
During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

In the summer of 1945, Norway began mass arrests of women. These women were girls who had fallen in love, married, or had relationships with Germans during the occupation of Nazi Germany in Norway.

There is no law that makes it a crime for a Norwegian woman to be with a German man. But tens of thousands of women were shaved, stripped naked and paraded through the streets, thrown into concentration camps and deported.

These Norwegian women, who were scornfully known as "German girls", became the target of resentment from the Norwegian government and norway as a whole after Germany's defeat.

In the spring of 1934, Hitler was secretly cruising on a warship, and during the hours he spent passing through the Norwegian fjords, he kept his eyes peeling at the intoxicating northern scenery of Scandinavia. But what remains in his mind is not only Norway's magnificent natural landscapes, but also brutal government plans.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

In 1940, when the Nazis attacked Norway, Hitler "devised" a more brutal plan for Norway than in occupied France and Poland. He wanted to turn Norway into a Nazi utopia, into a paradise for the so-called Aryan race.

Norway was chosen not only for its beautiful scenery. Hitler bluntly stated in Mein Kampf that he believed that the Norwegian Vikings had blond hair and blue eyes, and that such people were the pure Aryan race in his heart, the highest level of the racial class. In his opinion, Norwegian society is racially similar to That of Germany, and it is most appropriate to "optimize races" here.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

But how can it be optimized? The Nazi answer was to let the women there give birth to as many German children as possible.

While killing millions of Jews he considered inferior, Goebbels painstakingly built another ethnographic project for Hitler— Lebensborn.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Originally, this institution was nothing more than an institution that provided welfare to the wives of Nazi officers, including maternity homes, nurseries, and the like, in other words, to encourage the officers' partners to have children, and to pay various benefits when they had more children. But only German women bore children to the Reich, a population that grew at a rate no less than the Ambitions of the Nazis.

The source of life evolved again, encouraging German soldiers to look for "racially superior" women in occupied territories, to conceive and give birth to "purebred" children, and to promise to take care of these women and the children born. Goebbels believed that only in this way could he strengthen the genes of the Aryans and send more warriors to the Empire.

Sources of Life has branches in several occupied countries, but Norway, which is considered to be exceptionally genetically "good", has 8 institutions of Life Sources scattered throughout the country and is the country most affected by the program.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Soon after the occupation of Norway began to appear all kinds of brainwashing posters for women: a Norwegian girl dressed as a milkman poured out her admiration for Hitler, thanked the Fuehrer for saving them from moral and racial depravity, and hoped to mate with his pure-blood soldiers and perform their duties. (Literally)

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

In the case of serious imbalances in the resources of the aggressor and the invaded country, Norway became one of the poorest countries in Europe at that time. Some women could only pin their hopes of survival on the source of life plan, succumbing to the German invaders in order to save the lives or futures of their families.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Because the Source of Life program is conditional on the fact that as long as they can prove that they are Of Aryan descent and have children born in Germany who meet the conditions of the Aryan race, they can receive a financial support. In wartime, every penny is hard-won.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Other women, who had no choice, became pregnant after being raped by the invaders, when abortion was illegal in Norway. If you abort your child, you go to jail or even a concentration camp. If children are born, Source of Life commits to contracting the medical care and education of children they consider racially superior.

It also allows the violated Norwegian women to give birth to the aggressor's child as a choice without options. According to statistics, 60 percent of the children the Source of Life program accepted had mothers who were unmarried and had no stable relationship with German servicemen, but the Nazis never recognized their sexual crimes.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

There are also some women who simply fall in love with a German soldier uncontrollably, marry and have children with them.

Of course, there are really people who are crazy followers of Hitler and willing to use their procreation to contribute to the Empire, but this is indeed a very small number of people. No one is willing to bear the name of a traitor or even a war criminal and give birth to a child to the enemy for no reason.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

The source of life gave these women a seemingly bright future: after the aryan racial regulations were born, you could choose to raise or not to adopt. If they did not want to raise them, they were taken to the care center of the source of life, and someone specially assigned to teach these children Nazi education according to Hitler's wishes.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

But the Nazis essentially did not carry out this plan for charity, and it was their purpose to do good births. Every effort was made to encourage them to have more children with the Germans, to have the most children, and even to receive the Iron Cross, and to treat "racially valuable" Norwegian women as the fertility machines of the Empire.

The wombs of some women who never wanted to participate in the Source of Life project could not escape their clutches. The Source of Life was never mentioned in the plan, they would rob the baby.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

German police take away children

In fact, babies considered to be of the purest and finest blood, often born in hospitals, were snatched from the mothers of their children by the Nazis and sent to Germany for SS officers who had no children or wanted more children.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

And who has children, who has children or not, how the children born grow up. Completely out of Norwegian control, batches of babies were sent to Nazi schools, and batches of Norwegian women were pushed before the invaders.

Hitler had great expectations of Norway, and after trying to transform the women here, the Nazis also devoted a lot of energy to the construction of Norway, and seemed to have imagined everything after the victory of the war. Fortunately, his fantasies were dashed.

In 1945, the German army was gradually defeated, the German army had to withdraw from Norway, and before leaving, a cruel scorched earth policy was implemented, burning down the factories that had been built for Norway in recent years, and of course, the Source of Life program.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

This was followed by celebratory parades throughout Norway. But the joy of victory never belonged to Norwegian women. Almost a few days after the victory of the war, the police searched the whole country for women suspected of having an affair with German men. They were imprisoned for treason, even though there was no Norwegian law that could endorse such a large arrest.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

The people also vented all the anger of the occupation in recent years on these women. They dragged women suspected of having had sex with German soldiers and had children into the streets to strip naked and parade through the streets and shave their hair. Splash their bodies with tar.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death
During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

They were tied up and stoned, spat and even beaten to death. On the lively streets, such images become part of the "celebration" of victory.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

This includes desperate women, women who are forced to be raped, and many women who have never been associated with Germans but have been framed by bad people. By the way, at that time, many profiteers who took the opportunity to make a large amount of money, real intelligence dealers and men who committed treason, the vast majority did not receive such a terrible punishment.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Agence France-Presse described: "Their crimes were simply violations of unwritten rules and ethical standards. They were punished even more severely than the profiteers in the war. ”

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

"The women were portrayed as prostitutes, and they were seen as psychologically dysfunctional, as if they must have been crazy to have sex with German soldiers. Worse still, these people believe that norwegian women's bodies belong to the state, so even if there is no legal basis, the state has the right to punish them. ”

When they have had enough of venting to these women, they will be arrested by the police and sent to concentration camps. Trapped inside for weeks or even months, beaten and mistreated, then stripped of norwegian citizenship and deported to Germany.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

But how could Germany, which had just been defeated, be responsible for them? These people are discriminated against in their own countries as "German girls" and in Germany as "Norwegian bitches", and their lives are almost insecure. Even more frightening, Norway had no intention of sparing their children.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

After the war, the Norwegian authorities made a rather ironic ruling: Norwegian women who slept with German men had low IQ disabilities, and their offspring were also mentally handicapped. So their genes are inferior and should be eliminated.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Some women and children have been forcibly sent to mental hospitals, even though they are all right. But the Norwegian authorities firmly believe that they and the children are crazy. Paul Hansen was born in 1942 in a Norwegian Hospital for the Source of Life Project and spent 20 years in a psychiatric hospital after the war.

Fearing persecution, some women dumped children of German descent and went into shelters in European countries and became outcasts in Europe. At the same time, other mothers could not bear to leave their children behind and had to leave overnight before the arrival of the police.

For example, anni-Frid Lyngstad, the lead singer of the famous ABBA orchestra, had a father who was a German sergeant, and her mother took her to sweden overnight for fear of persecution.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

Violence against women in Norway has reached unprecedented levels. If two people have a personal grudge, even if they rumor that the other person and the German have a leg, they can easily destroy a woman. No one is going to really investigate these, they just want revenge, venting. Shoot at the most vulnerable and exploitable group.

The invaders come and invade and plunder them; when the invaders are gone, they are the most unforgivable devils.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

And all this was tacitly approved by the Norwegian authorities. For more than 70 years, the Norwegian government has said nothing about the secondary atrocities committed against these women. In 2007, a group of children who had been expelled from Norway as a source of life complained to the European Court of Human Rights of Norway's cruelty to them and their mothers.

But Norway was already a peaceful paradise on earth, and the memory of the war was too long ago, and no one remembered the lost women and their expelled children.

These children are already gray-haired, and many of their mothers are dying of scorn, abuse, and discrimination. In 2002 Norway apologized to the children born in the Fountain of Life project and imprisoned or expelled, but did not say anything to their mothers.

Nearly 50,000 Norwegian women who had relations with the Germans and more than 10,000 children of German descent who were expelled, killed or abused in this second atrocity became the black history that Norway was least willing to talk about.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

The game My Child Lebensborn tells the story of the growth of Norwegian outcasts

It was only in 2018 that the government formally apologized to the persecuted Norwegian women. Female Prime Minister Erna Solberg admits that the Norwegian government's unlawful arrest and abuse of these women is shameful.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

"The Norwegian authorities have violated the basic principle that no citizen can be punished without trial and not sentenced according to law." Solberg made a long reflective speech on the stage that day, but unfortunately, for more than 70 years, most Norwegian women who have been cruelly abused have not heard this apology and live in fear and pain.

"I'm sorry, I knew this day should have come sooner." Solberg said.

During World War II, they fell in love with foreigners and had children, and they were shaved off their heads, stripped of their oil, and stoned to death

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