
Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

author:Cultural tourism Zhao Bin

Shaanxi is the capital of 13 dynasties such as Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang and so on, due to the favorable political, economic and cultural conditions at that time, Qin cuisine can absorb the essence of cuisine from all over the world, absorb the flavor of various ethnic cuisines, excavate and inherit the skills of the court dishes of the past, so it is known for its wide variety of dishes, different flavors, antique flavors and thousands of flavors. As one of the oldest cuisines in China, Shaanxi cuisine is not very famous today, but it contains a lot of history and culture.

Eight treasure sweet rice

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

Legend has it that in the last year of the Shang Dynasty, eight sages such as Bo Kui and Conflict defected to the King of Wu, known as "Zhou Bashi", Zhou Bashi actively participated in the cause of King Wu's cutting, and finally King Wu of Zhou destroyed Shang, at the banquet held for Zhu Jie, the chef cooked eight kinds of treasures together, pouring red hawthorn juice, implying that "Zhou Bashi helped Zhou to extinguish the merchants, and king Yin Lu committed suicide by throwing himself into the fire", and posterity called this dish "Eight Treasures Sweet Rice"...

This dish is called "sweet plate" by many children!

This dish can be seen at many dinner tables in Shaanxi, a "sweet" word, but also symbolizes the vision of a better future.

Shangzhi meat

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the world was in constant war, and there were four sages of Zhou, Wu, Cui, and Tang, who lived in seclusion in Shangshan, in the shade of Nandanshui, Shangluo Mountain, to avoid qin chaos, and then refused the han king's request to join the army. It is said that when Sihaogong interrupted cooking in the mountains, he often fed on a kind of purple mushroom. He truly loved it and wrote the famous "Caizhi Song", which was named "Shangzhi".

It doesn't look very similar to plum button meat, but this is our unique flavor dish of Shaanxi Shangluo. Every spring, the people of Shangluo Mountain Take advantage of the fresh and tender Shangzhi grass to pick it, and when it is matched with the Qinling soil pig, it becomes a Shangzhi meat with ruddy color, soft texture, fat but not greasy, meltable in the mouth, and has a strong Shangzhi flavor.

Goji berry stewed silver fungus

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

In the early years of the Han Dynasty, Lü Hou took power and killed many princes and ministers, and Zhang Liang, who was known as the "Three Masters of the Early Han Dynasty", saw this situation and made up his mind to resign from the government and retire to the retreat, although he was given the title of Marquis of Liu, he no longer participated in the affairs of the imperial government and came to Liuba County in the deep mountains of the Qinling Mountains to learn the Tao. The area is remote and inaccessible. Zhang Liang lives in seclusion away from the world here, in order to maintain a long life, but also to express the innocence and nobility of his moral character, he often eats the locally produced white fungus (commonly known as white fungus), he specializes in stewed silver fungus to symbolize his "innocence" and "high purity".

At the beginning of the period, I really thought that such a small and fresh delicacy as goji berry stewed silver ear must have come from Jiangnan, and I never expected that the originator of this dish was actually Shaanxi cuisine.

Phoenix swallows thorns

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

"Phoenix swallows wings", also known as "crazy swallowing thorns".

In the early years of the Han Dynasty, Lü Houlin took charge of the imperial government for 8 years, rejected Liu Bang's old subjects, and established Zhu Lü as king, causing public indignation, known as a madman, and it is said that lü pheasant was choked to death with a fish stab when he was sick with food. The generals Zhou Bo and Chen Pingren raised an army to destroy Zhulu, supported Emperor Wen, and restored the Liu Han regime. At the celebration feast, the imperial chef slightly improved the dishes of steamed chicken and named it "Crazy Swallowing Thorn", alluding to the death of the madman Lü Yan who swallowed the thorn.

This dish looks simple, in fact, there is a lot of content inside, this dish to shark fin, hen as the main ingredient, shark fin into the chicken belly steamed, and then add soup to cook, shark fin soft, chicken crisp, fragrant and umami, there is a warm nourishment, strong muscles and bones. People who are weak can be used as a tonic diet.

Double crisp

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

氽双 crisp is derived from the Sheng Tang Dynasty, named "撺 (called cuan) Double Cheng ", alluding to the two cool officials appointed by Wu Zetian, Shangshu Zuo Cheng Zhou Xing and Yu Shi Zhong, according to legend, when the early Tang Dynasty Wu Zetian, Wu Zetian appointed cool officials Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen, causing the people to boil over, a certain chef made a dish with pig's belly and duck gizzard, named "汆双丞"...

Nowadays, in our Shaanxi province to cook a little bit of things, the local dialect also has a saying "take the water to rinse", this dish is made of pork belly kernels, duck (chicken) gizzards, walnut kernels, mushrooms as wool, with magnolia slices, a variety of spices. The belly is snow white, the duck gizzard is red, the belly is crisp and tender, and the taste is fresh and refreshing.

Three-skin silk

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

During the Tang Dynasty, Wang Xu, Li Song, and Li Yi held high positions, but they were corrupt and perverted the law, committed many evils, and the people were extremely resentful, so they called the three "three leopards". There is a chef surnamed Lü in Chang'an, who cooked three different colors of skin into a dish, and was killed by the "three leopards", but the dish he created spread throughout the capital, and in order to commemorate Master Lü, it was later renamed "Three Skin Silk" and has been passed down to this day.

The three skins in this dish are chicken skin, cooked pork skin, and jellyfish skin.

The chefs in Chang'an City have inherited this traditional dish from generation to generation, and the preparation has become more and more exquisite. When people taste the "three skins", they are both beautiful and blessed, and they also feel the joy of the victory of justice over evil, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

Gourd chicken

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

According to legend, the gourd chicken began as the official chef of Shang Shuwei of the Tang Xuanzong Ceremonial Department. Webster is extremely exquisite in cooking, poor and extravagant, ordered the family chef to cook crisp and tender chicken, the first chef first fried and then cooked, Webster suspected that the meat was too old, so he severely punished and whipped; the second chef first cooked and then fried, the chicken that came out of this way was really delicious, but Webster suspected that the chicken was not formed, not good-looking, and beat the cook alive; the third chef learned the lessons of the first two chefs, tied up the chicken, and then cooked and fried first. The chicken produced in this way is not only mellow and tender but also shaped like a gourd, and later generations called it "gourd chicken".

Monkeys with caps

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

According to legend, during the Qing Dynasty, Yan Ge Zhidan repaired the "Fengtu Yicang" of the Dynasty, so that the local starving people who suffered from 18 years of famine were helped. When Yan Ge Zhidan returned to his hometown and province, the local officials held a feast to receive the wind for him, offered this dish, changed the name to the promotion map, and wished The official of Yan Ge Zhidan a prosperous and prosperous, and all new officials in the future will enter this dish.

In fact, in Shaanxi, almost every dish has a historical story, and a dish can be a test of bad people or praise for good people. Among them, you can always find that the old Qin people coexist with kindness and agility, and there are always values of right and wrong, black and white, good and bad in their hearts.

Bring a handle elbow

Only know about the cold skin meat sandwich bun? There are many Shaanxi dishes!

The big lychee belt has a long history of elbows. Legend has it that during the Hongzhi period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a chef named Li Yushan in Dali County, Shaanxi Province, who was skilled and made a good dish. Soon, Zheng Shi of Futai, Shaanxi Province, came to the state capital to inspect, and in order to please Futai, the governor sent someone to pass Li Yushan to the palace to cook, and a summons came out, one of the dishes was meat on the top and a few bones on the bottom.

The governor was shocked when he saw it, and quickly reported that Li Yushan was going to ask for his guilt. Li Yushan, however, was calm and self-assured, and calmly replied, "Lord Futai does not know that our state lord not only eats meat, but also bones?" This Zheng Futai was a Qing official, and with only two sentences, he heard the meaning.

Zheng Futai finally made a secret visit to rectify the state official, and Li Yushan's dish was named "with a handle elbow"!

A dish, a piece of history

A taste, a heritage

Each Shaanxi dish has a rich history and culture

Honey, how many have you eaten?

Source: In Xi'an

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