
The Germans' Genetic Project: How Many Children Did the Fountain of Life Produce? How did it end?

Ideology is very important for a country and should be given more importance than political and economic. A good ideology can guide social construction, make the country rich and strong, and make the people's lives rich. But incorrect ideology can lead to social backwardness and even a series of disastrous consequences. For example, during World War II, the ideologies of Germany and Japan were very extreme, and eventually embarked on a fanatical racist cycle, which then developed into a ballooning ambition and a vain attempt to conquer the world.

The Germans' Genetic Project: How Many Children Did the Fountain of Life Produce? How did it end?

At that time, Japan proposed the so-called "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere", which believed that the Yamato nation was very good and should liberate the yellow race from the iron heel of capitalism, and they looked down on Chinese and people from other Southeast Asian countries, almost as slaves

The Germans, on the other hand, proposed the "Greater Germanic" doctrine, which believed that the Jews were of low and dirty descent and that the Jews should be exterminated, and that the Gypsies were also a filthy people and should be eliminated. At the time of the genocide of Jews and Gypsies, the Germans also carried out a genetic plan to accompany it. The Fountain of Life program.

The Germans' Genetic Project: How Many Children Did the Fountain of Life Produce? How did it end?

The Germans believed that the Aryan bloodline was the noblest, almost one of the best in the world, so in order to maintain the purity of the Aryan bloodline, more excellent genes were cultivated and more strong warriors were cultivated. The Germans sought out a lot of so-called "pure-bred Aryan women" and combined them with senior German commanders in a vain attempt to develop better genes.

These women who were recruited did not have to work, and they ate well and had a colorful life, which was much better than being a housewife at home. Their only task was to act as a child-bearing machine, to combine with senior German commanders to give birth to genetically superior children.

The Germans' Genetic Project: How Many Children Did the Fountain of Life Produce? How did it end?

And these children will be separated from the mother who gave birth to themselves from birth, there will be special people to take care of these children, they dress well, eat well, be taken care of as princesses and princes, innocent they do not know at all, it is the war outside, every day people die on the battlefield.

Of course, the Germans were not limited to germany, and in order to train powerful warriors, they even forcibly recruited tens of thousands of Norwegian women as fertility machines during the occupation of Norway, combining with Nazi officers. The Germans felt that the Norwegians, as descendants of the Vikings, had the genes of warriors flowing through their bodies, and when combined with noble Nazi officers, they would surely be able to produce better fighters.

The Germans' Genetic Project: How Many Children Did the Fountain of Life Produce? How did it end?

Unfortunately, the children raised by the Germans had not yet joined the Nazi camp and became a great warrior, and they were cornered by the Allies. Under such circumstances, the Germans were so mad that they killed all the children they had bred! These children were euthanized, and only a small number of children sent to upper-class families in Germany were spared.

In Norway, Norwegian women who were forcibly recruited to have children were liquidated after the war. They were dragged to the streets by men with their hair pulled, their hair shaved in public, and they were insulted and insulted by men, and their fate was undoubtedly tragic, which was all a Crime of the Nazis!

The Germans' Genetic Project: How Many Children Did the Fountain of Life Produce? How did it end?

In the last century, due to the fanatical ideas of the Germans and the Japanese, it directly triggered a "war to end everything" and brought disaster to the whole world! After the war, germans bravely admitted the mistakes they had made, and the West German president's earth-shattering kneeling won the forgiveness of the world. In contrast, Japan not only did not repent, but even forcibly covered up its crimes! Tampering with textbooks, beautifying the history of aggression, and not facing up to this problem are really outrageous!

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