
For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

On the afternoon of April 18, 1946, the Chinese the predecessor of the Fourth Field Army of the People's Liberation Army, and the first liberation of Changchun, the capital of Jilin Province, by the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army, entered the most critical moment. (1948 was the second liberation of Changchun)

When the 75th Regiment of the 25th Brigade, which was on a surprise mission, broke into the city, along Datong Avenue (now Renmin Avenue), and approached only 20 or 30 meters away from the building of the puppet central bank, where the headquarters of the Kuomintang army was located, suddenly the big iron gate of the bank opened widely, and thousands of enemy troops stood up with dangling bayonets and rushed towards our 75th Regiment with great momentum!

In this hand-to-hand combat that lasted about an hour, both the enemy and us paid heavy casualties, blood flowed in the square, the soles of everyone's shoes were red, and the blood in a few low-lying places even drowned the feet and necks of people.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

After the Japanese army invaded and occupied the northeast, it carried out enslavement propaganda and wantonly recruited puppet troops

These enemies who dare to carry out a white-knife counterattack against our army are not generalists. They are the Pseudo-Northeast Security Corps 2nd and 4th. The predecessors of these two units were the so-called "trump cards" carefully cultivated by the Japanese Kwantung Army in puppet Manchukuo, the "iron stone" unit of puppet Manchukuo and the non-commissioned officers and students of the puppet Manchu central military academy. In particular, the "Iron Stone" unit, which was a "model" unit established by the Japanese Kwantung Army for the puppet state of Manchukuo, was the most die-hard traitor, and its combat strength was comparable to that of the Japanese Kwantung Army. After the surrender of Japanese imperialism, they were absorbed by the Kuomintang.

But what the hardcore traitors of those "iron stone" troops did not expect was that the predecessor of our army's 75 regiment opposite them was the Korean volunteer army, which had a blood feud with the Japanese Kwantung Army and the Traitors, and the leader of the 75 regiment, Park Luoquan, was born on the Korean Peninsula, his father was killed by the Japanese, and he joined the anti-Japanese movement in 1933!

Therefore, in the face of these fierce enemies, the soldiers of the 75th Regiment can be described as "the enemy meets and is extremely red-eyed." Thus, one of the most brutal bayonet battles of the War of Liberation broke out.

In the end, the officers and men of the 75th Regiment won this brutal bayonet battle. But their regimental commander, the martyr Park Luoquan, fell at the last moment of hand-to-hand combat, only 29 years old!

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

Along with the Chinese, the Korean Volunteers were writing slogans

The martyr Park Lok-kwon was born in Korea on March 21, 1917, when Japanese imperialism had annexed the Korean Peninsula and imposed a dark colonial rule. Park Ro-kwon's father participated in the Trinity Anti-Japanese Movement in North Korea and was killed by the Japanese. In order to avoid disaster, the family was forced to flee to China with his young man.

However, with the outbreak of the September 18 Incident, the three eastern provinces soon fell into the hands of the Japanese army. With nowhere to hide, Park Luoquan joined the anti-Japanese struggle in 1933. He joined the teaching brigade of the 5th Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition commanded by Comrade Zhou Baozhong as a defense and reconnaissance work, and made many military achievements.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

Statue of the martyr Park Rok-kwon

On August 15, 1945, Japanese imperialism announced its unconditional surrender. In order to preemptively take over the northeast, the Kuomintang in the far rear disregarded the feelings of the people in the northeast and wantonly recruited the puppet Manchukuo's scattered soldiers, bandits, bullies, and hooligans. As a result, the loyal lackeys raised by the Japanese invaders were transformed into the so-called "national army," "underground army," and "advance army," and continued to play a role in the heads of the vast number of compatriots in northeast China.

Faced with a complicated situation, on the one hand, the CPC Central Committee ordered the troops in Guanxi to leave the customs day and night, accept the surrender of the Japanese and the puppets, eliminate the Japanese and puppet armed forces that dared to resist, mobilize the masses, and establish base areas. Park Luoquan also returned to the Yanbian region as a member of the Yanbian Detachment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army.

In order to be able to build a strong people's armed force as soon as possible, he worked day and night. He went down to the grassroots level, used his identity, mobilized the Korean masses to join the army, and mobilized the masses to take back the fields and property seized by the Japanese colonists and distribute them to everyone.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

Group photo of commanders and fighters of the Korean Volunteer Army

Park Luoquan not only has the frank and enthusiastic personality of the Korean compatriots, but also has the characteristics of Communist Party members who faithfully fulfill the orders of party organizations and superiors, work conscientiously and actively, and put the interests of the party and the people first everywhere.

He cared for and considerate the soldiers, set strict demands on the soldiers, and taught them by example, educating cadres and soldiers with his own exemplary actions. Whenever he was marching to fight, he found that a warrior had fallen behind because of a broken foot, and he would take the initiative to give up his mount to the warrior, and he would dismount on foot. In battle, he is also a fierce general, always leading the way, charging forward.

As a result, he won the trust of his superiors and the love of the soldiers. The Yanbian detachment led by him was also quickly expanded into the 1st Yanbian Police Regiment, and successfully completed the task of suppressing bandits assigned by his superiors.

In March 1946, the 1st Yanbian Police Regiment received orders from their superiors to advance to Changchun and prepare to liberate the "capital" of puppet Manchukuo. At that time, Park Luoquan, who was only 3 months old, received the order, did not complain, but just hurriedly bid farewell to his wife and relatives and rushed to the front line with the troops.

On 11 April, when Park Ro-kwon and other comrades were on combat assignments at the headquarters, their superiors placed the 1st Police Regiment on the second line as a reserve, taking into account that his troops had been extremely tired during the previous almost uninterrupted battle against bandits and that the casualties had not been replenished.

Park Ro-kwon argued with his superiors and insisted on being a forward. The superiors eventually agreed to his request. His superiors said: "Please rest assured that we will definitely complete the task!" We'll see you at Datong Square! "Before the siege, in order to facilitate the unified command, the number of the 1st Police Regiment was changed to 75 regiment.

At 2:00 a.m. on April 15, the 75th Regiment of the 25th Brigade entered the Erdaohezi garrison outside Changchun to wait. At 5 o'clock at dawn, the three major armies of our army launched an attack on Changchun at the same time under the cover of artillery fire.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

After the unconditional surrender of Japanese imperialism, the puppet armies under its command each found a way in an attempt to continue to be a blessing in disguise

This was an evenly matched battle, with about 19,000 of our siege troops and 18,000 enemy defenders, and the enemy, in addition to the bandit armed forces and the guerrilla scattered soldiers of the puppet Manchu army, also included the 2nd Northeast Security Corps reorganized by the "Iron Stone" troops and the 4th Security Corps composed of non-commissioned officers and cadets of the Puppet Manchu Central Military Academy, and even more than 200 Japanese troops.

In particular, the "Iron Stone" unit, which was a "model" unit established by the Japanese Kwantung Army for the puppet state of Manchukuo, was a vain attempt by the Japanese army to make all the puppet army units look like this unit and serve the invaders. Therefore, the devils looked up to this unit, loved them, and raised their treatment to the same level as the ordinary Kwantung Army.

The love of the "Imperial Army" made these lackeys "grateful to Zero", and they threw themselves even harder into the battle to encircle and suppress the Northeast Anti-Japanese League and other anti-Japanese armed forces, their hands stained with the blood of countless anti-Japanese martyrs and innocent people of the national scum, this puppet army was even transferred to Guannei to suppress the anti-Japanese struggle, and Bao Sen, deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army's Jidong Military Region, died in the battle against the "Iron Stone" troops, which can be described as a crime.

Moreover, the enemy was stationed in the countless pillboxes and fortifications built during the puppet Manchu period, and used powerful firepower to block and shoot at our siege troops. The 75th Regiment, as the vanguard of our army in the southeast direction, was even more attacked by the concentrated fire of the enemy. Therefore, after breaking into the city, the 75th Regiment took advantage of the gap in the enemy's dense firepower to launch a strong attack, but several attacks were unsuccessful, but caused a lot of casualties.

Park Ro-kwon watched the warriors fall and became furious. Braving the enemy's intense firepower, he personally selected cadres and fighters to organize several commandos. Under the cover of regimental mortar and light and heavy machine gun fire, they launched a surprise attack on the enemy in separate ways. After breaking through a point, the main force followed up, rushing into the enemy's defense line from the breakthrough, making contact with the enemy's short troops, and approaching the city center step by step.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

The Korean volunteer soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who were preparing to go to the northeast to receive the surrender of the enemy and the puppets

On April 16, the 75th Regiment continued its advance toward the city center along the main thoroughfare, Datong Avenue. At noon on the same day, the "Ten Thousand Characters" building in the northwest corner of Xingren Square was met with stubborn resistance from the enemy, and the attack was thwarted. This is an important transportation hub in Changchun and a strong support point for the enemy. The building is a three-story reinforced concrete building, the outside is a tall and strong wall, and the enemy inside the building is desperately resisting under the pressure of the officers, in a vain attempt to block the advance of our army.

Wu Hengfu, deputy commander of the Southeast Column, who commanded the battle at the headquarters of the 75th Regiment, reported the situation to He Qingji and Deng Fei, commanders of the column who personally inspected the battle situation on the front line, and when he walked in front to guide them to a high place to observe the enemy's situation, he was accidentally hit in the head by the enemy, and Wu Hengfu was killed on the spot.

Seeing the death of the deputy commander, Park Luoquan and the commanders and fighters of the 75th Regiment were deeply saddened, and they swore with tears in front of Wu Hengfu's body that they would capture Changchun to avenge him. Park Luoquan then ordered the whole regiment to concentrate all the fire on the "Ten Thousand Characters" building.

Under the cover of fire, Park Luoquan personally commanded the troops to launch a charge. The troops deftly launched surprise attacks in small groups and multiple routes, dispersing enemy fire, and cleverly using smoke and terrain as cover, quickly broke into the compound and pushed closer to the building.

The terrified enemy piled up all the furniture on the stairs, blocking the entire staircase tightly, in an attempt to block the route of our army's attack on the building. Park Ro-kuen ordered some of the warriors to climb up the stairs from the outside, using drainage pipes and bulges from the house. The warrior who climbed to the window threw the grenade inside, and then rushed into the building to engage the enemy in close combat.

When the defending enemy and our army were fighting each other and there was no time to blockade the staircase, our army's demolition men used explosives to blow all the furniture of the staircase into pieces, and then the main force of the regiment rushed into the building along the stairs, attacked the enemy back and forth with the troops in the building, and quickly annihilated the defending enemy and occupied the building.

Ethnic Korean fighters from the 75th Regiment who participated in the liberation of Changchun

After 3 days of fierce fighting, the casualties of the 75th Regiment were very large, and many companies only had thirty or forty men left. Although it was still nominally a regiment, even if all the logistical and institutional personnel were replenished to the front line, there were only less than a thousand men left to continue the battle.

Out of love for them, the leader of the column decided to withdraw the 75th Regiment for recuperation. After Park Luoquan knew, he ran to find the column commander He Qingji. He insisted that his superiors reconsider and earnestly said: "Chief, we must take down the enemy's headquarters!" Seeing that victory is about to be won, let us retreat, and the commanders and fighters of the whole regiment will not agree! ”

Because of his resolute attitude, and the fact that the head of the column also considered that the 75th Regiment had been fighting on the front line and knew the enemy better than the second line troops, he agreed to his request. Park Luoquan was so happy that he rushed out of the headquarters like a child, and at the same time dropped a sentence from a distance: "Chief, we will see you at the enemy headquarters!" ”

On 18 April, the 75th Regiment, under the command of Park Han-rok, launched an attack on Banjo Temple in Changchun, and soon occupied Banjo Temple, capturing more than 200 enemy soldiers.

In the afternoon of the same day, as our three-way army tightened the encirclement circle step by step, the area controlled by the enemy in Changchun became smaller and smaller, and finally the enemy was completely compressed and surrounded by the puppet central bank in the northwest corner of Datong Square.

This is the enemy's headquarters, so the enemy resists very tenaciously. The 2nd Pseudo-Northeast Security Corps and the 4th General Corps of non-commissioned officers of the Puppet Manchu Military Academy, which were reorganized by the enemy's elite "Iron Stone" troops, had about 4,000 people, relying on tall and sturdy bank buildings and sophisticated weapons, and were desperately holding firm. They tried to block our army's offensive in order to wait for reinforcements from the Kuomintang Central Army on the outside.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

The pseudo-Man Iron Stone troops are lined up

At about 16:00 p.m., the 75th Regiment and fraternal troops, supported by heavy fire, concentrated their forces to attack the building. At 17:00, the enemy's outer positions had all been taken, leaving only the bank building, a lone stronghold.

As the soldiers shouted and rushed across the square to approach the bank building, the door of the bank suddenly opened, and thousands of enemy "iron stone" troops launched a white-knife counterattack against our army.

As soon as the two sides looked at each other, the fierce fire of our army swept down the enemy officers and men leading the troops, but the enemy completely ignored the casualties and rushed to the southeast like a tide. The enemy's sudden onslaught the 75th Regiment by surprise, the enemy advanced step by step, and our army was gradually crushed to the southeast corner of the square.

The situation is urgent! Because behind the 75th Regiment were thousands of enemy troops who had just been captured by our army and a mountain of guns and ammunition captured by our army. If the enemy's counterattack is successful, then the enemy may tear open a large hole in the encirclement of our army, or break through, or merge with thousands of enemy officers and men in the rear of the 75th Regiment who have just been captured, and there is a large number of weapons and ammunition that the enemy has just handed over. Once these prisoners take up arms again, it will be a disaster for the rear command, the wounded and sick, and the logisticians of our army, which will lead to the complete defeat of the siege!

At this moment, the commander of the column, He Qingji, and the deputy commander Huang Sipei, both came to the front line to command the counterattack battle, and under the onslaught of the enemy, He Qingji was hit in the head by a shell shrapnel that exploded near him on the front line, and was seriously injured and unconscious on the spot, although he saved his life after rescue, he lost his left eye, and Huang Sipei was also seriously injured in the battle and was urgently carried down for treatment.

At this time, the highest commander present was only Park Luoquan, the commander of the 75th Regiment. He didn't say a word, and shouted: "Comrades, rush with me!" While grabbing a rifle with a bayonet on it, he led this unit with the Korean Volunteer Army as the backbone, rushed to the dense enemy battle formation, and engaged in a white-knife battle with the enemy.

Subsequently, the two sides launched the most brutal and bloody white-knife battle in the Liberation War on Datong Square.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

The puppet Manchu army with the Japanese army

In this white-knife battle, which lasted about an hour and was arguably the largest and most brutal in the Liberation War, both sides suffered heavy casualties. Blood flowed through the square, and the soles of everyone's shoes were red, and the blood in some low-lying areas was even as deep as the neck of the foot.

In the end, the 75th Regiment, with the cooperation of brother troops, withstood the enemy's crazy counterattack, and then pressed the enemy back to the bank building step by step. The troops of our army, who were friendly and neighboring, took the opportunity to attack the flanks of the counterattacking enemy, cutting off most of the enemy's main force on Datong Square, and only a small number of enemies retreated to the bank building.

After seeing our army encircling itself from all directions, the spirit of the "Iron Stone" troops finally collapsed. These hardcore traitors raised their hands and surrendered, and the officers tore off their ranks and epaulettes in a vain attempt to fool through.

Seeing that the enemy had fired a white flag, Park Luoquan ordered the troops to collect the weapons of the surrendered enemy, and continued to annihilate the recalcitrant enemy, and when he strode forward to accept the surrender of a group of enemies, an enemy officer hiding in it wounded his abdomen with a pistol, and he fell.

For the first liberation of Changchun, the two enemy forces of the enemy and us fought each other with bayonets for an hour, and blood flooded their necks

Soldiers of the Korean Volunteer Army marched into Shenyang

When the warriors rushed up desperately to snatch him out. Park Ro-kwon shouted from time to time in his coma, "Rush! advance! When the comrades-in-arms rushed him and Commander He Qingji to the rear hospital, he said to Commander He next to him: "I am almost dead, please ask the chief to hand over the medal in my jacket pocket to my family." After saying this, Comrade Park Luoquan died at the age of 29.

This loyal proletarian fighter, without seeing the final victory, left his beloved comrade-in-arms forever. The other commanders and fighters of the 75th Regiment did not stop the pace of the attack, they shouted "Avenge the commander of the Park Rok-kwon Regiment!" The slogan, more courageously, pounced on the enemy and crushed the enemy's stubborn resistance.

The enemy trapped in the bank building saw that the general trend had gone, and finally surrendered at 19:00 on April 18, and our army liberated Changchun. The battle killed and wounded more than 2,000 enemy troops and captured more than 16,000 prisoners. 1 aircraft, 56 guns of various types, 432 machine guns, 11,600 long and short guns, and 1.1 million rounds of ammunition were captured.

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