
"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

author:Heart snacks

They all say that love is mutual! Warm to each other and rely on each other! Everyone wants to be loved and is unwilling to give, and everyone is eager to be loved, feeling that it is the performance of the other party caring about themselves! It is the existence of the other party that puts themselves in their hearts

Xiao Juan is such a person! She was furious with her husband because he did not meet his requirements, and finally his husband could not bear it, and finally broke up! It's not because he doesn't love Xiaojuan, it's that he's too tired!

"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

It happened three years ago, Xiao Juan, who has no emotional experience, just came out of society, and is full of curiosity and yearning for this society!

She also wants to develop in the city, so she relies on her hometown connections to work at the front desk of a hotel! Every day is busy at work, and at the same time, all kinds of customers also make Xiaojuan realize that this society is not as simple as she thinks!

The nine-to-five work made Xiaojuan a little boring, so she participated in an outdoor club under the organization of a friend! Xiao Juan is so happy that she can feel the prosperity of the metropolis and go out to enjoy the tranquility of nature! Until this day met the now husband David!

Dawei is the accountant of a company, has been in the city for five years, and is tired of the complexity of society! On this day he also took part in an outdoor club trip

The first time they met, the two only exchanged a few words of greeting, and there was not much intersection! But this trip brought two people together!

Just on their way to travel, Xiao Juan due to sprained feet, can only fall behind the big troops, out of concern for the girl, Dawei is also carefully cared for all the way, which makes Xiao Juan, who is ignorant of love, has a different feeling in her heart, in the past, customers were lowered, and there has never been a person like Dawei who cares for himself!

The seeds of love also sprouted at this time, and Dawei also found that this weak girl had a strong belief in her bones that she did not accept defeat, which made Dawei, who was accustomed to watching the pampered crown and thick makeup, also doubly favor xiaojuan

Two people from different cities, the collision of each other's hearts, common hobbies, and the beauty of reality, so the two walked together

"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

Xiao Juan, who tasted love for the first time, smiled on her face every day, and her heart was also beautiful, and Dawei also felt that she had found the other half of her life, and xiao juan, such a kind and strong girl, was also excited, and she worked very hard every day

Love is beautiful, but at the same time cruel, because Xiaojuan has no experience in falling in love for the first time, I am afraid that I will lose this hard-won feeling, and I am also very strict with Dawei! Go home on time every day, return information on time, and accept checks at any time

Dawei also thinks that there is nothing here, and having such a girlfriend is also his own happiness! At the same time, Dawei also knows that Xiaojuan's first love affair has also tolerated and tolerated her a lot!

It is said that society is a big dyeing vat, which can make people into all kinds! Xiao Juan because the guests who come and go in and out of the hotel every day are wearing gold and silver, and the sisters around her are also wearing a famous brand, and she is a little envious! But my own salary is really limited! But the good thing is to have a boyfriend

So Xiao Juan asked Dawei for a gift for the first time. It was a white gold necklace, designed from abroad, and set with three diamonds to symbolize a lifetime, a lifetime, a lifetime! Worth more than ten thousand dollars

Dawei also felt that he had known Xiao Juan for such a long time, had not given a decent gift, and felt that it was not right, although he was distressed about money, but he also bought it with his teeth!

Xiao Juan, who received the gift, did not mention how beautiful she was, and constantly showed off her colleagues and good sisters! She thought it was Dawei's love for herself, and that her boyfriend should satisfy his girlfriend!

This idea also made Xiao Juan's road below go darker and darker, and Dawei was even more mired in a quagmire and could not extricate himself!

In this way, Xiao Juan will send it to the circle of friends every time she sees something good, and then send it to Dawei, who will also have a heart and will be satisfied every time!

The two people have been together for more than a year, and finally they have entered the marriage hall, and Xiaojuan feels that having such a husband is the happiest thing in this life!

"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

After marriage, Xiaojuan soon became pregnant, and quit her job to raise a baby at home. Dawei's side also has to take care of Xiaojuan in addition to work, although it looks hard, but his heart is still very happy, because the joy of being a husband soon is enough to make him forget all this

I thought that two people could live a safe life like this to meet the arrival of new life, but I didn't expect Xiaojuan to be obsessed with gambling

It was a gathering between friends, all of whom were Xiaojuan's former colleagues, and they were also envious when they saw Xiaojuan's happiness after marriage! When asked whether Xiaojuan has a job now, Xiaojuan said that she has no job at home at this stage

This makes colleagues feel that it is too much of a waste of time, idle at home is nothing to do, and in the future, after the birth of the child will have to spend a lot of money, it is better to do a little side business!

This so-called side hustle is actually gambling, which is operated through a software that has a bookmaker, and there are odds, and it is live!

Because Xiaojuan has not experienced this, she also feels that gambling is illegal, but her colleagues say that they have an inside story. And there are people who know each other inside, package you to win money

So Xiao Juan also held the attitude of trying, charged 2,000 yuan, and the colleague's side was also hand-in-hand to Xiao Juan how to operate! At the end of the day, Xiao Juan won 5,000 yuan, which made Xiao Juan, who had worked hard to make money, not to mention how happy she was!

So that night he told Dawei that he had a job, and made more money, Dawei was also afraid of what danger Xiaojuan was working outside, busy asking what kind of work, Xiaojuan was also mysterious and smiled that there was no danger at home to operate! Dawei didn't think much of it was not so boring for his wife to find something to do

"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

Did not think that this inattentive ending is to hurt Xiao Juan, this is not to a few days Xiao Juan lost all the money she won before, this holds the psychology of returning the original, Xiao Juan is a sum of money, but not half a month, Xiao Juan is losing nothing, before and after almost 100,000 losses, which makes Xiao Juan gambler's heart unacceptable, but what to do if there is no money in hand?

So before the colleague gave Xiao Juan a trick, you can borrow someone else's ah, win and then return, but the loan money has to give interest This is certain! So at the same time, Xiaojuan was lent to a loan shark and borrowed 50,000 yuan

Wanwan did not expect that this money has not been lost for three days, this time Xiao Juan is anxious, this loan shark money is not repaid in time, the profit rolling will be more and more, so Xiao Juan spent a month in the past, this month is also devastated by the loan shark phone!

Until this day, someone found the door. Dawei realized that his wife had now lost all the family belongings and owed a huge amount of usury, from the 50,000 borrowed at the beginning to 120,000 now!

And said that in not giving money, the child in Xiao Juan's belly is in danger, there is no way, Dawei can only ease up tomorrow will make up the money

Xiao Juan is also remorseful at the beginning, Dawei saw that his wife was so remorseful and angry, but he always had to pay the money back, so Dawei started the idea of the company's finances

So David embezzled public funds from the company the next day to pay the money back! But the paper can't keep the fire after all, you have to make up the money quickly, otherwise you will go to jail!

In this way, Dawei Dong cobbled together almost all the money, and thought of living a good life after returning to the house, but he thought that Xiao Juan secretly took the money to gamble, and finally lost nothing!

This made David want to cry without tears! But seeing Xiao Juan's belly, she couldn't beat her, and she couldn't scold! But now that the family's life has become a problem, Xiaojuan has immediately given birth, and the hand that has no evil has reached out to the company's public funds, and there is not so much to worry about after the first time

Dawei also thought about the winter window incident, and now he just wants to live in front of him, and he will talk about things later!

"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

But just when she was about to give birth, Xiao Juan had another accident, and the rhetoric that did not resist her friend fell into it again, and the amount of usury owed this time was even greater!

Xiao Juan who returned home also had the heart to die, hated herself for not fighting, and hated herself for not being able to control herself. After Dawei returned, Xiaojuan confessed everything and asked Dawei to help him again

Dawei finally came back to God at this time, this is simply a bottomless pit, he has embezzled nearly 200,000 funds before and after, plus 150,000 this time

Dawei was desperate, did not say a word, remorse, chagrin, he did not take much time to accompany Xiao Juan!

Xiao Juan only wanted to solve the loan shark at this time, loudly said to take the money to me quickly, otherwise our children will be in danger, where Dawei still has money, can only sit there without a word, Xiao Juan said that you are my everything, you love me, and children! The consequences of not paying back the money are unimaginable

Dawei slowly stood up and smiled bitterly: I am your everything, but all this is too tired

After saying that, he walked out of the house and went to the police station to surrender himself

"Love me and give me everything" Selfish love puts the husband in jail

That's the end of it, I don't think it's love anymore, when a gambler fantasizes about turning love into money, he's already lost it! This love is too heavy and too tired, it will crush yourself and drag others down

Dawei was finally able to wake up and surrender himself, which is also a relief, and Xiao Juan hopes to be able to recognize reality in the future! Gambling hurts people, and it is not only money that is lost, but also trust

Finally, I would like to remind you that you must not fall into gambling and harm others and harm yourself

Do you think Xiao Juan's behavior can still be saved?

Was David's last approach correct?

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