
Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

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From childhood to adulthood, our parents are teaching us to make a good teacher and friend, as far away from fox friends as possible. This is because the behavior or thoughts of the people around us will also have an impact on us subtly.

Everyone values their own interests more, and not all people are worth relying on deep friendships.

If you accidentally make a friend with a dark heart, it is likely to become a victim of his pursuit of profit.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

Usually we will warn others to stay as far away from those who are dark inside, because such people often have a certain antisocial personality and will do things that hurt themselves and others.

However, darkness is a more subjective feeling, and if you want to label others as inner darkness, you often need to combine many factors to judge.

First of all, we need to know what kind of environment this person usually lives in, including his material living conditions and social relations.

Secondly, we also need to know how this person views the external environment and what kind of behavior he has done to change his life.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

Only when a person engages in misconduct for a long time can we really label him as dark inside. Generally speaking, such people usually have the following four characteristics.

First, always seem to be polite

You must know that each of us has emotions, even if it is a person who looks mature and stable, there will be moments when emotions are out of control and the mood is not good.

Most of the time we act as respectful, just for work and life, but in private we often hate this behavior very much.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

So if you have a person around you who hasn't been able to express his emotions for a long time, and it seems that nothing can cause his mood to change, then he is likely to have a certain degree of antisocial personality.

This is a more pathological psychology, this type of person's emotional mechanism is different from ordinary people, and emotional fluctuations are relatively small.

Generally speaking, such people are very selfish and extremely indifferent to others. They have no feelings for most people and are therefore able to be courteous and courteous, as if their actions were just a programmed procedure and did not mix with any personal feelings.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

But in the same way, when they want to hurt someone, they will not be disturbed by emotions, and they will not feel guilty and self-blame. Seriously, people with this particular personality often do not have moral concepts and even exclude themselves from morality.

Of course, ordinary people sometimes have this kind of thinking, but our definition is very narrow, often some seemingly insignificant pests, such as annoying mosquitoes, rats and so on.

People with antisocial personalities, on the other hand, are so disgusted with the society in which we live that they want to destroy everything in society as much as possible.

Second, you can't control your emotions very well

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

While antisocial personalities exhibit an indifferent attitude toward a lot of things, as if they don't have much emotional change, they also make very strong emotional feedback in a short period of time when something touches them.

It's just that their mood changes are too intense, and sometimes they often lose their temper at small things that they can't understand.

Although each of us has joys and sorrows, most of us can control our emotions very well, even if we have emotional fluctuations due to certain things, we can adjust our emotions in time, or temporarily hide this feeling in the bottom of our hearts. But such people seem to have lost the ability to regulate their emotions.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

Sometimes just a small loss, or some relatively small gain, can make them emotionally angry or happy.

If this condition is not detected and treated in time, it is even likely to evolve into bipolar disorder. After this problem occurs, some people will even attack themselves or those around them.

Studies have found that some company executives are very typical of bipolar disorder, but they use this energy in their own work.

Outsiders often think that they just have a strong enthusiasm for work, but they do not think that they have a certain degree of mental illness.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

Third, it will show a completely different personality

This is actually a mental illness, this kind of person does not seem to be able to control themselves very well, often appear two or more more extreme personalities.

When the personality is split, they themselves cannot remember what happened, and at this time they are divided into completely different people.

In the early stages of personality separation, multiple personalities seem to be able to know and communicate with each other, but at this time, these personalities are more depressed, and they do not know which personality to send out to respond to the world.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, such people are usually unresponsive and emotionally indifferent during this period.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

As the disease progresses, one of the personalities becomes increasingly powerful, becoming the master personality that controls the body and compressing the living space of the other personalities.

The host personality is not necessarily well-intentioned, and sometimes he even has the idea of destroying the subject. With these types of people, you often face unimaginable risks.

Fourth, too vengeful, too suspicious

Ordinary people always have their own judgments about the external environment, and only when they are sure that the environment will cause harm to themselves, they will make some changes.

Psychology: The darker the person, the more prominent these 4 characteristics are

But they are extremely sensitive to people, and even seemingly safe environments can make them feel uneasy, because they always have all kinds of reasons to be suspicious.

Such people do not actively harm others, but they often over-interpret the behavior of others and interpret it as wanting to hurt themselves.

For ordinary people, we can't help them change anything, all we can do now is stay as far away from these people as possible and keep our lives safe.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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