
Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, with the development of navigation technology, Japan has had friendly exchanges with China and learned from China's advanced culture. Nowadays, there are still many Han and Tang Cultures in Japan, and even there are many Chinese characters in Japanese, and the Japanese are very humble and polite, which makes people feel that the Japanese are particularly friendly. Is this really the case?

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

In fact, from history, you can know the answer. Japan is an extremely aggressive country, and whenever it has the opportunity, it will want to invade China, indicating that the Japanese still have wolf ambitions in their bones. As early as the Tang Dynasty, Japan began to show its ambitions. Of course, because Japan and China are across the sea, Japan will often use Korea as a springboard, planning to invade the Korean region first and then invade China.

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

In 663, Japan attempted to invade and occupy Tang allies in Korea and fought with the Tang fleet in the sea, the Battle of Baekjeongkou. As a result, Japan was defeated in four battles and was beaten by the Tang Dynasty. After seeing the gap between the strength of the Tang Dynasty and its own strength, Japan completely submitted to China. Japan constantly sent Tang envoys to China to study and expressed submission to the Tang Dynasty, and even the name "Japan" was taken by the Tang rulers. The Battle of Baijiangkou made Japan afraid to think about China for hundreds of years. However, the ambition in his bones cannot be changed.

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

During the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan sent two expeditionary expeditions to conquer Japan. Due to the typhoon on both occasions, and the fact that the samurai swords of the Tang Dynasty were indeed sophisticated, the Japanese successfully repelled the Yuan Dynasty's army. After that, Japan no longer looks up to China, but wants to sit on an equal footing with China. However, at that time, Japan invaded the Yuan Dynasty, so both sides were at peace.

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Japan entered the Warring States Era, and various samurai ronin and merchants were unconstrained, and they began to harass and plunder the coast of China, which brought great trouble to the Ming Dynasty. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang once wrote to Japan, asking for the samurai Ronin to take care of himself. However, Japan did not bird Zhu Yuanzhang at all, because these Japanese Wokou came to rich China to grab too many things, which was much better than Japan, a barren land. Therefore, many samurai ronin came to plunder, and the Japanese government could not control it at all.

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

In the 19th century, Japan's Meiji Restoration successfully learned advanced technology from the West and became a powerful country. At this time, China was ruled by the Qing Dynasty, which closed the country to the outside world, resulting in lagging behind the rest of the world. Japan took the opportunity to launch the Sino-Japanese War, fiercely slaughtering the Qing Dynasty and making itself more powerful, but this did not satisfy Japan.

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

By the early 20th century, due to the change of dynasties and warlord wars in China, the national strength was even more incomparable with that of Japan. Japan brazenly launched a war of aggression against China in an attempt to invade China. In the end, with China's tenacious resistance and the help of its allies, it successfully won the victory.

Historically, why did Japan want to invade China at the first opportunity? In fact, Liu Bowen of the Ming Dynasty had already seen through all this. At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to fight Japan, but was stopped by Liu Bowen, who explained to Zhu Yuanzhang: Japan is poor and the poor will come to China to harass, Japan is like barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, it likes to gamble with others.

Why did Japan invade China at the first opportunity? 600 years ago, Liu Bowen's words revealed the truth

Therefore, the reason why Japan has always wanted to invade China is because Japan's land is barren, 85% of it is mountainous, and earthquakes often occur, which has cultivated the national ambition of the Japanese to invade others. In fact, Japan is just like those gamblers, as long as they have the capital, they want to fight, win the rich world, lose the turtle shrinking land, anyway, no one can see the broken land of Japan.

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