
What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

Anemia can occur in people of all ages, among which the phenomenon of anemia in infants is very common, and once the baby has anemia, they are in the growth and development stage, if not adjusted in time, it will have a great impact on development, so for the phenomenon of infant anemia, some parents should pay attention to understand its causes and adjust to the causes.

What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

The following reasons can cause infant anemia, parents can understand

1. Congenital deficiency

Infant anemia is sometimes caused by some congenital causes, such as premature birth, twins, and the mother has a serious anemia during pregnancy, which can lead to anemia in the baby, and because the umbilical cord is premature, it can also lead to anemia due to insufficient red blood cells, or due to problems with blood cells themselves, which can cause anemia.

2, growth and development is too fast

If the baby grows and develops too fast, it will lead to more weight gain, which will make the body ischemic more, so the need for hematopoietic raw material iron will also increase, so for children who grow and develop too fast, they are more prone to anemia.

What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

3. Unbalanced diet

Because there is very little iron contained in human milk and milk, if parents do not add complementary foods in time with the growth and development of the baby, let the baby eat some foods with high iron content, and do not supplement iron in time, then it will lead to insufficient iron, so that it cannot meet the needs of the baby's growth and development, causing anemia.

4. The impact of the disease

If the baby has certain diseases, it will also cause anemia, such as digestive tract malformations, or long-term diarrhea, which can easily lead to iron can not be well absorbed, resulting in anemia. In addition, there are some intestinal diseases such as intestinal polyps, Mecker's diverticulum, hookworm disease, etc., which can cause small amounts of blood loss and can also cause anemia.

What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

The method of prevention is as follows:

1. Promote breastfeeding

The bioavailability and absorption of iron in breast milk are higher than those in milk; After 4 months, iron-containing complementary foods such as egg yolks, liver puree, minced meat, bean flour, and boiled vegetable leaves should be added; Milk-fed children should add milk earlier than 2-3 months.

The daily iron requirement in childhood is 10-15 mg, and in adolescent girls 20 mg per day, and when the iron content in the daily food provided does not meet this requirement, it should be taken from drugs to supplement iron.

What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

2. Master scientific feeding skills

The food supplied must be combined with the characteristics of children's age, digestive function and so on. Nutrients should be complete, the amount and proportion should be appropriate, and the food should not be too fine, too sugary, too greasy, too strong and irritating.

Its varieties should be diversified, do not destroy nutrients when cooking, and achieve good color, aroma and taste to increase children's appetite. This is one of the preventive measures for anemia in children.

What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

3. Pay attention to cooking methods to improve the absorption rate of iron

Fruit and vegetable combination, can improve the absorption rate of iron in plant foods, and fresh fruits, vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C, can also increase the absorption of iron.

Such as black fungus stir-fried minced meat, can improve the iron absorption rate of black fungus; Tomatoes, minced meat, tofu are burned in one piece, and pig blood and tofu are added to vinegar to make a sour soup, and both blood and vinegar increase the iron absorption rate in tofu.

What are the causes of congenital anemia in children? How can I prevent it on a daily basis? Parents find out

In order to prevent the incidence of pediatric anemia, people must pay attention to premature prevention to reduce the occurrence of the disease. Children due to their own poor binding power, in the process of prevention, parents need to strictly supervise the child, so that they can get better results and avoid accidents.

Food that is conducive to children, or factors, parents need to let children have more contact, some factors that are not conducive to children, parents must pay attention to not let children have more contact, so that they can get a good preventive effect and avoid causing some diseases.


[1] Zhang Zhinan, Hao Yushu, Zhao Yongqiang, Wang Jianxiang, etc. Hematology. 2nd Edition. Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House,2011:484-485.]

[2] "Investigation of Anemia in Preschool Children", Hu Jinhua

[3] "Family Care of Children's Nutritional Diseases", People's Military Medical Publishing House, 2009, edited by Wang Xinliang

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