
The first poisoning clinic in Guangdong was opened, and the leaders of the two hospitals in Anhui were investigated on the same day

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The first poisoning clinic in Guangdong opened

On the morning of January 4, the Poisoning Clinic of the Twelfth People's Hospital of Guangzhou was officially opened. This is the first systematic and professional poisoning clinic in Guangdong Province, providing diagnosis and treatment and poison detection services for people who have occupational poisoning in the production field or food poisoning, chemical poisoning and various suspected poisoning common in life. (New Express)

The leaders of the two hospitals in Anhui were investigated on the same day

On January 4, according to the Anhui Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network, Xia Social Security, former director of the General Affairs Office of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation; Li Guangzao, vice president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, was suspected of serious violations of the law and was under the jurisdiction of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Anhui Province, and the Fengtai County Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission was supervising and investigating him. (Anhui Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network)

The first case in the country! Successful kidney transplantation for AIDS children in Guangxi

Recently, the organ transplant team of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital successfully performed a kidney transplant for a child infected with human immunodeficiency disease (HIV) and renal failure. It is reported that this is the first case of kidney transplantation for an AIDS child in the country. Currently, the child has been discharged from the hospital. (People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)

The official response is investigating the "abortion of pregnant women in Xi'an"

On January 4, a pregnant woman's family in Xi'an posted that at more than 7 p.m. on January 1, her 8-month-pregnant aunt had a stomachache that could not get through 120, and then called 110 to send her aunt to Xi'an High-tech Hospital. Arrived at Xi'an High-tech Hospital at 8 p.m., due to nucleic acid for more than 4 hours, could not enter the hospital, during the waiting at the door, the aunt hemorrhaged, 8 months of fetal unfortunate miscarriage.

For this matter, the Shaanxi Women's Federation responded that it has been reported to the leadership, and the Ministry of Rights and Interests should be understanding the investigation. According to Jiupai News reported on January 5, the general manager of Xi'an High-tech Hospital said that the pregnant woman is currently recovering after surgery; the president said that the health commission is currently investigating the matter. (Boiling Point Video, Nine Pie News)

A new strain of COVID-19 variants has been detected in France

Recently, scientists from France reported that the new coronavirus variant B.1.640.2 has 46 mutations. Currently, 12 people in southern France have been tested to be infected with the B.1.640.2 variant. The results of the study were published on the medical preprint website medRxiv without peer review. The research unit is the Institute of Infectious Diseases (IHU) of the Mediterranean University Hospital in Marseille, France, and they have tentatively named the mutant strain IHU. Since the current number of cases is not clear, its transmissibility, toxicity, and immune escape ability also need to be studied. (The Paper)

The WHO calls sinopharm and Koxing vaccines

Severe illness of Aumechon can be prevented

On January 4, local time, World Health Organization official Abdi Mahmoud said that studies have shown that new coronavirus vaccines such as Sinopharm and Kexing can prevent the risk of severe hospitalization caused by the Omiljung strain, and it is expected that the vaccine's protection against severely hospitalized patients will continue to be maintained.

Abdi Mahmoud also pointed out that although the surge in new cases in South Africa has declined rapidly, and hospitalization rates and mortality rates are low, high-risk and unvaccinated people may still develop severe patients due to infection with the Olmikharong strain. (CCTV News)

Source: Medical community comprehensive collation

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreader: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao

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