
No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

author:Vegetarian dishes

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious. Liang skin is one of the very popular traditional snacks in Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan area, in our hometown also called the cold skin, today to share with you this cool skin is lazy people cool skin practice, the traditional method is made of flour, this method is simpler and faster than washing the face cold skin, the only thing that is not good is to eat gluten, but the taste is also very good, anyone can learn at a glance, not much to say, let's take a look at the production method with me.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

Ingredients to prepare:

Flour, potato starch, water, peppercorns, star anise, fragrant leaves, cumin, ginger slices, cucumber shreds, bean sprouts, salt, balsamic vinegar water, garlic water, oil spicy seeds

Here's how:

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

1. Add a bowl of flour to the basin, add a small amount of potato starch, and then add a bowl and a half of water to the same size to stir into the batter, stir in the same direction continuously, until there is no knot in it, and then let it stand for about 20 minutes after stirring the batter.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

2. Next make a seasoning water, add a small amount of water to the pot, then add peppercorns, star anise, fragrant leaves, cumin, ginger slices, boil on high heat and then turn to low heat and cook for about 10 minutes, after the seasoning water is boiled, pour it into a bowl and let it cool.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

3. After the batter is set to stand well, stir first, scoop a spoonful of batter into the cool skin gong gong to swing evenly, and then put it into the pot of boiling water, the amount of water should be more, and it should be boiled over high heat, and after the bottom of the gong is heated evenly, then the batter inside is evenly shaken, cover the pot and steam for about 1 minute.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

4. Steam until the cool skin bubbles quickly in a basin of cool water to cool, after cooling and then peel the cool skin, just repeat the steamed cold skin, the cool skin is peeled off and spread on the grate that has been brushed with oil, and the cool skin is also brushed with oil.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

5. After all the cold skins are steamed, roll up the cold skins and cut them into strips of the same width and width with a knife.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

6. Cut well and put it in the bowl, add cucumber shreds to the bowl, blanch the bean sprouts, add salt, seasoning water, balsamic vinegar water, garlic water, and finally add oil and spicy seeds to stir well and eat.

No need to knead and wash the noodles, teach you to easily make Shaanxi characteristics of pure handmade cold skin, tendons are delicious

7. Let's do this cool skin well, cool and smooth, tendons and delicious, even in the winter to eat cold skin is also a kind of enjoyment, special delicious enjoyment, learn friends can try at home.

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