
Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Wang Yaowu can be said to be a famous general in the Kuomintang army, his shrewdness, strong ability, and clear mind, and Chiang Kai-shek once praised Wang Yaowu

"Good at leading soldiers, with command skills"

At the time, there was even

"Rather touch the King of Yama, don't touch the Old King"

It can be said that his military command ability is still relatively highly respected in the Kuomintang army.

In his early years in the war with the Red Army, Wang Yaowu, as the vanguard of the Kuomintang's "suppression of the Communists," caused considerable losses to the Red Army. In 1932, during the fourth "encirclement and suppression" of the Central Soviet Area by Chiang Kai-shek's troops, the 32nd Brigade of the Kuomintang Army was besieged by the Red Army regiment in yihuang town, and at the suggestion of the then regimental commander Wang Yaowu, Yang Tianmin, commander of the Kuomintang 32nd Brigade, retreated to hold firm, and the Red Army besieged Yihuang for 24 days without taking it, which was called a "miracle" by Chiang Kai-shek, and Wang Yaowu was also appreciated by Chiang Kai-shek and promoted to the brigade commander of the supplementary first brigade.

In November 1934, Wang Yaowu led the supplementary first brigade to block the 10th Army and the Red Seventh Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army led by Fang Zhimin to the north to resist the Japanese, and Wang Yaowu's department and the Red Army encountered an encounter at Tanjiaqiao in southern Anhui Province, in which the commander of the Red 19th Division, Xun Huaizhou, was killed, and Hu Tiantao, the commander of the Red 21st Division, was captured, causing huge losses to the Red Army, and also caused fang Zhimin's troops to worsen their situation, and finally arrested by the Kuomintang because of traitor betrayal.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

General Su Yu, who later became a famous general of our army, was also in the ranks of the Red Army at the Battle of Tanjiaqiao at that time, which was also the first confrontation between Su Yu and Wang Yaowu. In 1948, Wang Yaowu was finally defeated and captured by Su Yu's troops in the Battle of Jinan, and also took revenge on the two.

On September 16, 1948, Su Yu's East China Field Army launched the Jinan Campaign, Wang Yaowu was then the commander of the Second "Appeasement" district of the Kuomintang, serving as the director of the unified headquarters of the party, government, and army in Jinan.

After the destruction of Jinan City, our army successively captured several people who called themselves Wang Yaowu, which felt very strange, and after identification, it was found that none of them were the real Wang Yaowu. On September 28, 1948, four days after the destruction of Jinan City, Wang Yaowu, disguised as a businessman, was captured by the local militia in Shouguang territory, and although Wang Yaowu carefully planned an escape drama, in the end, he did not escape the end of being captured.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Wang Yaowu was appreciated by Chiang Kai-shek in his battle against the Red Army

Wang Yaowu was born in 1904 in Shangwangzhuang, Tai'an, Shandong Province, and due to the family's defeat, he turned to relatives and friends in his early years and went to a tobacco company in Tianjin to do miscellaneous work. Because he had also read poetry and books, not willing to go on, in 1923, he went to Shanghai, under the introduction of his fellow villagers, to work in the Ma Yushan candy store, although the conditions have improved, but this is not his ambition after all, when he heard that the Guangdong Huangpu Military Academy was enrolling, he had the idea of joining the military school.

Due to financial constraints, suffering from no travel expenses to Guangzhou, and finally with the financial support of fellow villager Li Bingyan, Wang Yaowu was able to go to Guangzhou to apply for the Whampoa Military Academy, and in November 1924, Wang Yaowu was officially admitted as the third cadet of the Whampoa Military Academy, and has since embarked on the road of joining the army.

In 1926, after graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, Wang Yaowu was assigned to the 4th Company of the 3rd Regiment of the 1st Division as a second lieutenant platoon leader, and because of his bravery in battle, he was favored by the division commander He Yingqin and the regimental commander Qian Dajun, and was soon promoted to captain company commander. In 1928, Wang Yaowu participated in the battle against Zhang Zongchang and Sun Chuanfang, and after the end of the Northern Expedition, Wang Yaowu led his troops to participate in Chiang Kai-shek's Central Plains War with Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang, and was promoted to colonel by Liu Zhi, the commander-in-chief of the Second Army, because of his military achievements.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

In 1932, Wang Yaowu's independent 32nd Brigade was ordered to Jiangxi to participate in the "encirclement and suppression" of the Red Army, and there was what we said above about Wang Yaowu's battle with the Red Army, and because of his performance, which was praised by Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Yaowu was promoted to commander of the 51st Division in June 1936.

Wang Yaowu was famous in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Yaowu led the 74th Army to make great achievements, and the 74th Army, also known as the Anti-Japanese Iron Army, also received the flying tiger banner, the highest reward of the Kuomintang army, and became one of the five main forces of the Kuomintang army.

In 1937, after the Outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident, Wang Yaowu's 51st Division was transferred to Shanghai to participate in the famous "August 13" Battle of Songhu, when Wang Yaowu's army was tasked with holding the position centered on Luodian near Wusongkou. Wang Yaowu believed that the time had come to sacrifice his life for the country, and he made up his mind to die in battle and not lose an inch of the country.

The Japanese launched several attacks on Luodian with land, sea and air coordination, but were repelled by Wang Yaowu's 51st Division. Wang Yaowu skillfully used small units to carry out night raid tactics against the Japanese army, and successively killed the Japanese wing commander Takeda and the artillery wing commander Yingsen, and achieved impressive results. After the Battle of Songhu, Wang Yaowu's 51st Division and 58th Division were merged into the 74th Army, and Wang Yaowu was promoted to lieutenant general.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

In early December 1937, Wang Yaowu led the 51st Division to participate in the defense of Nanjing, responsible for the defense of Chunhua Town and Niushou Mountain, and finally the Chinese army retreated in Nanjing after 6 days of fierce fighting with the Japanese army, Wang Yaowu's 51st Division was responsible for the rear of the palace, after the war, the 51st Division lost more than half, leaving only more than 4,000 people.

In May 1938, Wang Yaowu led his troops to participate in the Battle of Lanfeng, which severely damaged the Japanese army. Subsequently, he participated in the Battle of Wanjialing in Jiangxi, and cooperated with friendly forces to kill and wound more than 4,000 Japanese troops and win the Battle of Wanjialing. After the war, Wang Yaowu was promoted to deputy commander of the Seventy-fourth Army and commander of the Fifty-first Division. In June 1939, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Wang Yaowu in Chongqing, praised him for his achievements, and promoted him to the rank of commander of the 74th Army, which later became one of the five aces of the Kuomintang.

In September 1939, Wang Yaowu led the 74th Army to participate in the First Battle of Changsha, was ordered to intercept the Japanese troops of the two divisions attacking Changsha, and fought fiercely in the important town of Gao'an in northern Ganbei, after which Gao'an had fallen into the hands of the Japanese army, Wang Yaowu used the tactic of anti-encirclement, after 3 days of fierce fighting, to retake Gao'an City, creating favorable conditions for the victory of the First Battle of Changsha.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

In 1941, Wang Yaowu led his troops to participate in the famous Battle of Shanggao in Jiangxi, where the Japanese army gathered 65,000 troops and, with the cooperation of aircraft and fighting vehicles, attempted to annihilate the Chinese troops in the Shanggao and Gao'an areas and open the Xianggan Highway. On March 16, the Japanese army broke through the position of the 70th Army, and Wang Yaowu was ordered to enter the second line position to intercept. The 74th Army launched 3 encirclement and blockade battles against the Japanese army, the battle was very fierce, the Japanese army in the battle put poison gas bombs, blocking the attack, both sides of the casualties reached more than 4,000 people.

The Battle of Shanggao lasted 25 days with chinese troops

He killed The Japanese major general Iwanaga and The Great Sasa Wing Commander Hamada, killed and wounded more than 15,000 Japanese troops, 2,800 military horses, shot down 1 enemy plane, and captured more than 100 Japanese troops. Wang Yaowu's 74th Army was also evaluated by Luo Zhuoying, commander of the 19th Group Army

Anti-Japanese Iron Army

, was awarded the highest honor in the military

"Flying Tiger Flag"

Wang Yaowu himself was also awarded the Order of the Blue Sky and White Sun.

In January 1945, Wang Yaowu was promoted to commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang Fourth Front, and in May, Wang Yaowu commanded the Battle of Xuefeng Mountain in Western Hunan Province between the Chinese army and the Japanese army. Six Divisions of the Japanese Army, about 100,000 people, attacked the Zhijiang River along the Xiangqian Highway. Wang Yaowu led the 18th Army, 73rd Army, 74th Army, 100th Army and about 300,000 security forces led by Wu Qiwei in Hunan Province to meet the Japanese army, and he chose the main battlefield at the southeast foot of Xuefeng Mountain to step up the construction of fortifications to block the Japanese army.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

The Japanese army adopted the tactic of taking turns to attack, Wang Yaowu led his troops to wait for work, the initial battle killed and wounded more than 5,000 Japanese troops, greatly boosted morale, in the nearly two months of combat, the Japanese army has always been in the inferior position, Wang Yaowu commanded the troops from defense to attack, this battle to the Japanese army to a heavy blow, a total of more than 28,000 Japanese troops killed and wounded, captured more than 1,300 guns, the Chinese army won an unprecedented victory, Wang Yaowu was also famous.

In the Liberation War, Wang Yaowu "lost Maicheng" in the Battle of Jinan

On July 16, 1948, Chairman Mao drafted several telegrams in one day urging the East China Field Army to launch a combat operation against Jinan. At this time, Wang Yaowu served as the commander of the Kuomintang's Second "Appeasement" District and served as the director of the Kuomintang's Party,500,000 unified headquarters in Jinan. In Jinan, 9 regular brigades and 5 security brigades of the Kuomintang were stationed in Jinan, and there were also some special forces with a total strength of about 100,000 people, and at the same time, the Kuomintang troops also had three mobile corps of Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi and Huang Baitao on the outskirts of Jinan, with a strength of about 17 people.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Chairman Mao's order to launch the Jinan Campaign made Su Yu, deputy commander of the East China Field Army, very uneasy; since the troops of the East China Field Army had just finished the Battle of Eastern Henan and had not yet had time to rest, there were still many difficulties in immediately launching an attack on Jinan. The Central Military Commission agreed to Su Yu's proposal, but demanded that a battle plan for the Battle of Jinan be drawn up during the period of rest of the troops.

Su Yu and other leaders of the East China Field Army formulated three operational plans for the Jinan Campaign:

The first was to concentrate all its forces on the area east of the Yuwan Su and Huaibei Road, focusing on reinforcements and eliminating Qiu Qingquan's reorganized 5th Army in a campaign war. The second is to concentrate the main force on attacking Jinan first and use the necessary forces to block the reinforcements of the enemy. The third plan is to combine the first two plans, capture Jinan and block the attack and attack at the same time, focusing on the rescue first, and then concentrating on attacking Jinan after the success.

After formulating the battle plan, Su Yu also suggested that the main force of the Central Plains Field Army attack the Xinyang or Nanyang Hanshui River Valleys to attract Huang Wei's 12th Corps to the south so that it could not be assisted from the north; Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi Corps launched an offensive in Zhengzhou, holding back the Kuomintang Sun Yuanliang's 16th Corps from being able to come to the east. With regard to the battle plan of Su Yu and others, Chairman Mao believed that the number of troops attacking Jinan was too small, and also raised objections to Su Yu's plan to fight and aid, believing that it was inappropriate to adopt the method of tail pursuit and division, and suggested setting up ambush battlefields on both sides of the canal.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Su Yu adjusted the battle plan according to Chairman Mao's opinion, and at the same time, the Central Military Commission transferred two columns of the Northern Jiangsu Corps plus a brigade to the north to participate in the operation. According to

"Attack and rescue"

In the operational arrangements, the 3rd Column, the 10th Column, and the Luzhongnan Column of our army formed the Western Corps, and the commander of the 10th Corps, Song Shilun, and the political commissar Liu Peishan, undertook the unified command and undertook the task of attacking the inner city after capturing the airfield. The 9th Column and the Bohai Column were formed, under the unified command of The Commander of the 9th Column, Nie Fengzhi, and the political commissar Liu Haotian, and after clearing the outlying strongholds in Jinan, they coordinated with the Western Corps to attack the city. Zhou Zhijian led the 13th Column and served as a siege reserve in the southeast direction of Jinan.

In addition, the 4th Column, the 8th Column, and the Independent 1st and 3rd Brigades of the Jilu-Yu Military Region blocked reinforcements that might be dispatched from the eastern Henan and northern Anhui regions in southwest Lu; the 4 regiments and 7th column of the Central and Southern Lu military region were near Fujian County, preparing to block the enemy reinforcements from Xuzhou; the main forces of the 1st, 6th, and 7th Columns were equipped with heavy artillery regiments, waiting to annihilate the enemy reinforcements along the Jinpu Road north in the area east of Jining, Yanzhou, and Fujian County.

On August 25, 1948, Chairman Mao telephoned Su Yu and Tan Zhenlin, designating Xu Shiyou as the commander of the Jinan siege force. The reason why Chairman Mao decided to let Xu Shiyou, who was recuperating from illness, command the attack on Jinan was mainly because he valued Xu Shiyou's brave and fierce fighting style. Xu Shiyou, who received the task, immediately rushed to the headquarters of the Shandong Corps and prepared to launch a tough offensive against Jinan.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Xu Shiyou believes that attacking Jinan must be like killing cattle to kill its key points and take measures

"Bull Knife Tactics"

Concentrated troops and firepower, east and west, several sharp knives rushed through the bloody road, and slashed at the heart of the defenders. Xu Shiyou called a meeting of the siege forces, and he proposed:

"You can't put up difficulties, you can't make excuses, you can solve your own problems in front of you, you can't stop attacking at any time, you can't stop attacking!"

In response to the imminent attack of our army, Chiang Kai-shek was also mobilizing troops, and he ordered the rebuilt 74th Division's 57th Brigade to be urgently airlifted to Jinan; at the same time, he ordered Qiu Qingquan's 2nd Corps to assemble in the shangqiu area of northern Henan, Huang Baitao's 7th Corps to assemble on the front line of Xin'an Town in northern Jiangsu, and Li Mi's 13th corps to assemble in the area of Su County in northern Jiangsu to prepare for reinforcements to Jinan. Chiang Kai-shek also said to Wang Yaowu:

"Jinan is very important politically, militarily, and geographically, and it must be firmly adhered to, and if there is a problem, you will be responsible."

Wang Yaowu was worried after hearing this.

Wang Yaowu knew that the front of Jinan's city defense was too large, and the city also had to be fortified, resulting in insufficient troops, so he used the existing troops to deploy jinan city defenses, divided Jinan into two garrison areas in the east and west, and deployed troops. At that time, major newspapers in Jinan hyped up Wang Yaowu

"The three victories in Changsha in those years, the pillar of the Yellow River in recent days, the famous generals of the ancient city, complement each other, and the defense of Jinan City is as solid as a rock and solid as a golden soup."

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

On the night of September 16, 1948, the Battle of Jinan officially began, the East China Field Army launched an attack on the outlying strongholds of Jinan from four directions, southeast, and northwest, and after two hours of fierce fighting, after paying huge casualties on both sides, the 25th Division of our 9th Column occupied Maoling Mountain and Yanchi Mountain on the east side of Jinan. This put great pressure on Wang Yaowu, who believed that he had judged that the main offensive direction of the East China Field Army was wrong, and immediately transferred his troops from the west to the east. This also created favorable conditions for the East China Field Army to later attack from the predetermined west.

On the evening of September 19, Wu Huawen, commander of the reorganized 96th Army and commander of the 84th Division in the Western Garrison Area, led more than 20,000 people, including the 96th Army and the reorganized 84th Division, as well as the 155th Brigade, the 161st Brigade, and the Independent Brigade, to declare an uprising under the instigation of our army, and handed over its defensive area to the troops of the Siege West Corps commanded by Song Shilun, commander of the 10th Corps of our army, and Liu Peishan, political commissar.

Wu Huawen's uprising made Wang Yaowu lose confidence in the defense of Jinan, and he worked out two plans overnight: holding firm and breaking through, and asked Chiang Kai-shek for instructions to break through to the north, and since the breakthrough plan was not approved by Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Yaowu had to decide to stick to the rescue and again sent a telegram to Xuzhou and Nanjing to request a breakthrough, which was again rejected by Chiang Kai-shek, who rebuked him and said:

"Jinan is in northern China, and siping is also in several northeastern provinces, strategic places, we must stick to it, and reinforcements from all sides have made rapid progress at the same time."

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Wang Yaowu's telegram at Chiang Kai-shek

"Stick to it"

4 circles were drawn next to it, in


Four forks were drawn next to it, which showed that he no longer believed chiang kai-shek's statement. He immediately summoned a meeting of personnel above the brigade commander level and conveyed Chiang Kai-shek's order to stand firm and wait for help. Wang Yaowu said that as long as we hold out for a week, reinforcements will surely arrive, but in fact, even he himself does not believe these words.

After the meeting, Wang Yaowu ordered the conscription of all the strong men in the city, replenished the troops, evacuated the women and children, and established a clear line between the siege force and the defenders to facilitate the bombing of the air force. After making these arrangements,

Wang Yaowu also arranged a special matter, he called the Military Justice Department and the military prison, ordered that all prisoners in custody be released, and that for the imprisoned Communist Party members and captured officers and men of the People's Liberation Army, officers would be issued 5 yuan in gold coupons and 3 yuan for soldiers, and all of them would be sent out of the city, and no one should be harmed.

From Wang Yaowu's attitude toward the captives, it can be seen that his character is still very commendable, and it is no wonder that many people praise him for being a man and doing everything in every way. At this point

Huang Baitao, another commander of the Kuomintang corps, was very different from Wang Yaowu, and the first thing Huang Baitao did before the great war was to order all the prisoners to be shot, which also exposed his cruelty and stubbornness.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

On September 20, Xu Shiyou ordered the Western Corps of our siege force to launch an attack on the commercial port of the Western Garrison District of Jinan, and the first to insert the commercial port was the 85th Regiment of the 29th Division of the 10th Column of the Song Dynasty. Subsequently, the assault troops of the 3rd Column and the Southwest Lu Column also broke through the defensive positions of the commercial port in their entirety, and in the battle, Wang Jiwen, the commander of the 8th Division, was wounded by shells and died.

The Nationalist defenders fought desperately to defend, and the battle entered a white-hot stage. By September 22, most of the commercial port had been occupied by our army, and only Wang Yaowu's original headquarters in the Post and Telecommunications Building had fought the most fiercely, and Wang Yaowu had transferred the headquarters to the city at this time, and the Post and Telecommunications Building was guarded by 7 companies of the 172nd Regiment of the 74th Division that had been airlifted to Jinan before the war, under the command of regiment commander Liu Bingkun.

Wang Yaowu promised to recommend Liu Bingkun as a brigade commander of major generals and to give Chiang Kai-shek to himself

"Zhongzheng Sword"

Transferred to him, Liu Bingkun was determined to stick to it. In the attacking troops of the 3rd column and the 10th column, 35 kilograms of explosives were blasted 7 times in a row, and the post and telecommunications building was already crumbling, and when the attacking troops rushed into the building, Liu Bingkun had already committed suicide with the "Zhongzheng sword".

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

The old city of Jinan is divided into two cities, the inner city is set in the outer city, and both the inner and outer cities have tall and strong walls. On September 22, Chiang Kai-shek flew over Jinan to personally supervise the battle and spoke to Wang Yaowu. Wang Yaowu deployed the garrison troops to the outer city for defense, and he believed that the troops of the East China Field Army had suffered heavy casualties when attacking the commercial port, and it would take at least three to four days to recover before attacking the outer city.

The siege troops of the East China Field Army were indeed extremely tired as Wang Yaowu had speculated, and the attrition was relatively large, and the ammunition was also seriously depleted. However, in the face of this situation, Xu Shiyou ordered:

Keep attacking! Attack now! Never give Wang Yaowu time to breathe!

At 18:00 on September 22, the attack of the siege troops began again, and Nie Fengzhi, commander of the 9th Column of our army, took the superior


The command changes to

"Main Attack"

Since the 9th Column had four captured tanks and played a great role in the attack, the Nationalist defenders saw the tanks and thought they were their own, and the 9th Column quickly captured YongguMen.

By September 23, the outer city of Jinan had been completely occupied by our army, and Wang Yaowu's defenders had all retreated to the inner city. At this time, the siege troops of our army have been fighting continuously for seven days and seven nights, the troops have suffered more than 10,000 casualties, and there are different opinions on whether to immediately start attacking the inner city, and the commanders of the attacking troops have different opinions; some people think that it is necessary to stop and rest, even for two or three days; others think that we are in difficulty, the enemy is equally difficult, we cannot let the enemy have a chance to breathe, and if the enemy's reinforcements arrive, it will make our army fall into passivity.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

In this regard, the siege command decided not to be afraid of fatigue and casualties, and immediately launched an attack on the inner city, Xu Shiyou believed

"The enemy's difficulties are greater than ours, now it depends on whose determination is harder than the other party, we have to compare perseverance, tenacity, and staying power with the enemy, and victory is often decided in the last 5 minutes."

。 At 18:00 on September 23, Xu Shiyou issued an order to attack the inner city.

After the attack order was issued, the 73rd Battalion, 7th Company of the 73rd Regiment of the 9th Column 25th Division took the lead in blowing up the city wall through demolition, and the attacking troops of the 9th Column quickly stormed into the city, and the 73rd Regiment wrote a side gifted by the common people before the war

"Hit Jinan Province, capture Wang Yaowu alive"

The flag was planted on the city walls. After the war, the 73rd Regiment was awarded

"Jinan First Regiment"

Honorable title. The battle to attack the inner city was very fierce, and the casualties of our army's attack troops were also very large, and at 16:00 on September 24, the attacking troops of the East China Field Army captured the Kuomintang Second Appeasement District Headquarters, marking the end of our army's victory in the campaign against Jinan.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

Wang Yaowu did everything in his power, and it was difficult to escape the end of being captured

When our army invaded the inner city, Wang Yaowu disguised himself as a businessman, ran to a village outside the city, changed into the clothes of ordinary people and began to flee. Before the Battle of Jinan began, Wang Yaowu sent his wife Zheng Yilan and his family members to Nanjing, and selected more than ten people under his subordinates who looked like him, and promised them a lot of money, so that they would impersonate Wang Yaowu when the city was broken, in an attempt to pass through the border when the city was broken. After the destruction of the city of Jinan, our army successively captured several people who called themselves Wang Yaowu, but the real Wang Yaowu became a fish that slipped through the net when the city was broken.

On September 28, four days after the battle of Jinan, Wang Yaowu was captured by local militia in Shouguang and quickly sent to the headquarters of the East China Field Army. Wang Yaowu requested to see Commander Chen Yi because he had a relationship with Commander Chen Yi. However, since Commander Chen Yi was busy planning the Huaihai Campaign, he arranged for Shu Tong, director of the Political Department of the Military Region, to receive Wang Yaowu.

Wang Yaowu asked Shu Tong several questions that he could not understand, including why the Communist Party's lenient policy could do what it was said, but the Kuomintang could not? Why is it that once your call of Chairman Mao is conveyed, it can be carried out by the whole party and the whole army, but Chiang Kai-shek is flying around giving orders everywhere but no one listens? Why did the Kuomintang dare not use captive soldiers, but the Communists were able to quickly throw captured Kuomintang soldiers into the battlefield? Shu Tong patiently answered Wang Yaowu's question and told him about our party's purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and the discipline of the People's Liberation Army, which made Wang Yaowu suddenly understand.

Surrounded by our army in Jinan, he arranged more than a dozen stand-ins, but still did not escape from the end of being captured

After studying for a period of time in the officer corps of the East China Field Army, Wang Yaowu was transferred to the Shandong War Criminals Management Center, and in 1956 transferred to the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center for reform. Chairman Mao asked Luo Ruiqing to relay to Wang Yaowu:

"Your work is work, and your life is too much." Your anti-Japanese merits will always be remembered by us Communists, and as long as you are at ease with reform, you will soon return to the people. ”

Because Wang Yaowu was very active in studying and working in the course of reform, and his ideological understanding was also profound, on December 4, 1959, Wang Yaowu became one of the first batch of war criminals to be pardoned, which should also be an affirmation of Wang Yaowu's merits during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

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