
Learn these refusals to pay an IQ tax for folic acid

Do you know about folic acid, and probably many expectant mothers who are trying to conceive have heard about the importance of folic acid, but do you really understand its efficacy and know how to supplement folic acid? How many expectant mothers have paid IQ tax on folic acid, and today Annushi Xiaobian will come to talk to you about how to avoid paying IQ tax.

Learn these refusals to pay an IQ tax for folic acid

The first thing to understand is that folic acid is an important raw material for the development of the embryonic nervous system. It is a water-soluble B vitamin. It is found in a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, but folic acid is easier to lose after cooking, and the demand for folic acid for expectant mothers will increase after pregnancy. As an indispensable nutrient for fetal development, if the lack of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy may cause fetal neural tube development defects, serious fetal malformations, so folic acid supplementation is very necessary!

The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends in the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents that women of childbearing age should supplement folic acid 400 micrograms per day starting from the first 3 months of pregnancy at the latest and continue until the end of the entire pregnancy. This figure is not made up out of thin air. Studies have shown that daily supplementation of 0.4 mg of folic acid can effectively reduce fetal neural tube dysplasia by about 80%. Moreover, even if you have not been pregnant until you are pregnant, it is safe to take it all the time according to this amount. General pharmacies have separate folic acid supplements, which are over-the-counter drugs and can be bought by themselves. It should be noted that we must look at the accurate dose, look for 0.4mg, and other doses are not recommended to buy to avoid overdose.

The state has free folic acid distribution, and women of childbearing age can take their ID cards to the local maternal and child health hospital or community service station to collect it. If it is not convenient, you can also go to the pharmacy to buy. There are all kinds of folic acid on the market, low is a few dollars, high is a few hundred, so, what is the difference? The answer is yes! In fact, the price of ordinary folic acid tablets is not very expensive, generally a few dollars can be bought, they belong to drugs, high quality requirements, mainly for medical institutions, so the price is regulated, buy them is enough; and expensive is generally health care products folic acid tablets or multivitamin tablets, health care product production requirements, compared to the requirements of drugs, worse than a grade, usually it is because the packaging publicity is done well, it is sold more expensive.

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