
She could not have children due to illness, but her husband was affectionate with her for 40 years, and adopted a son and a daughter in his later years

In the Tang Dynasty, Yu Xuanji, a talented woman who married Li Yi and was abandoned, once felt the rarity of having a lover and wrote a famous love poem: Easy to get priceless treasure, rare to have a lover. This poem wrote the truth of too many feelings in the world, and later developed into a saying: Ten thousand and two gold is easy to get, and it is difficult to find a confidant.

Although such sincere true feelings are very rare in the world, they are not completely absent, and it is precisely because of their rarity that they are even more precious. The love story of the famous historian Wu Han and his wife Yuan Zhen is full of ups and downs and twists and turns, and it is deeply moving, that is, a precious love that cannot be bought with ten thousand taels of gold.

Hu Shi's proud disciple, with zero scores in the mathematics test, was admitted to Tsinghua University

In 1909, it was destined to be an era of ups and downs, alternating the old and the new, this year, Wu Han was born in a well-off family in Yiwu, Zhejiang, in that era, readers generally took the road of career, and Wu Han's father Wu Binjue was also admitted to the Qing Dynasty.

From an early age, Wu Han showed a different talent, he was knowledgeable and memorable, intelligent, especially very interested in history. After being admitted to the China Public School in Shanghai, Wu Han became a student of the famous scholar Hu Shi, who was then serving as the principal of the school.

Hu Shi was very appreciative of Wu Han's article "The Economic Situation of the Western Han Dynasty" written in the university, and Wu Han often consulted Hu Shi on academic questions, and Hu Shi always answered carefully. After Hu Shi went to Beijing, Wu Han also went to Beijing to study for Peking University, because he did not score zero in the mathematics test, but he was admitted to Tsinghua University because of his outstanding results in the history of literature.

She could not have children due to illness, but her husband was affectionate with her for 40 years, and adopted a son and a daughter in his later years

After Wu Han was admitted to Tsinghua, his family had already declined, and his life was very poor, and Hu Shi often received Wu Han financially. Hu Shi also wrote a letter to Weng Wenhao, the president of Tsinghua University, to win him the opportunity to study for work, "This family is very poor, I wanted to work and study half time, but he has no acquaintances in Tsinghua, I am afraid that it is difficult to get a work-study opportunity." He can't enroll without a job. I persuaded him to decide to enroll and asked his two brothers for help. I am truly grateful for the help of the two brothers in this matter. During his college years, Wu Han wrote famous articles such as "The Annals of Hu Yinglin", "Hu Weiyong's Party Case Examination", "The Era of the Writings of "Jin Ping Mei" and Its Social Background", and "Peasants in the Ming Dynasty", which were quite famous in the historical circles at that time. When he graduated from university, Hu Shi asked Wu Han to teach at Peking University, and in order to retain talents, Jiang Tingdian promoted Wu Han to a teacher at Tsinghua University, and Wu Han stayed at Tsinghua University to teach Ming history.

Yuan Zhen was ill and paralyzed in bed, but her character and knowledge were not paralyzed

"Good wind with strength, send me to Qingyun", in such an environment, Wu Han can be said to have a bright future, surrounded by many female classmates who admire his talent, but Wu Han is bent on learning and is not moved at all. However, all this changed after seeing Yuan Zhen on the hospital bed.

Yuan Zhenzhi, whose original name was Yuan Zhenzhi, was born in 1907 in Guanghua County, Hubei Province, and when he was 18 years old, Yuan Zhen was admitted to Wuhan University, and he also studied the same major as Wu Han: history, and also published excellent papers such as "Wu Zetian" and "Examination of Chinese Geographical Names". It is precisely because of this common hobby that there will be endless common words between her and Wu Han in the future.

A few years later, the 23-year-old Yuan Zhen was admitted to the Department of History of Tsinghua University, Yuan Zhen's life also seems to be developing in a beautiful direction, if under such circumstances and Wu Han met, then the two of them are definitely a pair of talented women who are envied by outsiders.

But the sky is unpredictable, the heavens at this time with Yuan Zhen made a big joke, Yuan Zhen's father suffered from tuberculosis, which in The 30s china is still an incurable disease, more frightening is that this is a very contagious disease.

Yuan Zhen left school to go home to visit her father, so unfortunately she was infected, her condition became more and more serious, and she became a bone tuberculosis, she was sick for a long time in bed and could not go to class, and Tsinghua University could only cancel Yuan Zhen's student registration.

Replaced by other young girls, in the good years to encounter such a major blow in life, they must be discouraged and lose hope in life.

However, Yuan Zhen is not such a girl who easily bows to life and concedes defeat to fate, even if she lies in a hospital bed for many years, she is still very optimistic and strong, and her optimistic spirit also deeply inspires friends and relatives around her.

Not only that, when communicating with people, Yuan Zhen is always able to talk about the field of historiography that he is good at and express his unique opinions. Wu Han, who met Yuan Zhen for the first time, was deeply attracted to her in this way, even if she was lying on a hospital bed, but her spirit was so shining, and her knowledge was so broad.

Yuan Zhen, who was ill, had always been cared for by her teacher Wu Zhichun and classmate Liang Fangzhong, and later Liang Fangzhong entrusted Wu Han to take care of her because she was going to go to a foreign country.

When I first met Yuan Zhen, Wu Han was 25 years old, Yuan Zhen was 27 years old, this girl who was two years older than herself, lying on a hospital bed but optimistic, strong and knowledgeable, fascinated Wu Han, she was far more attractive and attractive to him than any healthy girl around her, because Wu Han admired her spirit and inner.

She could not have children due to illness, but her husband was affectionate with her for 40 years, and adopted a son and a daughter in his later years

Once when two people discussed academic issues, Wu Han quoted Hu Shi's point of view, but Yuan Zhen refuted this view, and Wu Han admired it very much. Yuan Zhen laughed at Wu Han: "Why are you always three feet shorter in front of Hu Shi?" Wu Han said, "Then, I am a foot shorter in front of Yuan Zhen!" Not only in terms of knowledge, but also in terms of his outlook on life, Yuan Zhen is also the leader of Wu Han. When Yuan Zhen was a teenager, he participated in the May Fourth Movement in his hometown, propagated patriotic ideas, boycotted Japanese goods, and was expelled from school for losing his long hair and leading the revolution.

In 1922, Yuan Zhen drafted the "Declaration of Establishment" for the Hubei Women's Suffragette, and Wu Han admired the literary style after reading it. Yuan Zhen joined the Communist Party of China very early, her uncle Yuan Shutang died because of the revolution, and her sister Yuan Puzhi was also a communist who embarked on the revolutionary road under the influence of her uncle.

Many years later, Wu Han recalled: Yuan Zhen played a great role in our inclination toward the party, toward the revolution, and in our conversion to Marxism-Leninism.

Yuan Zhen was lying on the bed unable to move because of bone tuberculosis, basically in a semi-paralyzed state, it would be good for others not to think that she was a burden, but Wu Han took good care of her and loved her, how could Yuan Zhen not be deeply moved.

He often went to exchange academic issues with Yuan Zhen, who was lying on the hospital bed, and discussed life problems, even if he talked for an hour or two, he did not feel tired, and there seemed to always be endless words between the two people.

Although Wu Han was devoted to Yuan Zhen, yuan Zhen also admired Wu Han very much, but she considered her condition and rejected Wu Han's love for the sake of Wu Han's future considerations.

After Yuan Zhenzhi's sister Yuan Puzhi was released from prison, she came to Beijing and took Yuan Zhen out of the hospital. Wu Han asked Yuan Puzhi to help copy the "Records of Li Dynasty" and gave her 40 yuan a month as a reward, in fact, to solve Yuan Zhen's living expenses and medical expenses.

Outsiders feel very strange about Wu Han's behavior, because Yuan Zhen is not only older than him, but also has been sick in bed for many years, and even life cannot take care of himself, and they are talking about it one after another, and Wu Han explained to them: "Yuan Zhen is sick and paralyzed in bed, but what I like and pursue is her character and knowledge, and her character and knowledge are not paralyzed, and they are still shining."

This kind of feeling of living and dying together cannot be bought with gold

Outsiders are just talking behind their backs, but after Wu Han's mother heard that her son fell in love with a girl who had been paralyzed in bed for many years and was probably infertile, she rushed from her hometown of Yiwu to Beiping to dissuade her son.

Wu Han couldn't bear to make her mother sad, so she lied to her that Yuan Zhen's illness was much better, and she went to a foreign country to recuperate. In this way, Wu Han coaxed his mother to return to his hometown.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wu Han went to Yunnan University to teach, and every month she would send living expenses and write letters to Yuan Zhen, and with the support of Wu Han's love, Yuan Zhen's health gradually improved, and in the spring of 1939, she was finally able to walk on the ground.

The first thing Yuan Zhen did after he was able to walk was to go to Yunnan with his sister and sisters to find Wu Han, and she wanted him to see what she looked like when she stood up.

However, this time, Yuan Zhen not only met Wu Han, but also met Yuan Zhen's mother, who had long been here, and she was disappointed to see that her future daughter-in-law was originally such a sick look. My mother advised Wu Han that as long as you don't marry Yuan Zhen, I will sell all the houses and land in my hometown and treat her illness.

She could not have children due to illness, but her husband was affectionate with her for 40 years, and adopted a son and a daughter in his later years

Wu Han said a very touching word to his mother: "You are completely wrong! The human spirit cannot be exchanged for money, otherwise wouldn't it be a beggar? We love each other because we are indispensable to each other in this life and this life, and I can't live without her, and she can't live without me. This kind of co-existence and co-death feeling cannot be bought with ten thousand gold! Whether we marry or not depends not on me, but on her. She is well and willing to get married, I will definitely marry her, and if she is not willing to get married, I will also take care of her for the rest of my life. ”

Wu Han was so determined that his mother could do nothing with him, but thanks to God's care, Yuan Zhen's body gradually recovered, and they held a wedding ceremony in October 1939. "In heaven wish to be a winged bird, in the earth wish to be a branch", after many tribulations, this pair of bitter mandarin ducks finally came together, and a hand held is a lifetime.

Since the first sight of Yuan Zhen, Wu Han has made plans to take care of her life, when Yuan Zhen suffered from uterine fibroids and needed blood transfusions, Wu Han knew that he was the same as his wife's blood type, and often gave his wife blood transfusions, so he suffered from cerebral anemia and fainted several times during class.

Yuan Zhen advised him: "You don't have to transfuse blood for me anymore, I'm like this anyway, there is not much difference between living one more year and living one less year!" Wu Han comforted his wife: "I can't live without you in my life." In order for you to recover soon, what does it matter if I live ten years or eight years less! ”

Wu Han used his own class fee to buy medicine for Yuan Zhen to see a doctor, buy meat stew soup to supplement nutrition, but he wore worn-out clothes and shoes all day, and walked a long way to class every day, so the affection of ten years was really touching and rare in the world.

Under the influence of Yuan Zhen, Wu Han also gradually embarked on the revolutionary road and joined the Communist Party of China. Because Yuan Zhen's body could not have children, the two people adopted a daughter and a son from the orphanage, the daughter was called Wu Xiaoyan, the son was called Wu Zhang, and the arrival of the two children made the couple also enjoy the joy of parenthood and make up for the shortcomings of life.

Yuan Zhen did not live up to Wu Han's affection, after her health improved, she provided full support to her husband's work and scholarship, and with the help of his wife, Wu Han published many works such as "The Mirror of History", "History and Characters", "Under the Lamp" and so on. Wu Han is very grateful for his wife's efforts, he said: "Every article I write has Yuan Zhen's painstaking efforts!"

After the Cultural Revolution began, Wu Han was criticized for the historical drama "Hai Rui Dismissal", and then arrested and imprisoned, his wife Yuan Zhen was also implicated, and in March 1969, Yuan Zhen, who was tortured, passed away, and in October of this year, Wu Han also died unjustly.

Life is impermanent, and the Slovaks have gone, but their love with bitterness and hardship has always touched the people of future generations.

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