
Featured cuisines: Lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe Selection of dishes: lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe

author:Little Bunny Forest Hammer Hammer

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > selected dishes: lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe</h1>

Lotus root beef brisket stew

Featured cuisines: Lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe Selection of dishes: lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe

Ingredients: 1000 g lotus root, 1000 g beef brisket, 160 g Zhuhou sauce, 160 g ginger, 15 g garlic, 80 g rock sugar, 10 g dark soy sauce, 5 g tangerine peel


1: Roll the brisket in boiling water for 15 minutes, wash it in cold water and cut into pieces.

2: Peel the ginger, pat it flat and chop it; remove the garlic and mash it; dip the tangerine peel and wash it.

3, heat the pot, under the oil, put in ginger, garlic stir-fry, continue to the pillar Hou sauce, beef brisket with the explosion, sprinkle some shochu, pour down the three major soup bowls of water, add rock sugar, dark soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and other flavor, add tangerine peel, change to a clay pot, put on the stove until cooked.

4, the lotus root 1000 grams, peeled, washed, pat flat, add beef brisket meat, with some garlic, half a piece of southern milk with the pot to good, eat, unique flavor.

Braised yellow bonefish

Featured cuisines: Lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe Selection of dishes: lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe

Ingredients: Yellow bone fish, dried tofu, cooking wine, salt, five-spice powder, green onion, ginger, garlic, spicy garlic

1: Cut the dried tofu into slightly larger cubes and minced shallots and garlic, cut the ginger into strips, cut the yellow bone fish clean and chop the pieces, marinate with cooking wine, salt and five-spice powder for 20 minutes;

2: Sauté half of the ginger shredded in oil in a hot pan, then pour in the marinated yellow bone fish and fry until both sides are a little brown;

3: Stir-fry the shallots, ginger, garlic and spicy garlic with a little salt in another pot of hot oil. Pour the fried yellow bone fish together and sauté for 3 minutes;

4, yellow bone fish shovel to the side, add dried incense, put some salt and fry into the taste, yellow bone fish, dried beans and soy sauce together stir-fry evenly, pour half a small bowl of cooking wine together and simmer for 10 minutes;

5: Add chicken essence to taste before cooking, and put on the plate.

Pumpkin millet porridge

Featured cuisines: Lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe Selection of dishes: lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe

Ingredients: 20g of buckwheat rice, 50g of millet, 150g of pumpkin

1, pumpkin peeled, seeded, washed, rubbed into filaments;

2. Wash and clean the bitter buckwheat millet;

3. Put all the ingredients into the rice cooker;

4, add an appropriate amount of water, according to the conventional cooking porridge mode to do a good job of porridge.

Sichuan braised duck

Featured cuisines: Lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe Selection of dishes: lotus root brisket pot, braised yellow bone fish, pumpkin millet porridge, Sichuan braised duck recipe

1、 Wash the duck legs and chop them into small pieces;

2, line pepper, millet pepper, garlic, ginger cut separately;

3: Pour the appropriate amount of water into the pot, put the duck meat into the pot, pour the cooking wine, blanch the water and fish out.

4: Heat the oil, add ginger, garlic, peppercorns, sauté to bring out the aroma and add 1 spoonful of Pixian watercress sauce and fry the red oil.

5: Add the drained duck and stir-fry together, add cooking wine and a little salt, stir-fry well and add boiling water that has not been duck, simmer for about 15 minutes.

6: Cook until the duck can be poked in with chopsticks, then add the line pepper and stir-fry well, boil on high heat and add a little sugar to taste, when the soup becomes thick, you can turn off the heat.

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