountains, it is relatively remote. Feng Xiaotong's childhood was only with the mountains, from a young age he followed his parents to work in the fields, thinking about food and clothing every day, never thinking about what he could do.

In 1934, the arrival of the Communist Party completely changed his destiny. At that time,

The Communist Party of China is carrying out revolutionary causes throughout the country, and Hunan is the first place to carry out it

。 Although Feng Xiaotong is relatively ignorant of the word "revolution",

However, the Communist Party implemented land reform in various villages at that time and cracked down on local tycoons. Let the people get the land, let the people eat a full meal,

Everything they do is for the poor and the poor, and they do things for the people in a down-to-earth manner. Feng Xiaotong developed a feeling of admiration for the Red Army soldiers who served the people, and their actions planted a seed in Feng Xiaotong's heart.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure The People's Liberation Army carries out land reform

As he grew older, the seeds in his heart had sprouted,

He longed to be a glorious Soldier of the Red Army

, to contribute to the people, to the motherland. When he expressed his thoughts to his family, the father was very relieved that his children could have such an awareness.

But at that time, the Liberation War was about to be won, even if he joined the army at this time, there was no battle to fight, and he was still the only boy in the family, and his parents did not agree with Feng Xiaotong's idea in the end

And the days passed day by day.

In April 1949, the People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River and liberated Nanjing

。 Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan, basically announcing the basic collapse of the Kuomintang regime headed by Chiang Kai-shek. Chinese mainland ushered in a long-lost peace, but the time of peace did not last long.

The sudden outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke this brief silence

。 In the face of strong US imperialism, China had to invest a large number of troops, and this phenomenon caused a wave of patriots, and many young and middle-aged people voluntarily signed up to participate.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure Sign up for the Volunteer Army

At this time, Feng Xiaotong could no longer suppress that ardent heart, and he insisted on signing up for the competition despite his parents' obstruction

。 At this time, he was 23 years old, and he should have reached the age of marrying and having children and filial piety to his parents. But the country has difficulties, he must contribute, and this can also fulfill his dream of joining the army, although he has not read any books, but,

The truth of the destruction of the country and the death of the family

He still understood. thereupon

He signed up for the local volunteer army, and before going to the battlefield, the troops conducted a period of surprise training for them, and then embarked on the road to the Korean battlefield with great momentum.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure The warriors on their way to North Korea

When he really participated in the battle, Feng Xiaotong understood,

Fighting a war is not only based on full of enthusiasm, but also the rapid changes in the battlefield and the harshness of the environment, which is the great test that soldiers have to face

All this needs his own personal experience, a hundred refinements to become steel, he knows that he is about the same age as himself, has long been a veteran of hundreds of battles,

If you want to be a good warrior, you still have a long way to go

He firmly believes that:

Diligence will make up for it

When fighting, when he could not hit the enemy, he practiced shooting desperately; when charging, always running behind the team, he tied sandbags to his legs, ate, fought, and even slept

。 The hardest training always gives the most rewards. On the battlefield, Feng Xiaotong was like a veteran who had been in the battlefield for a long time, with no false bullets, always rushing to the front when charging, and his heroic performance made him win countless honors.

After the victory in the Korean War, when he returned to his homeland, he was already a combat hero full of honorary titles

。 At this time, he,

Not only is it the pride in the eyes of my parents, but I have also become a hero in my own mind.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Figure Feng Xiaotong was interviewed

In 1953, the Central Guard Service was selecting good fighters from various units in order to protect the safety of the country's leaders

Feng Xiaotong, who has a tough style, has become the first candidate in the eyes of the leader, and after screening and assessment by the Security Bureau,

With excellent results, Feng Xiaotong was successfully selected and became a guard of the Central Guard Bureau

。 Their duty is to protect the safety of the country's leaders,

What Feng Xiaotong could not believe most was that he was actually sent to protect Chairman Mao

。 He really did not dare to imagine that a rural boy who joined the army halfway could one day protect the safety of the country's leaders. During the training, he worked hard, worked hard, and carefully learned the skills that guards should master. Every time he was on duty, he always stood up straight, maintained a high degree of vigilance, and did not slack off at all.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Chairman Mao and the soldiers talk

Chairman Mao was easy-going and always cared for the people around him. Sometimes when eating, they will be called together, and Feng Xiaotong's heart is full of emotions.

He knew that although there was no war at the moment, he was on another battlefield, and defending Chairman Mao's safety was a battle for him, a battle for the country and its destiny

Feng Xiaotong's conscientious work attitude made Chairman Mao greatly appreciate him. Chairman Mao often said to them:

"Learning is the capital of the revolution, and only with knowledge in the head can we better contribute to the motherland."

。 To this end, they also specially invited Mr. Teaching, and when they had spare time, they also gave them guidance

。 With the encouragement of the chairman, Feng Xiaotong had a desire for knowledge, and every time he finished standing guard, he would study until late at night

。 After some time,

He could also speak freely about the Chairman's questions. Chairman Mao felt that this young man had a lot to offer.

In 1958, Feng Xiaotong had been with Chairman Mao for 6 years

。 This time

In response to the state's call to "build a socialist country," Feng Xiaotong left the Central Guard Bureau and no longer served as Chairman Mao's guard

。 Before leaving, Chairman Mao said to him:

Go back this time, live a good life, treat the people wholeheartedly, serve the people, and never mention to others that you have been my guard."

。 After returning to his hometown, Feng Xiaotong remembered Chairman Mao's teachings, honestly planted the land, and served his hometown wholeheartedly.

He never mentioned in front of others that he had been Chairman Mao's guard, which is why the local armed forces department did not have information about him.

Chairman Mao's bodyguard, Feng Xiaotong, lived in seclusion in the countryside for 50 years, and at the age of 79 exposed his identity to seek government help

Chairman Mao accompanied Feng Xiao at work

This stay was fifty years, and he thought that this was the end of his life.

What he didn't expect was. The family has been seriously ill, and the expensive medical expenses have made it impossible for this family, which was not rich, to support it any longer. If it were himself, he might have passed like this, but he really couldn't bear the torment of his wife in front of him, and he did nothing.

After a struggle of ideas, he picked up a pen and wrote the letter. Knowing the cause of the incident, the local armed forces department immediately and properly solved the problem of Feng Xiaotong's wife's medical expenses

Feng Xiaotong said:

The most correct thing I did in my life was to join the army, the most glorious thing was to become Chairman Mao's guard, and the most regrettable thing was that the chairman died, and I could not see the chairman for the last time

In 2012, accompanied by local government staff,

Feng Xiaotong came to Beijing, and when he arrived at Chairman Mao's memorial hall, his eyes were already full of tears, and he bowed deeply, expressing his thoughts for the chairman, and even more awe for the chairman.

We can have today's life, it is our ancestors with blood in exchange,

Their dedication is selfless and great, they do not ask for returns, do not seek fame, only want to dedicate their lives to the motherland, their spirit will continue to be passed on by us

The land of China is guarded by us.

With the joint efforts of the country and the people, China will surely stand on top of the world

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