
2022 CES: Volkswagen and Ford will carry mobileye maps

2022 CES: Volkswagen and Ford will carry mobileye maps
2022 CES: Volkswagen and Ford will carry mobileye maps

This Mobileye mapping technology is built from the cloud technology, based on the data of the global mobileye vehicle group data, to provide the driver experience. When a vehicle passes through a road without any markings, the Mobileye mapping platform can capture the vehicle's driving data in real time, so that route planning can be carried out through the cloud data.

2022 CES: Volkswagen and Ford will carry mobileye maps
2022 CES: Volkswagen and Ford will carry mobileye maps

Ford will integrate the new map platform into the existing BlueCruise driver assistance system, with the production efficiency of cloud maps, to further improve the forward-looking of maps, resulting in a safer and more comfortable driving experience. (Text: Pacific Auto Network Yayong)

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