
Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

In 1950, the National Congress of Combat Heroes was convened. These 350 top gods of war have repeatedly brushed the Hall of Yama, crawled out of the pile of dead people, and everyone is a first-class skill, with multiple honors.

Some people single-handedly captured more than 2,000 enemies, and some people dominated the entire battlefield with just one sniper rifle.

After the meeting of the gods, the Central Military Commission issued a commemorative magazine of battle heroes, and Lü Junsheng ranked first in the North China Military Region

At the meeting, Chairman Mao shook hands with Lu Junsheng and said: "I know you, you are very powerful."

Lü Junsheng, this name in the Japanese army is even more terrifying than the god of death.

Lü Junsheng, 192 in height, proficient in martial arts, with amazing arm strength, was known as Lü Bu in the army.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

In July 1938, Lü Junsheng took the lead in rushing into the Japanese army pile, and in full view of everyone, he threw off his double knife and slashed 27 Japanese troops in front of him, becoming famous in the first battle, which was simply an invincible god of war.

It was just his opening debut.

That was 27 Japanese troops in 1938, or head-on combat. If you know the combat strength of the Japanese army in the beginning period, you will have some experience, and what is the use of this record is shocking.

Nie Shuai recalled: In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, we fought bayonets with the Japanese, but we never had any advantages. If three Japanese soldiers stood back to back, our ten Eighth Route Army would not be able to bargain.

In the eighth route army, a battalion or a regiment was generally used to fight a small group of Japanese troops - a small group of japanese troops was about 50 people, and a battalion of the Eighth Route Army was about 500 people, and the ratio of strength was 10:1.

With a casualty ratio of about 1:7, white-knife warfare was generally 3 Eighth Route Army vs. one Japanese soldier, and Japanese soldiers often won.

In 1938, the Zhanggufeng Japanese-Soviet conflict broke out: 2752 Soviet troops were wounded and 914 Japanese troops were wounded. Here's a staggering number: in bayonet battles, the Soviets suffered 110 casualties and the Japanese 4, with a casualty ratio of about 28:1.

With this background data, you know how shaky it was to kill 27 ghosts head-on in one go in 1938.

Even if the battle loss ratio is calculated according to the 3:1 battle loss ratio, it will take 81 soldiers to destroy these 27 Japanese troops.

And this miracle created by Lu Junsheng is equivalent to earning 81 lives.

Lü Junsheng used a large knife to hack 27 Japanese troops at once, a brilliant result.

After careful evaluation, he was awarded the first class merit.

Such a person seems to be born for the battlefield, Lu Junsheng is 1.92 meters tall, tall, has a strong body, and is extremely explosive.

Lü Junsheng is not far from the Zhao Zilong family in Shijiazhuang, he is a native of Xingtai, Hebei, from a young age, he is full of strength, and his figure is several sizes larger than his peers.

In order not to waste his talent, he went to the martial arts hall to learn martial arts, no matter the poor and rich, eager to learn, God liked it! However, during this time, God had not yet seen this big man who was trying.

Lü Junsheng was born with divine power, and the master could not lift the stone lock, he picked it up and ran like a fly.

One day, a tug-of-war competition was held in the township. Lu Junsheng watched the scene lively, wandered on the field, and a person dragged ten people on the opposite side over, and stunned the villagers present...

In order to be able to eat enough, Lu Junsheng not only farmed but also did some odd jobs to earn money. Shoes were repaired, sheepskin was upside down, and he was called to see a nursing home.

Once this physique is remembered firmly by others, who does not know him?

Lü Junsheng had offended the local landlords because of this, so he had to go to other places to try his luck. Even if life is as difficult as ever, Lu Junsheng still hasn't changed his enthusiasm.

There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to love life after seeing the truth of life - Romain Rolland

In 1937, the Eighth Route Army entered the Taihang Mountains. Lü Junsheng was overjoyed when he heard this, and defected to the Eighth Route Army (129th Division) in many places.

In combat, Lu Junsheng is especially good at throwing grenades.

Lu Junsheng has a long arm, and he is also accurate! You can imagine how much the devil would have been upset if O'Neill had thrown the grenade to the point of being accurate!

He can throw grenades into unexpected places by the enemy with a big hand, and play out the effect of mortars one by one, and the devils who hit them have no pain to say, this is completely unknown how to fire over, too outrageous, grenade launch?

Because of his bravery, the bomb-throwing quasi-Lu Junsheng has made many achievements on the battlefield, from soldier, to captain, to platoon leader... But Lu Junsheng himself did not feel that there was anything to be proud of, and his strength had not yet been exerted! He knew that he was too big and ate too much, so he often felt embarrassed and often ran forward and backward to take care of his comrades. In order to allow his comrades with poor physical strength to keep up with the large troops, he often carried the equipment of several people alone on the march.

In July 1938, Lü Junsheng's 129th Division came to Xiajin, Shandong. Here, the 129th Division encountered the Kwantung Army, a Japanese ace unit.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

The Kwantung Army is the most powerful and well-equipped trump card among the devils! Known as the "Flower of the Army", this is a group of well-trained real devils: the 918 Incident and the 731 Unit were both carried out by the Kwantung Army.

Top war criminals such as Hideki Tojo and Kenji Doihara all started from the Kwantung Army.

The devil's obsession with bayonet fighting once reached the point of madness.

In order to prepare for the invasion of China, Japan has had military training courses since elementary school, and the Japanese army requires all employees to participate in assassination training, including infantry, artillery, engineers, traffic soldiers, etc., and even officers are treated equally.

At that time, the vast majority of Chinese soldiers lacked effective training, while the Japanese army underwent at least 8 months of intensive training.

It's like playing on amateur teams and professional teams, the gap is too obvious.

In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a Japanese force often fought several Chinese soldiers without being defeated, and could even stab the Chinese soldiers one by one to win the final victory.

Therefore, the white-knife warfare of the Japanese army on the Battlefield of China did have a deterrent effect.

At that time, the Chinese army could not afford a bayonet, and the anti-war knife weighed three and a half pounds, that is, 1.58 kilograms. Thinness and lightness give an advantage in attack speed.

The great knife of the War of Resistance installed various units on both sides of the Kuomintang and the Communists,

Due to the limited level of military industry and the poor material of the anti-war knife, a few more people will curl the blade, but they still have the strength to fight back, but they are fighting back.

The rumors on the Internet that the anti-japanese war knife is thick and heavy, not afraid of hard touch, and the Japanese knife is thin and sharp and easy to damage is a rumor!

Compared with Japanese sabers, the anti-war knife is much thinner than the Japanese knife, and it is actually more vulnerable to damage.

Although the Japanese three-eight large cover plus the bayonet is long, (the total length is 127.6cm, the upper bayonet can reach 166.3cm), the length is far beyond the anti-war knife, but the three-eight-type rifle weighs 3730g, plus the bayonet weighs 4100g, the weight is also far more than the anti-war knife, and it is not flexible.

So the big knife can also fight the bayonet.

Whether it is the combat records of China and Japan, or the memoirs of veterans, the Japanese army has a clear advantage when fighting bayonets.

Other than that! That's the point!

The Eighth Route Army and the devils fought bayonets, not all because there were no bullets. Because the weapons were too poor; and because the Japanese army's equipment was not fully automatic, when the devils changed the bullets, the Eighth Route Army had already rushed to the front, and the Japanese could only be forced to fight bayonets.

Are the Eighth Route Army all running champions— the Eighth Route Army rifle has a range of about 150 steps to shoot the enemy. Considering the saving of bullets and the effective killing, the Eighth Route Army was often less than 150 steps away from the Japanese army.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

Fighting with the devils for range and rate of fire the Eighth Route Army is a loss. Therefore, when the Japanese artillery fire switched, the Eighth Route Army would pinch the time and fight hand-to-hand combat.

Really fierce, so close to shoot, basically every battle is a desperate fight, within 150 steps, you die and live! Then rush over and slash people, these are real heroes!

At this moment, Lu Junsheng appeared like a god, and he suddenly caught the eyes of everyone on both sides of the enemy and us!

You can imagine O'Neill rushing into the playground of the third grade (the average height of the Japanese army is 1.66 meters)

Lu Junsheng Tianshen picked up a large knife and rushed into the "vegetable field", chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

Several devils rushed towards Lu Junsheng in cooperation, trying to assassinate the gods,

Nie Shuai said earlier: Two or three Japanese troops cooperated with the bayonet array, and the 10 people of the Eighth Route Army were difficult to win.

The devil thought of using his excellent physical fitness and bayonet skills to make a direct decision.

Lu Junsheng rushed up with a large knife. An iron knife was wielded into a brilliant piece of silver.

Where the big knife flew, the head of the Japanese devil fell to the ground, and the flesh and blood flew...

Lu Junsheng rushed all the way, no ghost could stand and leave, after killing 27 people in a row, the ghost was scared out of his guts...

The cold weapons were handed over, the momentum was the most important, and the Japanese army suddenly declined.

The comrades-in-arms were also shocked by this scene, and seemed to be encouraged by a powerful force, and they raised their swords and shouted angrily, fought bravely, and finally completely repelled the enemy's attack.

You know the legend of Shi Wansheng, the founding fierce man of the Sui Dynasty, before the two armies, Shi Wansheng rode in the dust, first took the first rank of general in front of the battle, and the Turks fled in the wind! These have all really happened...

Lu Junsheng became famous in a world war! The name resounded throughout the Eastward Column, and with the shining stats of 27 kills and 0 deaths N assists, he was awarded the First Class Meritorious Service Medal,

From then on, he was given the nickname "Lü Bu in the Army".

And this time the force split 27 enemies, but also only Lu Tianshen's opening show.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

In December of the same year, Lu Junsheng was selected to study in the school due to his excellent quality. His superiors sent him into the communications company.

While on a mission, they encountered a Japanese squadron, many of whom were composed of puppet troops. Because the puppet army needs to express its sincerity.

In many cases at that time, the Japanese army would carry out tasks with puppet troops, and the Eighth Route Army often dragged the Japanese soldiers first, then annihilated the puppet army with another unit, and then took the captured guns and ammunition, and then turned around and annihilated the ghosts.

As mentioned earlier, the Eighth Route Army generally uses a battalion to fight a squad, 500 to 50, and his communications company faces a squadron!

In this case, as long as you do a good job of concealment, bypass the enemy, or wait for the enemy to pass.

However, Lü Junsheng decided to eat this Japanese army, and after some arrangements, the soldiers each gave an order to the enemy like a fierce tiger descending the mountain with a large knife.

In the end, the communication company killed more than 60 ghosts in one shot in this raid on the white blade battle, and Lu Junsheng hacked 17 to death.

In addition, this time the puppet army gave Lü Junsheng, as well as the equipment of the hungry people on the ground, the God of War, and once again won a first-class meritorious medal.

It's so cool to be a comrade in arms who can be the God of War! You know, not only is it so simple, but there is also the God Protector behind it!

In the next few battles, Lu Junsheng was also brave and invincible. He always wins battles with him, and his generous and heroic personality is also very loved by the soldiers, and he is called "always victorious warrior" by his comrades-in-arms.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

Wu Yusen's violent aesthetic seems to be difficult to interpret this scene perfectly

Grassroots fighters have a simple and easy-to-understand explanation for military merit.

First-class merit, take life in exchange; second-class merit, there is disability; third-class merit, sweating.

Another explanation that may be more understandable is:

The third class merit is led by standing, the second class merit is led by lying down, and the family member of the first class merit is collared.

Hebei "Lü Bu" Lü Junsheng This is already the second time to get a first-class merit!

In 1940, the Hundred Regiments War, the entire northwest of Jin Was chaotic into a pot of porridge, the commander of the Eighth Route Army was helpless against the Devil's Bunker, it was too much!

Lü Junsheng's large knife was too famous, everyone forgot that he was a human flesh mortar, Lü Junsheng took the initiative to ask for help, he reminded the chief: I use a grenade to be a mortar in the eyes of others! He selected five brave men with large waists and round waists in the army to form an elite bombardier, and along the way, he used his miraculous grenade throwing to blow up countless devils' bunker turrets.

This was much more accurate than mortars and mortars, and they threw grenades directly into the window of the turret, and the devils were really out of luck, cursing and grinning and narrowing all the windows, only enough to extend the gun half way to protect themselves.

When his second battalion commander aimed his Italian cannon at the county seat of Ping'an, Lü Junsheng was also ready to attack outside the city of Gaoyi County in Shijiazhuang.

According to the situation of reconnaissance in advance, one by one, but at this moment, the originally smooth offensive was forcibly stopped by a hidden bunker, watching the comrades around them continue to fall.

Lü Junsheng ran to the bunker with a big arrow at the moment of a thousand gunshots, but the explosive package accidentally fell halfway, at this time, he went back to get the explosive package and would be aimed, and even more so, the attack was imminent, and the time was urgent.

Lü Junsheng clenched his teeth and reached out to grasp the machine gun barrel that was stretched out -- the barrel of the gun that had been shooting for a long time had become a soldering iron, but Lü Junsheng's eyes were fast, his palms were smoking, his body was fighting, and he pulled out the ghosts in the bunker with one hand.

At that moment, people and guns should not have thought of it.

At this time, the large troops also launched a general offensive...

Later, in the battle of Yanjiazhuang, he led a company to enter no man's land on the battlefield, killing 108 Japanese troops, and the whole company was not killed except for one wound.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

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This was a miracle in an era when there were huge differences in equipment, physical strength, and tactical accomplishment.

This was a miracle in the era when the strength of the enemy and us was very different. After this war, his superiors gave Lü Junsheng the title of "Heroic Company Commander", and the six companies he led at that time were also named Heroic Company.

In the Battle of the Two Temples, a hidden machine-gun bunker blocked the Eighth Route Army's way to death, and Lü Junsheng once again destroyed the bunker with an ultra-far-reaching precision grenade.

The Dark Castle could no longer stop Lu Tianshen's footsteps. This grenade is far away, accurate, and powerful, invincible!

The enemy vowed to kill him and sent large troops to search the target area. Lü Junsheng stubbornly circled with the enemy for 20 days, teasing the enemy on the palm of his hand.

This is more than 20 days of zero supply of wild survival, relying on the bark dead leaves and rain to maintain life at the same time, but also to find out the bottom of the enemy army, and finally retreated, pulling up the mountain at the same time also have wisdom blessing, so that Lu Junsheng perfect escape.

Lü Junsheng once led seven members of the martial arts team into the village, but was unexpectedly discovered by the enemy, and when he saw that it was the god Lü Junsheng, hundreds of Japanese devils surrounded the village and prepared to trap Lü Junsheng.

Lu Junsheng did not panic at all, and quietly touched out of the village by himself, killing 11 people along the way.

After leaving the village, in order to relieve the armed workers in the village, he attacked the Japanese garrison alone, snatched some weapons and left.

Wei Wei save Zhao! Unexpected or not? This is a brave and resourceful warrior king.

At that time, the comrades-in-arms recalled Lu Junsheng: he was simply the god of war, fighting devils was like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, the key was that he could also make strange moves repeatedly.

When serving as a reconnaissance staff officer, in order to find out the situation of the sentry, Lu Junsheng looked at the sentry across the road, suddenly burst out, several arrows rushed over, one grabbed a sentry, and the company took a gun under his armpit, turned his head and ran! Run out of two miles! Into the green yarn tent!

It's scary, it's scary! The underarm devil sentry didn't pass out, right?

The ghosts in the stronghold didn't even have time to fire their guns, and watched as their sentries were gone!

When he first arrived at the wugong team, Lü Junsheng and seven comrades encountered five Japanese ghosts outside the Japanese stronghold.

Because they were too close to the stronghold to shoot, eight people rushed up...

Before the devil who walked in the front could react, he was punched in the face by Lu Junsheng and killed on the spot.

The second devil was just about to shout when Lu Junsheng squeezed his throat with his backhand.

The third devil was entangled with his comrades-in-arms, and Lu Junsheng turned around and broke the devil's neck with his bare hands.

He alone killed three of them.

The remaining six people cleanly resulted in two devils,

In 1944, Lü Junsheng was finally injured, and unable to withstand the persuasion of the chief, Lü Junsheng finally agreed to go to The Hongji Hospital in Ji'nan to recuperate.

Just in good health, I was in a hurry to return to the team. It felt really good to go home, and I was happy, and on the way, I happened to meet the local anti-Japanese hoeing team to carry out the hoeing operation, and Lu Junsheng participated with great interest.

Boom! How happy that is!

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

Lü Junsheng's name was thunderous in the military, and even the devils knew about it, and the local cadres certainly welcomed him to join.

But it's tragic! This is the traitor setting up an ambush.

At the moment of crisis when the hoeing team was surrounded, Lü Junsheng took a few steps back, kicked down the brick wall with a deep voice, and reached out to pull out the traitors and the puppet army commander inside.

Holding the two lackeys hostage is out of danger...

A good ambush was broken by a kick, and the traitor was bitter in his heart!

In 1950, after repeatedly brushing countless copies of the Hall of The King of Yama, Lü Junsheng was invited to Beijing to attend the National Conference of Representatives of Combat Heroes, where he was received by Chairman Mao and was named a national combat hero (there are 350 ace gods here!). The luck of the Eighth Route Army, the good fortune of China! )。

And enough for an ordinary soldier to touch the first-class merit of the general star, Lü Junsheng was able to take eight solid first-class skills.

After this conference, Lu Junsheng chose to return to his hometown to do some practical things.

Chairman Mao shook Lü Junsheng's hand and said, "I know you, you are very powerful." Who is Lü Junsheng?

He missed the 1955 title.

However, Lu Junsheng did not care, but took the initiative to serve as a member of the party branch in his hometown and refunded the excess salary.

On November 22, 1970, Lu Tianshen turned 63 years old. On this day, the brigade invited a film projectionist, and the village wanted to see a movie! So much fun!

The old man Lü Junsheng was invited to the first row, and towards the end of the movie, watching the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army defeat the Japanese and win the victory...

Perhaps in front of the curtain of the anti-Japanese movie screen in the screening, the old man will remember the cold winter of 1937 when he signed up to join the Eighth Route Army, when the Japanese army in Nanjing brandished a butcher's knife at an unarmed civilian, and the iron hooves trampled all over most of China...

Even if the long night is difficult to see, some people give their lives to raise a lamp!

After 8 years of bloody battlefield, China's victory made him laugh and leave the world in laughter!

The old gods died without disease,

The hero of the battle left in an unexpected way

Victory laughed and drove the crane away, and then beheaded the yellow demon with his comrades-in-arms.

Born a hero and died heroically, he wrote a legendary and perfect ending for his legendary life.

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