
More than 600 tons of gold bars were dug up in the northeast, Japan: ours, no one is allowed to move! What's going on?

In the modern history of our country, Japan launched a war of aggression against our country, and after the September 18 Incident, the northeast was occupied by the Japanese army. However, in the end, our country united as one, and the united front united to the outside world, and eventually drove the Japanese out of China. When the Japanese leave, they cannot take anything with them, and all their belongings are confiscated.

More than 600 tons of gold bars were dug up in the northeast, Japan: ours, no one is allowed to move! What's going on?

After the end of the war, our country left a lot of traces of the Japanese, and when Japan invaded China, some warehouses left behind, as well as a large number of weapons and equipment, were not allowed to be taken away. And Japan still hides a lot of things in our country, and wants to retrieve them later, but many of them have been discovered by us first, such as more than 600 tons of gold bars hidden in the northeast.

More than 600 tons of gold bars were dug up in the northeast, Japan: ours, no one is allowed to move! What's going on?

At that time, when building Tohoku, these gold bars were accidentally dug up, and when Japan knew about it, it immediately shouted: The gold bars are ours, and no one is allowed to move them! What's going on? In fact, these gold bars were originally sent to Japan by the Russian bandit army Petrov after the outbreak of the October Revolution, but they were extorted, and these gold bars were robbed by Japan.

More than 600 tons of gold bars were dug up in the northeast, Japan: ours, no one is allowed to move! What's going on?

At that time, the Japanese army was going to be transported back to Japan, but because the military and the emperor were in a dispute at that time, they decided not to return home, and after the war, they shared with the Japanese army. After the end of the war, these gold bars could not be taken away, they could only be hidden in China, and as a result, they did not have a chance to retrieve them, and they were discovered by our country. The Japanese are also disgraced, and say that this is theirs, who gave them the courage to dare to be so arrogant?

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