
Changan UNI-K iDD officially opened pre-sale, with the lowest price of 176,900 yuan

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Zhang Aili

Photo/Courtesy of respondent

On January 6th, at the 4th Haikou International New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicle Exhibition, Changan Passenger Vehicle High-end Product Sequence UNI participated in the exhibition live with the theme of "Pre-sharing Hybrid New Realm".

Changan UNI-K iDD officially opened pre-sale, with the lowest price of 176,900 yuan

As the first model equipped with the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system, UNI-K iDD officially opened pre-sale on the same day, and the official pre-sale price of the two models was 176,900-192,900 yuan. At the same time, UNI-K iDD officially launched the iDD sports streamer kit priced at 1699 yuan and the iDD comfort super sense kit priced at 1999 yuan.

Changan UNI-K iDD officially opened pre-sale, with the lowest price of 176,900 yuan

The Blue Whale iDD hybrid system equipped with UNI-K iDD consists of four parts: blue whale NE 1.5T hybrid special engine, blue whale triple-clutch electric drive transmission, large-capacity PHEV battery and iDD intelligent control system.

Changan UNI-K iDD officially opened pre-sale, with the lowest price of 176,900 yuan

Traffic congestion in the morning and evening rush hours is the "culprit" that exacerbates the fuel consumption of traditional fuel vehicles. UNI-K iDD with 30.74kWh large-capacity PHEV battery, through the BEV mode to achieve pure electric drive, UNI-K iDD NEDC pure electric mileage of 130km, easy to meet the daily urban commuting needs, driving experience is equivalent to pure electric vehicles, and to achieve the ultimate fuel saving, greatly reducing the user's daily car costs.

HeV mode is oil-electric hybrid drive, relying on the intelligent energy management of the whole road conditions, the Blue Whale iDD hybrid system can actively judge the road conditions ahead, through kinetic energy recovery, reserve enough power in advance, and extend the pure electric driving time. UNI-K iDD started to use electricity, the blue whale NE 1.5T hybrid special engine quietly intervened at medium and high speed, compared with the same level of traditional fuel vehicles to save 40%, its NEDC comprehensive cruising range reached 1100km, to meet the needs of users traveling long distances.

At the same time, UNI-K iDD also provides users with driving pleasure, i-X built-in preset mode, users can also customize according to their needs. In the preset "surging power" mode, the UNI-K iDD engine and the electric motor work together, based on the application of core technologies such as the Blue Whale triple-clutch electric drive transmission, whether it is full power or power, UNI-K iDD power performance is basically the same, so that users can easily complete the acceleration overtaking at any time.

In order to reduce the purchase and use cost of consumers, at the pre-sale conference, Changan UNI also brought users a surprise with exclusive car purchase policies such as "0" pressure on car purchase, "0" pressure on car use, and "0" pressure on car sharing.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Wang Haiyan

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