
Four health care knowledge that must be known during pregnancy: Dr. Meng suggested that Bao Dad should also understand

Four health care knowledge that must be known during pregnancy: Dr. Meng suggested that Bao Dad should also understand ~

First: the nutrition is uniform and reasonable.

The ingredients are diversified, the preparation is reasonable and comprehensive, it is easy to digest and absorb, light and light, and avoid eating spicy and irritating foods.

Second: moderate activity and plenty of rest.

After 28 weeks of pregnancy, the workload should be appropriately reduced, heavy physical labor and night shifts should be avoided, and 8 to 9 hours of sleep and 1 to 2 hours of lunch break should be guaranteed daily. In the middle and third trimesters of pregnancy, the left side should be taken to rest.

Third: ensure cleanliness and safety.

Clothing should be loose and comfortable, suitable for cold and warm. Avoid wearing high heels to avoid causing the body's center of gravity to shift forward, excessive lumbar convexity and lead to low back pain. Bathe frequently, change underwear frequently, take a shower as appropriate, avoid bathing, in order to prevent sewage from entering the vagina and causing infection, avoid wearing tight clothing.

Fourth: Symptom care:

Early pregnancy reactions: When early pregnancy reactions occur, small and frequent meals should be eaten, avoiding greasy or foods with special odors. In severe cases, go to the hospital in time.

Edema and varicose veins of the lower extremities: pregnant women should pay attention to rest, elevate the lower limbs, avoid crossed legs and stand for too long to promote venous return. Those who have obvious edema of the lower limbs or do not see regression after rest should be checked in time.

Constipation: Pregnant women should develop the habit of regular daily bowel movements, pay attention to more intake of foods high in water and fiber, exercise appropriately, and do not use laxatives at will, so as not to cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Spasm of the lower extremities: pregnant women should increase their intake of calcium and vitamin D. Keep your legs warm and avoid fatigue. When muscle spasms of the lower extremities occur, pregnant women can do leg dorsal flexion and give local hot compresses and massage until the spasms disappear.

Low back pain: Pregnant women maintain the correct posture of sitting, standing, and walking, wear flat shoes, try to avoid bending down to work, and do prenatal exercise regularly.

Supine hypotension syndrome: Pregnant women rest in the left recumbent position to avoid prolonged sleep in the supine position. Once it occurs, there is no need to be nervous, immediately change to the left side of the recumbent position, the symptoms can disappear naturally.

Physiological anemia: iron-rich foods should be appropriately increased, such as animal liver, lean meat, egg yolks, beans, etc. If iron supplementation is required, it is best to take it with water juice, as iron is easily absorbed in an acidic environment.

Four health care knowledge that must be known during pregnancy: Dr. Meng suggested that Bao Dad should also understand

In addition, Dr. Meng believes that the following eight points must be paid attention to smoothly through the pregnancy: the establishment of a perinatal health care card

Women of childbearing age who have stopped menstruation for 40 days should go to the hospital for examination; after the diagnosis is confirmed, they should go to the maternal and child health center or the district health center to establish the Maternal Health Care Manual.

Avoid infection and use medication rationally

Pregnant women should avoid infection, radiation exposure and exposure to harmful substances, and tobacco, alcohol and tobacco, passive smoking and drug abuse are contraindicated.

Medication during pregnancy should be cautious, especially the first 8 weeks of pregnancy is a critical period for the differentiation and development of embryonic tissues and organs, and more attention should be paid to. When medication is necessary, drugs that are harmless to embryos and fetuses should be selected under the guidance of a doctor. Pets such as cats and dogs should not be kept at home to prevent toxoplasma gondii and virus infection.

Breast care

Wash your nipples with warm water after 24 weeks of pregnancy, and you can apply camellia oil to prevent cracking of the nipples. People with inverted nipples should frequently lift the nipple as soon as possible to pull outward to avoid difficulty sucking. Breast massage after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Four health care knowledge that must be known during pregnancy: Dr. Meng suggested that Bao Dad should also understand

Sexual life guidance

Sexual life should be avoided within 12 weeks of pregnancy and after 28 weeks of pregnancy, so as not to induce uterine contractions and cause miscarriage, preterm birth, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes and infection.


Pregnant women are instructed to count 1h fetal motility in the morning, middle and evening of each day, and multiply the 3h fetal motility by 4 from the 28th week of pregnancy, that is, the fetal motility of 12h. For example, if the fetal motility of 12 hours is 30 or more, it reflects the good condition of the fetus. If the number of intrauterine motility in 12 hours is accumulated < 10 times, or the daily decline >50% and cannot be recovered, the fetus should be considered to have intrauterine hypoxia and measures need to be taken in time. Fetal heart rate monitoring, such as fetal heart rate in 120 to 160 times / min, indicating that the fetus is in good condition, such as fetal heart rate < 120 times / min or > 160 times / min, indicating fetal hypoxia, immediately left lying position, oxygen inhalation, and timely medical treatment.

Prenatal education guidance

Prenatal education is to create a good internal and external environment for pregnant women, and to implement the best measures for the growth and development of the fetus in a purposeful and planned manner. Pregnant women can touch the abdominal wall while talking to the fetus or listen to beautiful, relaxed and pleasant music in the third trimester of pregnancy to engage in "mother-child dialogue".

Identify abnormal symptoms

Pregnant women have the following symptoms, such as vaginal bleeding, continuous vomiting after 3 months of pregnancy, chills and fever, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, sudden flow of fluid from the vagina, sudden reduction in fetal movements, etc. should be treated immediately.

Preparation for childbirth

Pregnant women and their family members prepare the necessary items for the mother and newborn in the third trimester of pregnancy, choose the delivery hospital and the means of transportation to the hospital, and temporary contact methods. If abdominal pain or vaginal fluid occurs, you should immediately lie flat and be taken to the hospital quickly.

Four health care knowledge that must be known during pregnancy: Dr. Meng suggested that Bao Dad should also understand

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