
The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

Not long ago, actor Sun Iridium released a short video about pregnancy emotions, which resonated with many pregnant mothers. Like many ordinary women, during pregnancy, she is sensitive, vulnerable, and always can't help but have emotional outbursts.

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case
The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

The husband fell asleep at night and rolled away her quilt

It will make her feel very wronged

Insomnia on his own listening to his husband snoring and sleeping

It will also be sad and quarrelsome

Originally, it was a couple who liked to joke

Facing secondary developed breasts during pregnancy

Husband jokes that "reached the peak of life, but sagging"

Let her explode completely

All kinds of negative emotions made her, who was originally grinning, cry several times in the video.

Indeed, as the video says, whether it is a bright star, actor or an ordinary person, in addition to the physiological changes in pregnancy, there is also a certain degree of psychological change. However, Sun Iridium also shared his methods of adjusting his emotions in the video, such as correctly understanding his own psychological changes and rationally saying his emotions; do not regard a certain person (such as her husband) as all the spiritual pillars, and take the initiative to go out. This is a big thumbs up!

Learning to regulate emotions is important throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period.

Emotional problems during pregnancy are not "pretentious"

Pregnancy reactions in the early pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, easy tiredness and other discomforts, changes in body shape during the middle pregnancy, inconvenience of movement, low back pain in the late pregnancy, pubic pain, edema, frequent urination, sleep problems, etc., as well as changes in hormone levels all affect the mood of pregnant mothers.

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

Therefore, some pregnant mothers will fall into a negative state or anxious state, and even pregnant mothers will be depressed.

Countries around the world are concerned about the mental health status of this particular group of pregnant women, and epidemiological data shows:

Global incidence of perinatal depression is as high as 25%

There are currently no reported reported incidence rates in China

The reported incidence of postpartum depression averaged 14.7%

The incidence of pregnancy-related anxiety in foreign countries is reported to be 14.4%

China is 8.54%-9.14%

Since the incidence is so high, it must be actively solved!

This regulates the mood during pregnancy, and it is more effective with half the effort!

(Pregnant Mother Must See)

1. Arm yourself with knowledge

First, fear often comes from the unknown. If pregnant mothers can learn some relevant knowledge through the right way, such as pregnant women's schools, obstetric examination doctors or look at xiaobian's science, it will be much better.

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

Second, learn to make reasonable expectations. In the absence of relevant knowledge, sometimes some physiological changes in pregnancy, such as mood fluctuations and changes in body shape, are blamed on themselves, resulting in negative emotions. Pregnant mothers can also make reasonable expectations for themselves after understanding relevant knowledge and adjust their psychological state.

2. Keep moving

In addition to high-risk pregnant mothers, it is recommended to do exercise 3 or more times a week during pregnancy (you can determine the intensity of exercise after consulting your obstetrician).

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

According to the Canadian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in addition to maintaining a healthy body and body during childbirth, it can also make you maintain a pleasant mood during pregnancy, eliminate depressed emotions, and effectively reduce your physical discomfort (such as back pain, constipation, puffiness, etc.).

3. Pay attention to negative emotions

Negative thinking is not something we actively come up with, but something called "automated thinking" – one voice after another automatically flashes out and controls you. This is because of your past experiences that have led you to develop the habit of thinking about things in a bad way and feeling powerless. When a negative emotion arises, don't run away from it, but pay attention to it, and even write it down, the process of writing can help you look at it more rationally, and after a while, you may think that these ideas are actually ridiculous.

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

It is also recommended that pregnant mothers can take time to record at least one happy or happy event that occurred that day, a momentary feeling or a complete thing. Record it for a long time, and you will find that there are so many beautiful things in life.

4. Learn to relax

Pregnant mothers can try the following methods and choose one of their favorite methods to stick to it.

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

Deep breath relaxation method

The muscles are relaxed by consciously controlling breathing, which indirectly relieves tension. Breathe through the nose and inhale from the abdomen. Shoulders droop naturally, slowly close your eyes, then slowly inhale deeply, inhale enough, hold your breath for 2 seconds, and then slowly exhale the inhaled breath. Notice your exhalation, inhale, and feel the feeling of "inhale deeply and exhale slowly."

Progressive muscle relaxation

Train all muscle groups in the body in a systematic way, first allowing the muscles to deliberately tense up for a short time, and then gradually relaxing. Order of relaxation: head - arms - trunk - legs. The final step is to imply relaxation by simply repeating a word such as "relax."

Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness basically has three elements: conscious awareness, focusing on the present moment, and not judging subjectively. Meditation consciously maintains attention within the present and is aware of any thoughts and feelings that arise, but does not make any judgments.

5. Learn to communicate

You can participate in a small group of pregnant mothers, such as the online pregnant mother group. But it should be noted that if there are too many negative voices in the group, we should not stay in the group and quickly leave the group. If the hospital for obstetric examination has a hospital-organized pregnant woman population, it is a better choice. You can also go to the community to find "like-minded" people.

6. Improve sleep quality

Warm bedrooms can be set up with plenty of time during pregnancy, and uncomfortable bedding can be replaced to create a comfortable and quiet environment. Drink milk, bathe, wear comfortable pajamas, listen to soothing music, use maternity pillows to adjust to a comfortable position, and try to avoid electronic products before going to bed. Sleep time during the day should not be too long.

The support of the family society is indispensable

(Pass it on to your teammates)

In addition to self-regulation, the help of family members is also essential. But many fathers are also new fathers, and sometimes they don't know how to give psychological support to pregnant mothers during pregnancy and childbirth.

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

1. Try to "walk the heart" instead of "solve the problem"

Sometimes, the expression of a pregnant mother may sound more like a complaint or a repetition, but it may actually be an expression of emotion. The family may need to think differently – to look for the "emotion" behind what she says, and then try to respond to her emotions.

For example, a pregnant mother may repeatedly tell her family worriedly how troublesome and tiring the upcoming obstetric examination will be. As a family member, instead of responding to the "process" of her obstetric examination, you can tentatively ask her if she is "worried" about the results of the obstetric examination, and give comfort and encouragement, which may lead to better support results.

2. Understand the "sensitivity" of pregnant mothers

Pregnant mothers become very easy to cry after pregnancy, and their emotions seem to fluctuate a little, and they often feel that they have been wronged. Many times, pregnant mothers may just have no way to control their behavior.

As a family member, you can ask your pregnant mother what you can do for her. For example, help her sort out her clothes for the new season, or carry some rice flour oil home. Sometimes her needs may be simple, just hoping that someone can help rub her sore shoulders, neck and waist, or just want someone to listen to her.

3. Encourage pregnant mothers to go out to socialize and exercise

Unlike men, women may be better at relieving stress by confiding, so encourage her to go out and chat with friends more often. In addition, regular exercise is also worth adhering to, such as accompanying her downstairs for a walk every day, or helping her do stretching, or giving her a pregnancy yoga class.

4. Actively seek professional help

For pregnant mothers who cannot regulate abnormal emotions or psychology through themselves, it is still recommended to seek the help of a professional doctor in time and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Our hospital's Maternal Mental Health Clinic or Joint Maternal Psychology Specialist Clinic (MDT) are good choices. If the pregnant mother is reluctant to go to the doctor, she may also be mixed with some depressive symptoms, and it may not be a wise choice to follow her completely.

Finally, to borrow Sun Iridium's words, I wish everyone can be a happy little pregnant woman!

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

Specialist Introduction

The actor collapsed into tears because of the "small contradiction" with her husband! But this is not an isolated case

Xia Xian, M.D., Deputy Chief Physician, Intermediate Psychotherapist, Secondary Psychological Counselor. Deputy Director of General Physiological Obstetrics, Director of Huangpu Maternity Ward, Head of Maternal Mental Health Clinic. He is a member of the Infant and Young Child Mental Health Committee of the Maternal and Child Health Research Association, and a member of the Psychosomatic Medicine Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association.

Specialties: maternal health, assessment of mode of delivery, psychological assessment and counselling. He has rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of high-risk pregnancies (such as gestational diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, hypertension during pregnancy, etc.).

Outpatient hours: Wednesday and Friday morning (Huangpu Campus)

Author: Shen Minhong, Xia Xian

Editor: Li Miaoran The GIFs are from: soogif

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