
BMW iX body color-changing technology attracts attention! BMW's official video decrypted

A few days ago, at the CES exhibition in 2022, BMW's new flagship electric vehicle iX showed a body color-changing technology, the body color was freely switched between "black, white and gray" in an instant, and the cool degree was "five-star", and once the technology was released, it attracted the attention and hot discussion of fans around the world.

The color of the body can change instantaneously, and for police and gangster movies, it may not even be necessary for post-film special effects. However, for car owners, it may be a problem for the vehicle management office to be licensed, and it is difficult to "go to the vehicle management office in an hour to prepare the case".

In order to answer the doubts of fans and friends, BMW officials also released a video to decrypt this "variable body color" technology.


According to it, the car, known as the iX Flow, uses electrophoresis technology in E Ink, which allows for almost immediate changes in its exterior color, with the body color being able to change immediately at the push of a control button.

It is reported that the iX body surface has a special packaging, which brings different colors of pigments to the surface through electrical stimulation. The effect of color change can be from front to back, from side to side, in the form of stripes, spots, etc. E Ink cladding enables this adjustability.

E Ink technology is a technology used for electronic ink screens, so iX can only adjust the grayscale color, the color change range is between "black, white, gray", but in the future, more color adjustments can be achieved.

BMW iX body color-changing technology attracts attention! BMW's official video decrypted

The application of E Ink has two key benefits, the first is that it allows the owner to change the body color and design according to the mood, scene or other situation.

Secondly, in hot weather, white is cooler than black, or in winter, black can absorb more heat than white, maintain the temperature inside the car, and reduce the energy consumption of the car.

However, the current iX Flow technology is still in the concept stage, although it is very cool, but it is not known whether BMW will put the color-changing body panel into mass production.

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