
After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

As the saying goes, "Kill and behead." In ancient times, there was a very cruel way of death, that is, everyone heard of "beheading".

Therefore, in ancient societies, when people were killed, many times they needed to cut off their heads to get revenge.

And we all know that in ancient times, the status of emperors was very precious, almost never sentenced to death, and no one could offend. And there is such a person, named Wang Mang. His head was regarded as a "treasure" by successive royal families, and it was collected for a full two hundred and seventy-two years.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

So why is that? What is so precious about Wang Mang's head? Is there any special reason for this? In fact, if you want to understand the reasons, you still have to start from the special historical background of the time, and you must also start from Wang Mang.

Wang Mang's origins

In fact, according to historical records, Wang Mang's family background is still relatively strong, and it can also be regarded as the origin of a famous nobleman. However, the so-called fate tricker, although he has a good background, but in fact, Wang Mang can only make his fortune after experiencing a lot of tribulations.

Because at that time, Wang Mang was actually a character who was not born at the right time. At that time, his father died unfortunately before he was crowned a prince, so Wang Mang did not take advantage of the family to a certain extent.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

Therefore, Wang Mang was actually very pitiful when he was a child, lonely and bitter. Therefore, since childhood, Wang Mang has studied very hard and wants to make up for his own shortcomings. However, wang Mang, who was not born at the right time, was difficult to succeed, because in the Han Dynasty at that time, because there was no imperial examination, so the official was mainly based on his family background or fame. Unfortunately, Wang Mang did not have these two items at that time.

However, because Wang Mang was very obedient and hardworking at that time, and the other children of the Wang family were very publicity, so, in contrast, Wang Mang was recommended by many other ministers, so that he had the opportunity to enter the dynasty as an official.

However, at first, Wang Mang was not used seriously. But then something happened. It was Wang Mang's second son who beat a house slave to death, and Wang Mang was very angry when he found out, and beat his second son together, but later, Wang Mang committed suicide because he was angry.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

At that time, this matter was immediately sensational, and people thought that Wang Mang's tutoring was strict. In ancient times, there was a great emphasis on etiquette and tutoring. That's it, he was praised by many people, so he was also reused.

Wang Mang usurped Han

In this way, Wang Mang, who was reused, deeply felt in his heart that the power was not easy to come by. So it is even more urgent to make quick gains and strive hard.

There was even a big thing that happened at that time, that is, Wang Mang at that time, in order to dominate, even poisoned the emperor at that time, that is, the Hanping Emperor, and then let the little prince come to power, and he became a false emperor himself.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

However, Wang Mang was insatiable, and later, he even forced his aunt to give way, let Hou himself usurp the throne, became emperor, and changed the name of the country himself.

In this way, Wang Mang ended the rule of the Han Dynasty. In fact, there have been many usurpers in history, but what can make Wang Mang finally controversial is his series of reform measures.

After Wang Mang came to power, he began to reform according to Zhou's etiquette, but his reforms had no results, and even caused great chaos and intensification of struggles in the whole society. In fact, because Wang Mang was born into poverty, many measures now seem to be for the sake of the country and society at that time, but at that time, people did not have this kind of awareness, and many people felt that Wang Mang's measures were too inappropriate, so it caused a lot of turmoil in society, and people's lives were not peaceful enough. Therefore, Wang Mang's series of practices actually aggravated social unrest, and the people did not have a good life.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

Moreover, since Wang Mang was already usurping the throne, coupled with his own management not in place, this caused the people to disobey his various management. And as the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Therefore, because of the unfavorable rule of Wang Mang, it led to the revolt of many people.

Therefore, although Wang Mang did not reign for a long time, he spent a lot of time dealing with various uprisings and riots. And he himself is also very helpless.

The secret of the skull

In this way, under the rise and fall of various uprisings, Wang Mang's rule faced the crisis of an end. As a result, Wang Mang finally died. Regarding Wang Mang's head, there is actually a historical story.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

According to a legend in history, Wang Mang fled various uprisings and pursuits during the failure of his reign, and eventually, on his way to escape, he was cut off by a businessman.

What was even more miraculous was that when Wang Mang's head fell to the ground, a small white snake actually crawled out of it. What was even more shocking was that the white snake actually began to speak, saying: "It is possible to live forever without a head." Then it went underground and disappeared. So the merchant took the head and ran, only to be chased by the officers and soldiers, so he had to lose his head and flee in a hurry. So the head was owned by the officers and soldiers.

Of course, this is only a legend, but Wang Mang's head has indeed been preserved. Moreover, it has been cherished by future generations. Although it is impossible to restore history, there is a saying that the future emperors have Wang Mang's head, in fact, they want to warn and warn their ministers that they cannot rebel, and if they rebel, they will end up like Wang Mang.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

Therefore, in this way, Wang Mang's head, as a symbol of a traitor and a thief, has been preserved, never thrown away, and used to warn future generations. Although it sounds cruel, it is also a powerful warning and a great shock.


Reading this, the story about Wang Mang's head is actually very clear and clear. And the meaning of his head is also very clear.

In today's society, of course, there will be no more such brutal means. But we should also understand that when setting up the system, it should be considered by many people.

After Wang Mang's death, the head was regarded as a "treasure" by the imperial family for 272 years, what is special

In fact, all along, the ancients have pursued a kind of justification. The reason why Wang Mang will be treated in this way and cannot have a whole corpse after death is actually because Wang Mang himself came to power because of the usurpation of the throne, many people were not convinced, and his measures were problematic, which led to the intensification of contradictions.

Throughout the ages, only talented people can truly rule for a long time, and those who are selfish can hardly really stabilize their position.

Therefore, we should learn from history. Understand that as long as you have talent, in fact, it will not be buried, so you must strive to play your own advantages to do your own work.

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