
When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

author:Mason cuisine

Hello everyone! Welcome to Meisen Cuisine, I will always "focus on food, make cooking easier and more delicious." "; to share with you the simplest ingredients to make the most delicious meals. At the same time, I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you more gastronomic experience and cooking skills.

Of the four seasons of the year, my favorite is autumn, blue days, colorful leaves, cool weather, beer are saved, haha... Not only that, but the most enjoyable thing is the food in autumn, that feeling...

On this autumn high day, we will make a pot of soup with delicious taste, not greasy, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, to untangle it

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

【Casserole lamb radish casserole】

Ingredients: lamb, white radish, green onion, garlic, dried chili, rock sugar, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, star anise, coriander, oyster sauce, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind


1: Cut the lamb into pieces and set aside

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

2: Put cold water in the pot and add green onion, garlic and cooking wine

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

3: Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and set aside

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind
When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

4: Put a little oil in the pan, add rock sugar and sauté to make the sugar color

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

5: Pour in blanched lamb and stir-fry

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

6: Sauté until the lamb is colored

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

7: Add green onion, garlic, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, star anise and dried chili pepper

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

8: Pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce and cooking wine, and add a large bowl of water

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

9: Cook for 5 minutes to remove the smell, cover and simmer for an hour

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

10: Add the chopped white radish and continue simmering for 20 minutes

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

11: Finally, add salt, white pepper and coriander to taste

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

In this way, a soup with delicious casserole lamb radish pot can be eaten

When the weather is cold, make a pot of soup with delicious, soft and rotten casserole lamb radish pot, and unwind

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