
In the cold winter of the new crown and influenza, is it the best policy to rush to the hospital?

In the cold winter of the new crown and influenza, is it the best policy to rush to the hospital?

Go to the hospital to see, the scene in the picture above is very common, especially in the winter and spring of each year, this time is the high incidence of common diseases of the elderly and children. Families with infants and young children, elderly patients with chronic diseases are also anxious to think at this time, a little wrong will take patients to the hospital, because of the persistence of the epidemic and the recent prevalence of influenza, to the hospital crowds, do nucleic acid, plus there will be a risk of hospital infection at any time, which will also make it difficult for everyone to see a doctor.

Below I will talk to you about some key points of family disease prevention in winter and spring, and be a good family hygienist:

1. Common diseases in infants and young children are colds, pneumonia, diarrhea, emergency department in young children, rubella, etc. For children within the age of 2 years, parents can go to a big hospital for treatment. For slightly older children, parents should slowly become familiar with their children's common susceptible diseases, and common diseases can be solved in the nearest clinic and community hospital. At the same time, for infants and young children, reasonable work and rest, exercise and diet is the key to disease resistance, children's diet should be coarse and thin, eat less sweet pastries, ensure the diversity of food, easy to digest. At present, children are particularly anorexic, coughing, and bad breath, which is related to improper feeding methods, and parents must make sure that their children eat according to their own food intake, do not feed. Buy fewer snacks and make some light, tasty, nutritionally balanced seasonal fresh food. For some children who already have a cough, be sure to eat on time and eat less raw cold, sweet, greasy soup meat. Don't get into the habit of going to bed late and getting up late, parents participate in children's games and exercises together. Pay attention to daily life, children will be very worry-free.

In the cold winter of the new crown and influenza, is it the best policy to rush to the hospital?

2. There are also some susceptible groups at home that are chronic patients, including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, old slow branches, COPD, liver disease, etc. These groups, such groups have poor immunity and are prone to infection and complications, so:

First of all, the family should take the patient to check on time, see the effect of the drug, adjust the medication plan in time, and achieve the obvious purpose of medication.

Second, chronic patients should pay attention to strengthening the supply of nutrition, food should be light and fresh, meat and vegetarian collocation, eat less and more meals

Third, chronic patients should also have appropriate exercise, reasonable exercise can accelerate blood circulation, accelerate glucose metabolism, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but the time of exercise should be 10 am, about 3 pm, and pay attention to control the intensity of exercise, so as not to feel tired. At the same time, the good medicine for patients with chronic diseases is to have a good mood, bask in the sun, and have their own small interests.

Fourth, patients with chronic diseases should take medicine on time and in quantity, for emphysema, COPD, old slow branch of these patients have some inhalation drugs, must be under the guidance of the pharmacist to fully grasp the inhalation method, otherwise the effect of medication can not be achieved, aggravating the condition.

Noting these, patients with chronic diseases do not need to be hospitalized frequently.

3. For young adults, the pressure is high, mainly to eat three meals reasonably, stay up late, drink less, insist on soaking feet at night, and wear masks frequently. Squeeze out 20 minutes a day to develop a good habit of exercise, which is the key to disease prevention

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